At this moment, in the wilderness outside Ankara.

At the far end of the battlefield, three sword energies are turning magnificently.

They are like pillars of light that shoot up into the sky, two of which are extremely majestic, and the one in the middle is blood-red, with a frightening murderous aura, coming down from the sky.

Yegus glanced over here and immediately accelerated his escape, wanting to return to his fleet as soon as possible.

For it, this is an opportunity.

That human did not chase it, but chased the evolver of the mysterious civilization, so it can leave calmly. On a battlefield of their level, a few seconds and a distance of several hundred meters can result in two outcomes.

Yegus knew that the evolutionist of the Shengui civilization cheated, but it did not take any action on this matter. First, it was too late to do anything in the battle, and second, it was meaningless to report it upward because it had no evidence. Under normal circumstances, if a life or a civilization cheated in the civilization battlefield and used a method that did not conform to the level rules of the civilization battlefield to obtain power that should not have, then they would be discovered by the civilization battlefield itself at the first time, and then given a "judgment". The parties involved would be directly erased and their civilization would be punished. However, the evolutionist of the Shengui civilization did not cheat. Yegus guessed that it was probably related to the strange space at that time. There, it did not belong to the civilization battlefield and was not monitored by the civilization battlefield. Therefore, the cheating of the evolutionist of the Shengui civilization was not discovered, let alone punished.

In addition to this automatic mechanism, it can only be reported manually, and manual reporting requires evidence. Yegus has no evidence, so there is nothing to report, and it feels that there is no need to report at the moment.

Because Lin Qun's three sword energies have locked the evolutionist of the Shengui civilization to death!

Compared with Yegus's escape, the evolver of the Shengui civilization was almost desperate at this moment.

As soon as the reincarnation space ended, it turned into a black arrow and flew out, desperately escaping.

The darkness that made up its body had almost been killed by the sword energy of Zhuxian just now. Now less than one thousandth of it remained, and its injuries were extremely serious.

It attracted the power of its own god to descend, allowing it to go one step further from the level of evolver to the level of the second-level civilization battlefield. In its mind, it should have swept Lin Qun and Yegus and completely determined their victory, but who would have thought that it would end up in a big defeat even if it cheated!

And now, it was horrified to find that its escape direction seemed to be completely locked by Lin Qun.

In the distance, Lin Qun, wearing a Mark 50 nano battle suit and holding the Zhuxian broken sword, was coming quickly, and his three sword energies were faster than him.

In the few seconds since the reincarnation desperate situation opened, they had already killed from Lin Qun's position, and two sword lights strangled from the side.

The dark parts of the body that the evolutionists of the mysterious civilization tried to disperse and escape were all strangled in the terrible sword energy.

The sword energy was extremely powerful, as if it was its natural nemesis. It was ups and downs, multiplying its power. All of its dispersed bodies were strangled in one second, but it was impossible to stop it.

The fifth second after the end of the desperate situation of reincarnation.

It has been forced into a desperate situation.

If it was in its prime, it might still be able to force its way out.

After all, this is not the desperate situation of reincarnation. With its unique life situation, it can survive as long as it can escape a little.

But it just asked the "God" to come in the desperate situation of reincarnation, and was hit hard again. Now it is unprecedentedly weak. In a few seconds, it tried to break through hundreds of times, but all the darkness that was dispersed was strangled, and its breath weakened further.

And around it, there is already a magnificent sword energy in the air, as brilliant as an iron wall, locking it in the center!

Right in the center...

The blood-colored giant sword rolled up the violent aura that soared into the sky, rising majestically and about to cut down!

As long as this sword cuts down, the evolutionist of the Shengui civilization will be killed in one blow!

At this moment, the dark body of the evolutionist of the Shengui civilization under the three sword auras is no longer as magnificent and powerful as before. On the contrary, it shrank into a ball and was already very rare. Its dark body was covered with a touch of miserable blood.

Through the sword light, it saw the human behind the sword light.

That human was also covered with blood and violent aura, like a killing god from hell, which made it feel boundless fear in a trance!

It had only had such a feeling when facing its own god, and never thought that it would have such a feeling when facing a human life.

At that moment, it had a dreamlike feeling.

It had slaughtered tens of thousands of humans, and had stood on a sea of ​​blood and corpses to admire the incompetent and weak human natives twisting and mutating under its power, and watched the horror, despair and madness of itself turning into a monster. From those emotions, it gained joy, and also got the clearest message: such a weak civilization could not become a stumbling block for their mysterious civilization, but could only be the cornerstone of contribution points to push them towards victory.

It had asserted that this civilization would perish in this battlefield of civilizations, and that they would never be able to give birth to an evolver, let alone an existence that surpassed the level of an evolver.

But now...

Those emotions of despair and fear...

Those weak lives...

And the human being who appeared in front of it at this moment, was so different.

How could this be possible?

How could it be possible for indigenous life and human civilization to reach this point? How could anyone possibly do this?

With three sword energy, Lin Qun's attack has reached the source energy level.

It is inevitable and certain to die.

In a desperate situation, the Evolver of Divine Creation still refused to give up its struggle. Its voice sounded out of thin air in Lin Qun's heart, and it spoke very fast. In one second, it almost poured out its thoughts.

"Human, we can make a long-term plan. You don't need to kill me. As long as you don't kill me, I and my civilization are willing to surrender to you. I can introduce you to our God, and He will bestow favors on you, and you will have everything. Far more than other indigenous civilizations, you will also receive gifts. You will be more powerful than you are now. As long as you don’t kill me, you and your civilization will ascend. Believe me..."

But what he said about it.

Lin Qun's answer was the sword edge pressing down from the sky.

The two surrounding sword energy blocked the four directions, locking the evolvers of the divine civilization to death. Under the mighty aura, the evolvers of the divine civilization had no way to escape, and there was no way to avoid them!

The blood-colored violent sword energy descended fiercely!

His voice came from behind Jian Qi at this moment.

There is a thrilling aura and jest in the pride.

That was his answer to the evolvers of the divine civilization.

"Where is your 'god' now?

"Why doesn't it care about you?!

“Go and pray to your ‘god’ and pray that it will save you!!!

"Let me see if it has that ability!!!"

At this moment, the whole world was shrouded in blood.

In the picture of the Ankarazhi Command Center, among the three sword qi, the central sword qi shot up to the sky with blood, and its vicious energy swept across, almost penetrating the sky and the earth.

The evolutionizer of the mysterious civilization in the center of those sword auras... was as small as an insignificant speck of dark dust at this moment.

In Ankara, Thomas murmured: "It turns out that evolution can be so insignificant..."

At this moment, the Ankara Command Center was deathly silent.

People looked at the scene before them almost dreamily.

At this moment, time and space seemed to slow down.

The huge sword energy that was slowly pressing down, as if in slow motion, fell unstoppably but slowly in the eyes of countless people and countless creatures.

Finally hit with a bang.

The howl of the evolutionizer of the divine civilization echoed throughout the world at this moment.

It’s not just the wilderness outside Ankara’s jurisdiction.

Even in the distant urban area of ​​Ankara, its desperate and dying cries can be heard.

It spread in all directions, giving everyone who heard it a chilling feeling.

It was the terror of dying.

It used its last strength to resist, but it was meaningless. Three sword energies had locked it, and it melted in the boundless light.

All its resistance and all the power it aroused were dispelled before its eyes, and became invisible under the bloody light of the soaring sword energy.

The terrifying and violent energy contained in the main sword energy seemed to have the ability to dissolve all things. Under this sword energy, it watched everything in it fall to pieces.

It looks to the sky with hope.

It is looking forward to the coming of its god.

Looking forward to its god being able to give this human being the biggest counterattack against his contempt and ridicule just now.

It silently prays to its god in its heart.

Desire His help.

Help it, help its civilization.

But there was no response until the last moment.

All it got was deep and boundless despair. It watched helplessly as the bloody giant sword fell from the sky, and boundless rage enveloped it.

It disappeared in the endless blood.

At the last moment, it saw itself standing in a sea of ​​blood and corpses in Spring City.

That was the happiest moment when it arrived on the battlefield of this Blue Star civilization.

It destroyed the entire Spring City.

More than three million humans died overnight, and one million of them were turned into monsters by it. Driven by it, they rushed out of Spring City, spreading fear and death like a plague, and it stood in Spring City of depth.

Mountains of corpses piled up at its feet.

Among the corpses were occasionally human beings who had not yet died. They struggled desperately to get out of the pile of corpses, but did not remember to escape. Instead, they rushed towards it desperately, trying to shake it with their weak bodies and strength.

But how is that possible?

It didn't even need to look at them.

Those are distortions.

Or the head is separated from the body.

Either a new life with intelligence grows from the severed limb, or it festers into a huge sarcoma.

When they died, they screamed in horror at the horrific changes in their bodies. Those screams did not seem like the sounds that intelligent life could make, but they enjoyed it as much as enjoying an outstanding drama. It liked that feeling very much, that A feeling of being a god, dominating the lives of others.

But there were also unpleasant moments that day.

It saw those eyes.

Those human eyes.

At the moment of death, in the deepest part of the painful struggle, the eyes looking at it were so full of hatred.

It then saw it as the useless rage of an incompetent man.

But today, at this moment, it remembered those blood-red eyes, and suddenly it felt cold all over its body, and it was filled with fear.

It seemed that from that moment on, it was destined to end today.

The humans it killed had no one to help them until they died painfully, but their hatred continues to this day and has never been cut off, until today, another human being executed it here.

And at the moment of its death, its god never responded to its call.

Under the gaze of everyone, the seventh second after the reincarnation space disappeared, and the fourteenth second after Lin Qun's first sword energy rose, the evolver of the mysterious civilization was executed under the majestic blood-colored main sword energy.

Under the blockade of the sword energy, its unique life form could no longer give it any help. It was killed directly, the darkness was wiped out, and it was completely swallowed up by blood.

Just now, it had tried to cooperate with Yegus to execute Lin Qun, but now, it was executed by Lin Qun.

The bloody light of Zhuxian's broken sword flickered for a moment, as if it had swallowed up another soul and absorbed a touch of violence.

In front of Lin Qun, a system prompt popped up again.

Gain contribution points +1.

Gain experience points +5000000.

The experience of the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver is worth 5.5 million contribution points, while the experience of the Shengui Civilization Evolver is 500,000 points less than that. This proves that in terms of pure data strength, the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver is actually worth 5.5 million contribution points. It is higher, but at this level, as long as the basic data strength is not too different, when actually fighting on the battlefield, it still depends on the overall ability.

From the performance point of view, there is no doubt that the evolvers of the Shengui Civilization are more powerful.

But with the multiple rounds of sword energy, Lin Qun's three sword energy at this moment, except for the blood-red sword energy of the main sword energy, the others showed some bleak conditions, and seemed to be almost unsustainable.

Moreover, Lin Qun felt that a terrible anger was rising up along the Zhuxian Broken Sword, trying to impact his sanity.

He basked in the sun and could endure it.

Lin Qun felt an unprecedented sense of comfort in his heart.

Along the way, he finally killed the divine evolutionizer of civilization!

Tens of millions of people died and countless lives were lost in Northeast China. Now, the blood debt has been paid with blood!

He fulfilled mankind's blood-hate promise with practicality.

Kill the aliens!

Lin Qun's attack also brought great shock to the entire audience. However, unlike Ankara's deathly silence on mankind, other civilizations, such as the Silicon-based Civilization and the Linyuan Civilization, had already seized the opportunity and prepared to retreat.

Because the battle has been decided.

No matter how unbelievable or surprising the current results are, they must accept the facts before them and make the most accurate judgment.

They must retreat.

While the forest group was killing the evolvers of the Shengui Civilization in a shocking manner, they had already begun to retreat.

As for those miscellaneous alien civilizations that had been controlled by the divine civilization, at this time, after the evolution of the divine civilization died, their sanity was all restored. After being at a loss for a moment, they all became frightened, somewhat unclear, and with the surrounding people. People are fighting in a melee. They are not a civilized life in the first place. They are all together because of the methods of the divine civilization evolvers. Now that there is no influence, naturally they are red-eyed again. Some civilized lives are more cunning and rely on the remaining The memory realized that something was wrong, and began to retreat quickly, wishing to put on wings and leave here as soon as possible.

Lin Qun also started a new round of actions at this moment.

He doesn't have much time.

Maintaining the Zhuxian Sword Qi requires a huge price.

Every second must be cherished.

His shot and time must be accurate to the second.

Therefore, the moment he successfully killed the evolver of the Shengui Civilization, Lin Qun changed the direction of his attack without hesitation, directly rolling up three sword energy of killing immortals. Three sword lights as magnificent as pillars roared into the sky. In an instant, the sword was thousands of miles away. Refers to the orbital civilization giant ship Ankara governs the position of the space orbit!

It took a lot of time just to kill the evolver of the Shengui Civilization. Yegus has long since disappeared and is completely unable to catch up. Even if he can catch up, with the ability of the evolver, if he tries to distance himself a little and wants to run, there is no chance. , Lin Qun can't afford it.

But this always works!

The silicon-based civilization giant ship is preparing to leave and is in the acceleration stage. At this moment, it is Lin Qun's opportunity.

Although there are no evolvers in the silicon-based civilization, they must have means to be among the top civilizations, and they have never done so. The threat is no less than that of the evolvers!

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