Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 405 Sweeping all directions

Twenty-five hours after the end of the Ankara War.

Yangcheng survivor base.

When the morning sun returns to America, a new dark night is also ushering in here.

However, things are not peaceful in Yangcheng. Li Lianhe's people are burning, killing and looting everywhere in their final madness.

This was Li Lianhe's personal order to release his people. His original words were: "The alien civilization is over. The latest news is that both Linyuan Civilization and Silicon-based Civilization have escaped. Mr. Lin defeated the Black Sheep Civilization in one battle." After the killing, the next one will come to us. No matter what, we will die, so why not go crazy in the end? "

However, his brother went out to make some noise.

But Li Lianhe nervously took his favorite woman and wanted to escape.

This is his plan.

There are definitely so many people who can't run away.

But Blue Star is so big, and he is not a strong person with a good reputation on the rankings. If he runs away like this, can he really be found in the future?

Unfortunately, he was wrong.

He was blocked before he left the city.

The man, wearing a battle suit, descended from the sky and said coldly: "I heard that you were the one who wanted to hand me over to a foreign civilization before? I think you are the one who deserves to die!"

Hearing these words, Li Lianhe's face turned green. He couldn't stand steadily and suddenly fell to the ground: "You, you, you, you are Lin Qun!"

"Of course it is me!"

Lin Qun stretched out his hand, pulled him up, and jumped directly into the air. Dark energy surged, and the sound shook the whole city: "I am Lin Qun, and Li Lianhe has been killed by me!"

As he spoke, he drew his sword in the air and beheaded Li Lianhe with one strike!

Blood spilled into the sky.

Below, everyone in Li Lianhe was stunned.

"Lin Qun—it's the Lin Qun who defeated the alien civilization!"

"Oh my god! It's really him, I've heard about that suit!"

"It's over! It's over!"

The faces of these people who were so arrogant just now all changed wildly, their calves were trembling, and some of the people who were committing violence, who were originally strong, simply succumbed!

They were afraid of foreign civilizations, and Lin Qun killed foreign civilizations like butchering dogs, so they were even more afraid of Lin Qun.

Seeing Lin Qun really coming, the fear has reached its peak and everyone is scared to death!

Behind Lin Qun, a huge battleship suddenly emerged from the darkness and landed directly. A large number of federal soldiers poured out and strangled all Li Lianhe's men.

This is the order from Jinling Commander-in-Chief.

No mercy will be given to the perpetrators of violence!

Only in this way can we serve as a warning and deter other people who think like this!

In the sky, Lin Qun remained motionless. Looking at the scene under his feet, he only felt sad.

These thugs don't care about human beings or the overall situation. They are short-sighted. They clamored to release Lin Qun before. They just wanted to find an opportunity to cause trouble and become the king of the mountain. Now Lin Qun is really here. , they don’t even dare to let go!

I was so scared that I couldn't even hold a gun.

In contrast to the horror of these thugs at this moment, there is the joy of ordinary people in the Yangcheng Survivor Base. They have been bullied by Li Lianhe and others for a long time and have been waiting for this moment.

"The federal troops are finally here!"

"Mr. Lin, is that really Mr. Lin? The number one night shadow in mankind!"

"I'm so ashamed. I was once deceived by Li Lianhe and others, thinking that I should compromise with foreign civilizations. I..."

While high in the sky, Lin Qun glanced at his feet and quickly returned to the battleship.

He didn't come here specifically to deal with Li Lianhe and others.

Although these people were hateful, they were not to the point where Lin Qun wasted his time and took action personally.

He came here this time. Firstly, he wanted to test the combat capabilities of the latest cheering landing ship. Secondly, there was a group of unlucky Taku people dormant around the Yangcheng!

The forest is here for them.

This group of Taku people is also a Taku warlord who wants to stay on the battlefield of Blue Star Civilization to pick up leaks. There are more than 6,000 people in total. Seeing that the situation is not right, they are afraid of exposing their position and do not dare to return to their homeland, so they boldly hide in In the mountainous area near the large human survivor base in Yangcheng, I was probably thinking about the darkness under the light, but in fact, I had already been exposed and was discovered by the Chinese Federation's reconnaissance team.

The forest group came here and were harvesting.

At this moment, after he returned to the bridge of the Cheer landing ship, the 700-meter class Cheer landing ship roared and slowly rose.

Its transportation mission has been completed, and those federal soldiers will be responsible for retaking Yangcheng, and dealing with the Taku people-Lin Qun alone is enough.

The staff on the bridge are somewhat sparse.


This is the cheering landing ship driving team temporarily formed by Chen Weiang. The leader is a young man named Cui Rong. Facing Lin Qun, he was still a little nervous and said: "The noise we made in Yangcheng seems to be a bit big. Those towers It seems that people have discovered us and are running away.”

"They can't escape from this distance."

Lin Qun's eyes were cold: "Attack directly!"

The cheering landing ship rushed out at high speed.

The naval guns are equally famous, bombarding the earth. Under the terrifying range of their beam energy weapons, those Taku people who were fleeing from the mountains were within the range no matter which direction they ran!

The Taku people who had not escaped from the mountainous area fired back randomly, but their shells could not even penetrate the shield of the Cheer landing ship!

Seeing that they could not break through the defenses, the Taku people in the mountainous area were almost desperate.

But what makes them even more desperate is yet to come——

Lin Qun also rushed out at this moment, and took action boldly towards the hilltop where the thermal imaging tower had the most people.

Pegasus Meteor Fist!

A shocking scene on the battlefield appeared.

Lin Qun's punch was infused with 400 dark energy. With one punch, a terrifying fist force was formed. It was faintly like a group of winged Pegasus, whistling away at an extremely fast speed, breaking the speed of sound——


A loud bang!

The energy fist wind of Lin Qun's Pegasus Meteor Fist smashed the mountaintop!

Groups of Taku people died on the spot.

All the Taku people on the mountain and below were stunned.

This was truly a crushing victory.

When the Cheering Landing Ship left here, behind it, there were corpses everywhere and a sea of ​​fire and ruins!

Then, Lin Qun immediately rushed to the next location, relying on the high speed of the Cheering Landing Ship and the information provided by the Federation, strangling everywhere!

If he found a large number of people, he would personally take action.

For those with a small number, he would practice "skills" and directly use the spirit to control the air, the soul out of the body, and sweep with the sword - this is also what Lin Qun discovered during the test. In the soul state, he can also use the sword control technique, but he does not use a real sword, but uses dark energy to transform the sword, which can also sweep a group of alien civilizations!

Moreover, it looks extremely elegant and chic!

——Lin Qun himself sat in the middle, his soul out of the body, in the eyes of others, is to differentiate a dreamy phantom, blink a hundred miles, sweeping the alien civilizations fleeing on the ground, elegant and smooth, like a dream!

Although the soul attribute of Lin Qun's soul out of the body state is not high, most of the skills can be used, and the dark energy value is not low. The sword control technique is combined with the headshot girl skill, which is invincible and kills people invisibly!

Lin Qun found that his soul can also fade through the wall, which ordinary people can't see at all, and can go back and forth in the cheering battleship. It floated past him without anyone noticing.

Of course, Lin Qun also found that his soul didn't seem to be able to get through everywhere.

For example, the warship's engine, shield, etc., high-energy things or pure energy things, it seems that they can't pass through.

Lin Qun played for a while and found that this soul out of body is really useful.

And it feels very wonderful, which is different from the multiple shadow clones.

The latter is to separate a self, and when it is separated, he is no longer himself, until he is taken back, he is himself again, but this one is himself from the beginning, and the one separated is also himself. When it is separated, although his original body can only enter a state of stillness, he can also sense some kind of connection in the dark, and in a moment, he can return to his original body.

Lin Qun also thought that he can even use shadow clones to cooperate in this state.

The shadow clone has no energy, so it is impossible to separate the soul, but the shadow clone is also him. When his original body is wandering and cannot move, his shadow clone can act on his behalf.

In this way, it can be achieved that there is both a movable him and a wandering him, virtual and real, moving synchronously, which may be effective on the battlefield.

Of course, this is of no use on a battlefield of this level.

There is an electronic map in the Cheering Landing Ship, on which the global situation is being gradually improved and updated -

That represents the location where human civilization has established communications.

In the past twenty hours, from Ankara to China, with the efforts of countless humans, humans are trying to digest the results of the war in the shortest time and regain control of the Blue Star.

Of course, this is difficult, and the communication is being restored as much as possible.

The Supreme Commander hopes that within three days, every place with humans can hear the voice of the Federation, know the victory of this war, and report the information about the alien civilization in their location.

And now, the network that the Supreme Commander hopes for is being built step by step.

On the global strategic map, the locations of alien civilizations are marked one after another. Some of them may have only one or two people, and some may have more than a dozen. Only a few have hundreds of people, and very few can reach thousands or even tens of thousands.

—— In the final stage, there are very few who choose to stay in the battlefield of Blue Star civilization.

All of this information comes from the local forces and survivors.

In the past, when they found alien civilizations, they could only hide and stay away from them, but now, humans are sweeping them away.

This map is being shared by the world through various information channels and methods, allowing people to understand their locations.

Each location will not only be shared with the nearby military, but also be informed to the people around in various forms.

People without strength will stay away from them or monitor their movements, while people with strength or federal soldiers will take action, take steps, and rush towards them angrily.

Now, humans have the upper hand.

Maybe some of them are very powerful.

But they are facing dozens or even hundreds of times more humans.

Not only that, masters from all over the world are also taking action.

Sweeping everywhere.

As long as they are found, no matter how many alien civilizations there are, they will all be strangled!

From America to Africa, from Asia to Europe...

Xia Qing, Huang Qizheng, Duan Tianqi...

All have taken action.

On the African continent, the federal soldiers who arrived walked through the ruins, marveling at the horrific destruction caused by the forest, and would never let go of any black sheep civilization life hiding in the corner.

The order of the Jinling General Command was passed to every end.

There would be no mercy for alien civilizations.

But as for their technology and related technological products, as long as conditions permit, they will be seized with all their strength.

Lin Qun was also among them, but he was the most powerful sweeping force, riding on the Cheering Landing Ship, sweeping in all directions. Although the number of alien civilizations was decreasing, he didn't care. He killed wherever he went. Wherever there were alien civilizations, he would slaughter them. If he met someone like Li Lianhe, he would directly attack, drop from the sky, or directly let the Cheering Landing Ship open fire, brazenly firing a beam of energy rays.

It's just a piece of cake, why not do it?

The battlefield of civilization is about to end. The thugs and alien civilizations will become obstacles to the rise of civilization and will be eliminated!

At this time, a new location coordinate was marked.

It was on the Arctic glacier, a group of beast-like alien civilizations, a large number of them, were entrenched on it.

In response to this, the Supreme Commander sent a message to Lin Qun and the large forces: "Don't alarm this alien civilization in the Arctic. At present, they are the only civilizations that meet the civilization conditions of the contestants on the Blue Star battlefield. The rest are basically individuals. Once they are eliminated by us, the civilization battlefield will end directly. Let's wait a little longer and let them think they are hiding. When they are ready to open the space channel to escape, we will take action."

This proposal by the Supreme Commander made many people in the lower-level troops confused. They didn't know why they should be let go.

But Lin Qun had to think that this was delaying the end of the civilization battlefield. Human civilization is recovering, human civilization needs time, and he Lin Qun also needs time. The later the civilization battlefield ends, the later the nomad fleet in space will arrive. No matter what humans choose, there is still time.

As far as Lin Qun knows, the Supreme Commander and Andor have made the news of the upcoming nomad fleet public in the federal high-level. While cleaning up the alien civilization life and restoring human civilization, the upper level has begun to discuss how to deal with the nomad fleet.

But this makes everyone anxious.

According to Yegus's last information, the Nomad Fleet will be more powerful than the four top civilizations combined. This is an extremely terrifying pressure, which makes the mood of the senior officials who saw the dawn and hope after the victory of the Ankarazhi War fall again.

Lin Qun did not participate, only a large amount of information was synchronized.

Yegus's proposal was rejected at the beginning.

Even if Blue Star wins, it is impossible to count the survivors and gather them in a short time. How can it organize an interstellar escape?

Even if it can be organized, where is the equipment? The hyperspace engine has just started to be studied. Not to mention that this cannot be studied in a day or two, even if it is studied in a day or two, building an escape warship is still a huge and time-consuming project.

This is unrealistic and can only be used as the last option-for example, the elites and the sparks use the attacker warships and the cheering landing ships to escape.

Therefore, the existing plan that needs to be discussed is still how to deal with the nomads and whether they can deal with the nomads.

In this regard, the old commander also asked Lin Qun.

In the communication, Lin Qun said: "You can try, but I don't know, because I have never fought with a real space fleet or a source-level powerhouse.".

The old supreme commander just smiled bitterly: "It seems that we still have to prepare for both the Spark Plan and the Confrontation Plan as before. Our space observation equipment has been damaged or lost contact due to the civilization battlefield. We are still recovering the ground ones. I don't know how long it will take to activate them. Although we won, it seems that we have also lost. We know that there are enemies in space, but we can't seem to observe them by optical means by ourselves."

Lin Qun could also hear the huge pressure from the old supreme commander's bitter smile.

That's a space fleet.

No one has ever seen a real space fleet. Those fleets of the top civilizations in the Blue Star battlefield are all in the universe, and they are not of the same order of magnitude as the Nomad Fleet that is approaching now.

Lin Qun looked at the radar in the bridge of the Cheering Landing Ship.

The Cheering Landing Ship cannot be observed either, but its advanced interstellar radar can detect enemies in a star system and has marked the position of the opponent.

The Nomad Fleet is now at the edge of the star system where the Blue Star is located.

This monitoring actually started when Lin Qun just got the news from Brent.

From the attacker warships to the cheering landing ships.

From the beginning of the Battle of Ankara to now.

Their positions have never moved.

They are just parked there.

At the edge of the star system, outside the battlefield of Blue Star civilization.

Like the most patient hunter in the jungle.

Waiting for the moment of opportunity to make a move.

This makes people feel uneasy, like shadows and ghosts lingering behind them...

But as the old supreme commander said, they know they have been there for a long time, but there is no optical means to see their fleet.

No one can give an answer to whether they can resist, because for Lin Qun and the human civilization of Blue Star, they are mysterious and unpredictable, and no one knows how powerful they are.

Not to mention, Yegus mentioned earlier that he might covet the divine kingdom talents obtained by humans, and the "dominant" civilization that is more powerful than the nomads.

This implicit sense of oppression even makes Lin Qun feel cramped.

Because of the unknown——

When the civilized battlefield exists, under the rules set by the Kingdom of God, no matter how powerful the opponents faced by humans are, it is predictable, but facing the starry sky... there are no rules in the starry sky under the law of survival. How powerful is it? Civilization, any kind of terrifying attacks and means may come.

Nomad is just the beginning.

Now, they are all coming.

Blue Star, are you ready?

Humans, are you ready?

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