After hearing what the other party said, Lin Qun said: "This is an information gap that is beneficial to us."

The old man, the supreme commander, said: "So, based on this, we have the first set of combat plans. It is to take the initiative and kill them. Mr. Lin, with the performance of the Raider warship and Cheer landing ship you provided, the lowest The hyperspace jump is two hundred kilometers, and we can jump to them at the edge of our star system as soon as the civilized battlefield ends. "

When Lin Qun heard this, he understood what the old man, the supreme commander, meant.

Taking action first when they think they are safe is the best opportunity to attack.

Lin Qun also learned about the situation of the star system where Blue Star is located.

This galaxy is very similar to the Earth from Lin Qun. It also has a single mature star, and the Blue Star is also located in the third orbit. However, this star system has nine real planets. Even the ninth planet is not big in size. Small.

The Red Star and Hua Star mentioned by the old man, the Supreme Commander, are equivalent to the positions of Mars and Jupiter in the star system where the Earth is located, which Lin Qun is familiar with.

He silently compared them in his mind, and the concept suddenly became clear.

At present, humans only know the location of this Nomad fleet. The Raider battleship and the Cheer landing ship discovered them, but the other party seems to be starting some kind of interference. Their fleet shown on the radar is It was such a large group that one could not even tell how many battleships they had.

"But there are risks." Li Zheng added under the instruction of the old man, the supreme commander, "We don't know the strength of this 'Nomad' fleet. The information Yegus gave us is very general. Nomad Fleet , is the collective name for this kind of fleet that is "fighting the autumn wind" everywhere. The specific Nomad fleet should not be of unified strength. Yegus also said that the Nomad fleet has at least one source energy level strong person. Although we don't know much about this, we can infer from normal thinking that the strength of having such a fleet is definitely not comparable to that of the Uuchi civilization.

“The problem now is that we don’t know what the strength of this Nomad fleet outside our star system is.

"So, if we take the initiative, we may succeed in a surprise attack, but it is also possible that the opponent is extremely powerful. If we attack, we will actually send our own head to the opponent's face."

"I understand what you mean." Lin Qun nodded and replied, "Then, this is the first plan."

"Yes, this is the first plan. The specific details and your thoughts, Mr. Lin, can wait until I finish the second plan." The old man, the supreme commander, replied, "The second plan , it is also very simple, just wait for them to come to Blue Star, or arrive near Blue Star, and then we will take action. The advantage of this plan is that we can attack people later, and the vast majority of humans on Blue Star currently exist. The range of our weapons is very limited at the scale of the starry sky. Not to mention whether our missiles have the ability to reach the edge of the star system. Even if they can, at the scale of the starry sky, no matter how fast our missiles travel in the universe, they are no more than a tortoise. The difference is that they don't need to be intercepted and can be avoided directly. Only when they arrive near Blue Star can we unleash the power of human civilization.

"Of course, there are benefits and risks in doing so. Once they arrive and reach the vicinity of Blue Star, our depth will be minimal and there will be no other room for maneuver.

“In addition, there are other plans such as escape plans and interception bases on the moon, which can be integrated into these two plans.

“That’s the refinement part.

"However, these two plans are only the first stage, measures to touch them first. If we can fight them, there is no need to say that we can fight them. But if we can't fight them and find that we can't fight them, we have to consider The plan for defeat and survival depends on the strength of this nomad fleet.

"And now...

"Mr. Lin, we want to hear your opinion."

The old man, the supreme commander, looked at Lin Qun with bright eyes.

This is a great deal of importance to Lin Qun.

Let Lin Qun choose the final battle.

Rather than being a senior member of the federation, it can be seen that Lin Qun's current strength and status are superior to everyone else in the federation and the entire human civilization. Lin Qun's strength itself is also the key factor that determines this battle.

Lin Qun fell into deep thought.

In fact, the two plans given by the federal military are very simple, but they are also helpless. Humanity is like this now. It hastily responded to the challenge. What plan can it have? It's just a hard fight, it just depends on how you fight.

Lin Qun was silent for a moment and said: "You guys are preparing at Blue Star. I can go over and try it out first. I will drive the Raider battleship and leave the Cheer landing ship behind."

After hearing Lin Qun's words, everyone looked at each other, but no one spoke for a while.

Still Li Zheng said: "The risks here are still a bit high. In fact, we prefer the second option. Although the second option is also very dangerous, you don't have to be implicated. If you drive a raider warship, if Your battleship was destroyed and is at the edge of the star system. How can you come back?

"If the Cheer landing ship cannot reach you, even if you can threaten them, they can completely get out of your way, leave you on the other side of the starry sky, and consume you alive in the large-scale empty starry sky. distance."

Li Zheng was a little worried.

Although the Federation came up with two plans for Lin Qun to judge and choose, as senior military officials, they were not their peers and had their own thoughts and preferences on the two plans.

Lin Qun fell into silence upon hearing this.

Li Zheng's statement is not without reason.

Although he has two warships, he can drive one and the other to meet him, but who knows what means the other party has? What if he can't meet him? If both are broken, they don't even have to care about him, they can just pass him.

Anyway, no matter how fast he is, even if he flies desperately at the first cosmic speed of the Mark 50 nano suit, there is a distance of 15 billion kilometers from the edge of the star system to the blue star. He has to fly for 1.9 billion seconds, more than 30 million minutes!

The terrifying speed on the blue star suddenly becomes unattainable in the starry sky.

After Li Zheng finished speaking, everyone looked at Lin Qun.

In front of Lin Qun, the countdown was coldly moving.

It was about to fall below the seven-hour mark.

He knew that there was not much time left to choose.

At this time, the supreme commander said: "What Xiao Li said makes sense, Mr. Lin, if you choose to attack the edge of the star system, are you sure? If you are not sure, I also suggest taking the second plan. Let them come over, and we will attack. As long as you don't attack first, they don't know that we have such a strong man. Maybe they will bomb first-"

At this point, the supreme commander paused slightly.

Everyone present understood that a round of bombing by the space fleet is not that simple.

And there is no restriction on the civilized battlefield.

If they really bomb, it will be devastating.

It's just that they may not destroy the entire planet because they want the resources on the planet Blue Star.

"This will kill many people-even if we have a shelter." Shan Shilong on the side said softly.

"This will be inevitable. With the ability of the space fleet, we must speculate that as long as the blockade of the civilized battlefield is lifted, they will be able to discover that we exist on the planet Blue Star. Of course, there is another possibility, just as Yegus said, the innate abilities given by the Kingdom of God that we have obtained as indigenous civilizations are also part of the resources. They may not bomb us and will not try to kill too many humans."

Fang Zhixin also spoke.

He stood at the back.

At this time, Chen Weiang on the side took a deep breath and made a very clear statement: "Even if many people will die, we must make a choice. Mr. Lin cannot be in trouble. Even if the Blue Star is lost, Mr. Lin can only escape with the fire and two spaceships we prepared. Mr. Lin is here, he can resist thousands of troops. Our civilization has the power to fight wherever it goes. Mr. Lin is gone. With our current capabilities, escaping is just a free express in the universe."

Lin Qun looked up at him.

In fact, he also began to consider the second plan.

Lin Qun is not that great. He just chose the first one. He really didn't think of the possibility that Li Zheng just said. If he was trapped in the starry sky, he might never come back. People don't need to fight him. Just throw him in the starry sky and go directly. No matter how many trump cards Lin Qun has, it's useless. Without a target, he can't hit anyone with his one-punch superman ability. He has experienced the feeling of not being able to use his strength before. It was during the battle of Daxing. It was more desperate than not being able to beat the opponent. If he was trapped in the starry sky, the situation would be exactly the same as at that time. Unless Lin Qun can also destroy the spacecraft of the nomadic fleet, but now they don't even know the strength of the other party, so they can't plan from the best situation, but have to plan from the worst situation.

Lin Qun is also inclined to the second plan at this time.

If there is no better choice, then you can only accept death and sacrifice.

Lin Qun is not Bai Yiming, he doesn't want to take such a huge risk. He is willing to fight for civilization because he needs civilization, and he also wants to give a response to those who support him unconditionally, but at the same time he also recognizes that civilization sacrifices for himself. Win-win is what Lin Qun hopes for, not that he himself is a bitter savior.

If possible, it is naturally best if no one dies, but if there is no choice, then Lin Qun is not great enough to sacrifice himself. He wants civilization to survive and let more people survive, but the premise is that he can survive and enjoy the dividends and support of civilization.

First protect yourself, and if you still have the ability, then help those who deserve to help.

Lin Qun is also very realistic. He admires people like Bai Yiming, and also despises pure egoists like Li Lianhe, and doesn't think his ideas are shameful. He has been like this since the beginning and has never changed.

In fact, even if Lin Qun doesn't think so, the supreme commander, the old man, and Li Zheng don't want Lin Qun to get into trouble. From a rational point of view, Lin Qun can be worth tens of millions of people. Chen Weiang's statement just now is very clear. He would rather sacrifice a large number of ordinary people than let Lin Qun get into trouble.

This is a helpless reality. When they have to make a choice, they will choose people who are more conducive to the survival of civilization, rather than the majority, from the perspective of the interests of human civilization. This is a plan that is beneficial to civilization, a choice that is beneficial to civilization.

This is cruel, but also very realistic.

But Lin Qun didn't speak again, but was thinking, can there be a better plan? He knows his own situation, and even the Federation is not completely clear. Therefore, he may be able to find a better plan among the two plans of the Federation, sacrificing fewer people and allowing him to act more safely and securely.

The senior officers whispered and expressed their opinions.

At this time, Xiao Zhongguo frowned and said: "Can't we enter the next level three civilized battlefield? We have also read Brent's rules. If we survive as an indigenous civilization, we can directly qualify as contestants and enter the civilized battlefield. The admission ticket, even if according to what that guy Yegus said, we will be judged as a branch civilization because of the departure of the Sons of Civilization, this admission ticket will be given to us because we are the dominant population side. In this way, If we directly use the admission ticket to enter other civilized battlefields, won't we be protected by the rules of civilized battlefields? Even if our current recovery state is very poor, but we only participate in the war symbolically, it will take a while to recover our strength. May I?"

Xiao Zhongguo only returned a few hours ago, and he didn't know some things clearly.

Li Zheng on one side explained: "That makes no sense. Lao Xiao, you are not looking carefully. We have a team here that specializes in studying the information about the battlefield rules of the third-level civilization that Brent left us. The third-level civilization The battlefield protects only the planets where the civilized battlefield is located. For example, in our current round of Blue Star Battlefield, as long as our Blue Star is protected, the planets that become the civilized battlefield will be marked, but the home planets of the participating civilizations will not be affected. Even if we enter the third-level civilization battlefield as contestants, we will go to other planets selected as civilization battlefields. Our Blue Star will not be protected. Other civilizations and fleets will not be hindered from attacking our Blue Star. "

"This..." Xiao Zhongguo also fell into deep thought.

At this moment, Lin Qun had been thinking silently for a long time, and suddenly said: "Perhaps, we have another way - a compromise plan. However, this plan may also require sacrifices."

As soon as he said these words, everyone's eyes turned to him.

"What plan?"

Lin Qun took a deep breath and said: "Just send a message and let them think that we are weak!"

There are still four hours left before the Blue Star Civilization Battlefield is completely closed.

Federal forces around the world have begun emergency dispatch.

Word has spread to federal command centers everywhere.

Prepare for war in outer space.

As a result, large groups of troops began to mobilize.

At this moment, countless survivors have taken refuge. In the urban areas, survivor bases and military bases, only soldiers are running, military vehicles are advancing, and various missile silos and forts are ready.

But among them, there are still only a few that can be used. There are only a few bases and silos with the ability to attack space.

However, some weapons seized from the wreckage of alien civilization warships were reused.

These weapons that once killed countless humans will now play a role in helping humans.

There are still three hours left before the Blue Star Civilization Battlefield is completely closed.

Airport outside Jinling City.

An elliptical spacecraft of the Prophet civilization that had been captured and restored was landing at the airport outside Jinling City.

In fact, this spacecraft had been severely damaged, but the propulsion device was still intact. It was picked out by humans and repaired, and it was visibly broken to the naked eye.

There was no one inside or outside Jinling City.

Only here, there are still a large number of people busy.

But here, there is only this tattered-looking oval spaceship, but the Raider battleship and Cheer landing ship are all missing.

Although the battleships of the Prophet Civilization are also space warships, they are capable of space flight. They can travel at full speed and can reach three to five times the speed of the second universe. This aircraft was taken out at this moment precisely because the relevant modules were relatively intact.

Xu Jie personally led the crew members to board the plane.

She has grown up and volunteered to become the captain of the ship working group.

After boarding the spacecraft, Xu Jie gathered all the crew members she led in the bridge of the Prophet Civilization battleship, took a deep breath, and said to these people in person: "I know that you are all elites, and you are all Like me, you signed up voluntarily. Then, you should all know the significance of this spaceship and the mission it will undertake: We have only one mission, to transport our only passenger - Mr. Lin - Send it into space. Eighty percent of us will not be able to come back and will be buried in the stars. Now, you still have a chance to quit. If you want to quit, you can come to me."

"We understand... and we will not withdraw."

"Captain, this is of our own free will. It would be our honor!"

"We have no regrets for being civilized for me!"

In front of Xu Jie, the sixteen crew members expressed their opinions one after another. Their eyes were firm and not wandering at all.

They had already made their decision before coming here, and they would not change it again. If I wanted to go back, I would have regretted it long ago on the way, let alone the time to come here.

The countdown in front of me is passing by minute by minute.

There was not much time left before the battle, but their eyes were full of determination and determination.

At this moment, humans all over the world are nervously watching the countdown in front of them.

Looking at the numbers above, they are getting less and less.

After the Nomad Fleet was made public, the joy of the end of the civilized battlefield was diluted. People were very nervous. They did not expect that the civilized battlefield that trapped humans would now become a barrier to protect humans and Blue Star.

And now, when the countdown reaches zero...

This barrier will also disappear.

Unknown enemies in space are coming to Blue Star!

It is very likely that they are more terrifying than the alien civilizations they faced before in the civilization battlefield.

Many people are worried, unspeakably uneasy and nervous.

Lin Qun looked at the countdown and thought of the time when the civilization battlefield was just opened.

Facing unknown events and unknown enemies.

How similar is this scene?

At this moment, Lin Qun had just arrived at Jinling Airport by car and was about to board the plane, waiting for the arrival of the last moment on the modified Prophet Civilization aircraft.

However, as soon as he got off the car, Lin Qun saw two people waiting for him at the place where he got off.

Huang Qizheng and Chu Youwei.

Chu Youwei was dressed in a black outfit, outlining a perfect figure. Her eyes were cold. She looked at Lin Qun and said concisely in her usual tone that seemed to be unacceptable: "I'll go with you."

Lin Qun looked at her, opened his mouth, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Huang Qizheng, who was standing next to him, took a sip of wine and said with a smile, "Don't think she is so determined now. Xia Qing told me that she had been struggling for more than two hours before she came."

Huang Qizheng is an expert at spoiling things. When Chu Youwei said this, her cold expression suddenly collapsed, and she showed a rare expression - she glared at Huang Qizheng fiercely.

Lin Qun looked at this scene and shook his head and laughed.

But he knew that when these two people stood in front of him, he could no longer refuse them.



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