Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 427 Impacting the Foundation

Looking at the little loach Kun in front of her, Chu Youwei fell silent.

The cards that Lin Qun could draw were not in the world, culture, and fantasy of Blue Star.

Therefore, simply telling her that this was a Kun was meaningless to Chu Youwei.

However, as she observed, Chu Youwei also discovered that this little thing was not a flying pig, but a fish-like creature.

She looked at the little thing in front of her, and then at the silver horn in Lin Qun's hand. She was silent for a long time and said, "So, you want me to help you feed it and help you raise it during your retreat, right?"

"That's exactly what I mean."

"It's quite cute."

Chu Youwei stretched out her hand and wanted to touch the little loach's head.

But the little loach was called a flying pig by her, and it was a little sulky and leaned to one side.

Chu Youwei frowned: "Where did you get this from? Are you sure it will be as powerful as you say when it grows up?"

Lin Qun couldn't help but glance at the little loach when he heard it.

In fact, the little loach was not small at this time.

It was longer than his little arm, but he didn't know how to eat. It had a tendency to grow horizontally. It didn't look as sharp as Kun, but more like a big fat fish in the river.

After a while, Lin Qun nodded.

Could the Kun drawn by the talent card be a fake Kun?

It must have eaten too many additives.

Lin Qun said: "Anyway, Li Zheng and I have already made arrangements. Don't worry about its food. There will be other people to help. You just need to help take care of it occasionally."

Chu Youwei nodded.

Lin Qun looked at the little loach and said: "Little loach, listen to Sister Chu... Chu and eat well!"

The little loach shrank, and seemed to be a little resistant to Chu Youwei.

Chu Youwei was silent for a moment, and her tone became stern: "Come here."

The little loach was startled by her, and glanced at Lin Qun with some trepidation, and then looked at Chu Youwei.

Until Chu Youwei said the second "come here" sternly.

The little loach floated over unwillingly.

Lin Qun was a little surprised.

This little loach seems to eat hard things but not soft things.

Lin Qun looked up at Chu Youwei and said seriously: "The responsibility of raising it to adulthood is entrusted to you!"

Chu Youwei heard the words, the corner of her mouth twitched, and she was silent for a moment, and said: "Is there any risk in your retreat?"

"It should be not."

Lin Qun's sword-controlling skills are acquired by nature, directly instilled into the mind, and the process of self-study is omitted. When he reaches a certain level, he does not need to study extra. He can start practicing according to the understanding of instillation. There should be no possibility of going astray.

Chu Youwei nodded, she raised her white little chin and said: "Then I'll wait for you."

Lin Qun was stunned, and nodded with a smile.

Lin Qun's retreat place was also chosen early.

He wanted a quiet place where no one would disturb him.

Naturally, it was a safe house deep in the underground shelter outside the capital.

This place is used for high-level federal officials to take refuge.

Hidden, safe and very secluded. At the moment when the shelter has been temporarily closed, it is the safest place.

The supreme commander also dispatched two platoons of troops to Lin Qun to defend inside and outside, and to ensure Lin Qun's safety during the retreat.

Before Lin Qun officially retreated, he also went to see Papadu.

He took the attacker warship, and it didn't take long for Yu Nei to go back and forth from Lidu to the northwest region of the Federation.

When he went, Papadu was teaching a group of federal experts.

When Lin Qun was no longer nearby, although he was stared at by federal soldiers and restricted by the self-destruct device, his mental state was different. Facing the federal experts, he said arrogantly: "You don't move? When can this spaceship be built? When I go to the second stage of Yuexing, can you figure it out on Blue Star?"

The federal experts were speechless.

They really couldn't keep up with the progress.

Although the Yunbai civilization represented by Papadu has no advantage in personal strength, they do have technology in their hands, and these technologies are ahead of human civilization, especially the escape spacecraft and super-large spacecraft that are now being built for humans. For humans who have only built space stations before, there are unknown areas everywhere.

They are eager to learn, but they can only tolerate the superiority of Papadu and others.

They are not afraid of Papadu's arrogant attitude. They have enjoyed the fear in the war. They just want to quickly turn the technology mastered by Papadu and other Yunbai civilization life into their own, become the power of mankind, and make mankind stronger. Compared with these, what's the harm of being criticized by others?

In fact, Papadu secretly admires this point.

These days, it has been working here, watching these human experts and technicians study hard, and even they feel a little fear.

The desire of these humans to learn and become stronger is too strong.

What they don't know is that these are all accumulated in war and death.

However, Papadu was still very unhappy.

They failed to steal people, and he was fooled by that human son. He was very angry, but he had no place to vent, so he could only vent his anger in this place.

That son of human civilization is so hateful!

Thinking of the methods used by that human being against him, Papadu was filled with resentment. But it has nothing to do. Its bluff has been seen through, and it has no fighting power. It can only help humans build escape ships here, and it does not dare to neglect, because it and other beings in the Yunbai civilization understand that this It will also be their escape ship.

With so many indigenous civilizations on this planet possessing the innate awakening technology of the Kingdom of God, it is a sure thing that they will become the third cantilever overlord. It just depends on when the opponent will come.

And as long as it comes, this planet will definitely be doomed.

The third cantilever overlord's method makes Papadu shudder just thinking about it. He fights with his two legs, and the opponent will never let him go just because he is not a Blue Star human. On the contrary, if the third cantilever overlord really comes, Blue Star humans are valuable and may live for a while longer, but these Yunbai civilization life forms will definitely be killed.

Therefore, they are trapped here. If they want to survive, they really have to let humans survive. The escape boat they help humans build is also the escape boat in their hearts. Therefore, it talks arrogantly and does not dare to delay the progress of the project at all - God knows when the fleet of the third cantilever overlord will arrive?

Papadu doesn’t want to die.

Survival is the most primitive and pure desire of every life.

But at this moment, it suddenly noticed something, stiffened its body, and turned its head with difficulty, and saw the target it had just been cursing secretly in its heart appearing behind it.

Papadu immediately staged a scene where its face changed in one second. In front of the human students who had been reprimanded by it just now, it plopped down in front of Lin Qun, and its tone quickly changed from disdain and contempt to humility: " Ah... Great Son of Human Civilization, why didn’t you tell me earlier that you were here so that all of us in Yunbai Civilization could come out to greet you, and please let me kiss your great and sacred earthly organ.”

"Stop it."

Lin Qun picked up the weasel man from the ground who was rushing towards his feet with one hand and said: "I'm just here to check the progress. You are responsible for the retreat of our Blue Star humans. It's best not to play any tricks."

Lin Qun's eyes met the weasel man's.

Papadu suddenly remembered the table that had grown red hair and came to life in front of it that day, and swallowed hard: "I understand, dear son of human civilization - we will never dare to have any delay."

Lin Qun nodded with satisfaction.

He didn't say much. He just came here to shock PaPadu and show off and that was it.

Immediately, he met Professor Wu, the chief engineer here.

Professor Wu said: "Mr. Lin, this level of sex is really weird. We and the federal soldiers can also control their life and death, but they don't have a good face. It's not just arrogance, but they look down on us from the bottom of their hearts." Human beings think that we are inferior beings. Maybe we didn’t understand this attitude before, but in this war of civilizations, we have seen too many such faces. They look down on our level, just like the aristocracy towards the slums. The feeling is the same as that of the poor people in the house. Only when you come, they will change their faces and be extremely afraid of you, and this is also true. I don’t know what their psychology is.”

Lin Qun shook his head.

Because he couldn't answer this question. He felt that his last method might bring fear to PaPadu, but it shouldn't be to this extent. What Professor Wu said makes sense. The reason why they are still arrogant now is that they look down on humans. They think that they are a higher species than humans. Even if they are captured, they are still higher. Therefore, it is reflected in all aspects of their activities, which seems to be gratuitous. They are arrogant, but this sense of superiority is the key, and the fear brought by Lin Qun theoretically cannot make them relieve their sense of superiority towards Lin Qun, who is a human.

But the real situation is that their fear of the forest group does not have such contempt at all.

"I don't know either. But it's a good thing that they cooperate."

Professor Wu nodded and said: "Yes, Mr. Lin, they are very cooperative, because building an escape spaceship is also useful for their own survival. Moreover, I think the decision you and Battalion Commander Xiao made at that time was too correct. Don't look at these Yunbai civilization is stinky and ugly, but it does have real abilities. They have a lot of knowledge that we don’t understand, and their technology is far ahead of us. They have a complete set of technical systems, and with their direct participation, they can crack it better than us. Any single technology is useful and can greatly increase the speed at which we build escape ships. Unfortunately, they are only willing to provide guidance for our escape ships and will never participate in the guidance and error correction of our warship construction. "

"Building escape ships is for their own survival. Helping us build battleships will only do them harm and no good. Naturally, they cannot help us." Lin Qun said, "But this is enough, and it is much better than doing it ourselves. Okay, Mr. Wu, I’ll leave this place to you. I probably won’t be here again in a short time.”

Professor Wu was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I understand. Mr. Lin, don't worry, I will take care of it."

Lin Qun nodded.

Immediately, he left here on the raider landing ship.

Hearing that Lin Qun was gone, Papadu waited for the life of Yunbai Civilization to breathe a sigh of relief, as if the god of plague had been sent away.

But the arrival of Lin Qun this time also had the effect of knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger. The life of Yunbai Civilization such as Papadu became a lot more honest due to this.

The construction of human spacecraft is in full swing.

In other places, research and development on hyperspace engines, iron curtain devices, nuclear fusion technology, T-virus, optical stealth technology, etc. are also being carried out.

At the same time, the supreme commander, the old man, chose to disclose the experience of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu and sword control to all mankind for free.

Encourage everyone to learn and improve themselves.

The disclosure of these two techniques naturally caused an uproar among humans, and many people started practicing desperately.

Want to be strong.

Some people saw that they had good skills in sword control and wanted to attack, but most of them were unable to do so.

There are also people who study day and night and find a strange path.

Lin Qun didn't know any of this.

After returning from the escape ship factory, Lin Qun directly entered his retreat.

Everything that needs to be explained has been clearly explained.

He also has to go his own way and attack the foundation-building stage with all his strength.

With the blessing of the Bigu Technique, he could stay in seclusion for long periods of time without eating anything.

After sitting down, Lin Qun took the Bloody Yang Pill immediately.

The Blood Yang Pill enters the stomach.

It was like a vigorous aura exploding between the organs. Although it was said to be an explosion, it was not violent. It quickly turned into a river-like aura, flowing through Lin Qun's body.

Moreover, it stretches endlessly, seemingly endlessly.

Because, this small Blood Yang Pill contains the equivalent of a hundred years of cultivation!

And it takes a full ten days to digest it.

A hundred years of cultivation, completed in ten days.

This is definitely a hit!

Lin Qun is already at the third level of sword control. Now, he wants to use the effect of the Blood Yang Pill to directly reach the third level of sword control and reach the foundation stage.

Since acquiring the skill of sword control, Lin Qun has always relied on cheating to upgrade. As long as he reaches a threshold at any level, he can directly spend contribution points to upgrade.

This was his first time to hit the next level by himself.

Lin Qun suddenly felt different.

In the process of digesting and absorbing, constantly cultivating, and climbing to a higher level, he seemed to see a different scenery. It was a scenery and understanding that only monks could see step by step and climb level by level.

While practicing at this moment, Lin Qun suddenly understood.

His previous insights actually had limitations, because after all, he was promoted through cheating, and it felt like a castle in the air.

At this moment, he is practicing self-cultivation, step by step, solidly and comprehensively, which will stabilize his own realm and help him reach a higher level!

Assault on the fourth level of sword control——

Foundation building period.

And Lin Qun’s goal is to be an evolver!

Then, master your own alien space!

Alien spaces are often closely related to the life form and original abilities of the evolver...

Therefore, Lin Qun is looking forward to this very much.

He is a cheating earthling... I wonder what kind of world his alien space will be like?

The prerequisite for becoming an evolver is that all attributes are above a thousand points, and right now, Lin Qun is taking steps towards this.

Of course, just because all attributes exceed ninety-nine, one may not be able to become an evolver. This can be seen from Qingqi and Tianqi. It has been a long time since they became top powerhouses, but they still have not become evolvers. Obviously, there is still a gap between the level of evolvers and the top powerhouses. There is an astonishing gap that blocks 99% of people, even the so-called geniuses in some civilizations. Because of this, the number of evolvers is so rare.

Yegus has said this before.

Becoming a top powerhouse is only the first step. Becoming an evolver is as difficult as reaching the sky!

However, Lin Qun didn't think anything about it.

This is as difficult as climbing to the sky. It is said to ordinary beings. He seems to be an ordinary being, but he is in trouble!

When attributes reach a height above 999, becoming an evolver has little meaning with how high the attributes are, but rather a progress in another dimension. Maybe some people become evolvers with attributes of 1001, and maybe some people have attributes exceeding 999. Even if he reaches more than 2,000, he is still not an evolver, and he can't even find the way to become an evolver. It is an even more wonderful advancement path, which is completely different from the conventional improvement method. Lin Qun has no way of knowing it yet.

But Lin Qun felt that he didn't need to know that, because his sword-control skills, monk's way, and these plug-ins could help him bypass this so-called normal and difficult road and directly become an evolver!

Therefore, Lin Qun never panics and just cheats steadily and everything is done!

With this expectation, Lin Qun sat cross-legged and hit a higher realm!

He will surely ascend to the realm of the evolver step by step!

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