Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 457 It’s time to fight back!

August 1, year 2 of the new federal calendar.

An unexpected war briefly broke out in the starry sky - humans observed a civilization in the seventh orbit fighting with a civilization in the sixth orbit.

The first round of fighting took less than ten minutes. It started briefly and ended quickly. Moreover, they seemed to have consciously hidden and obscured their own war. In addition, due to the time lag caused by long-distance observation, the information obtained by humans was very limited. However, the analysis results of the abnormal movements of 8-3 show that there seems to be some kind of change inside the dwarf planet, which then accelerates its revolution and rotation, which will allow it to approach the icy planet and the blue star more quickly, and even Closer to the seventh orbit position.

The specific purpose of this abnormal movement is still unknown, but what is certain is that this is an act artificially promoted by the life on this dwarf planet. No matter what the current purpose is, its ultimate purpose will be war.

8-3 The participating civilizations in the dwarf planet can no longer sit still. Everyone is here for the war, and it is not in the interests of any party to wait and develop quietly.

8-3 The twelfth hour when the change occurred.

In the Huaxia Region, the supreme commander, the old man, held a high-level federal meeting.

In the past month, this place has been in a state of preparation for war, and today, it has been fully launched again.

Chen Weiang returned here immediately.

Lin Qun also rushed over from the Jinling underground base.

Papadu also volunteered and took the initiative to participate.

Its status as a battlefield consultant for the second-level human civilization is becoming more and more stable.

During this period of time, it has made many contributions to mankind, especially after the last battle with the Ice Energy Tribe. It and its tribe have become more diligent and proactive. The technical provision is also very refreshing.

Many good opinions and ideas have also been put forward for the construction of human fleets, which has accelerated the advancement of human beings in related fields.

This is also the reason why it is here at this moment - it is also the advisor of the human fleet.

Of course, in front of most humans, this weasel man is still like a dog. He has an air of the same old attitude. When he sees the forest group, he immediately grovels, nods and bows. Even the most powerful flatterer in humans can only bow down in front of it.

Before the Lin Qun came, and after the Lin Qun came, it immediately shut up.

Chen Weiang nodded to Lin Qun and said: "Mr. Lin, you are here - the situation in space is changing, maybe the opportunity for our expedition is coming!"

Only when Lin Qun came here did he know that almost all the senior officials from the military, fleet and other ministries had arrived.

Some important federal senior officials who were not present also participated in the meeting via video.

The changes in space have been known to the senior officials here. So far, the federal expert team is still observing changes in the sixth and seventh orbits, as well as the conditions of 8-3 and 8-2.

These are the closest "neighbors" to Blue Star and the most likely enemies to pose a threat.

However, as the seventh-orbiting planet and the sixth-orbiting planet engaged in battle for the first time, they seemed to be very cautious and immediately started a series of interferences. Humans' observation of their fighting situation, troop strength and results was not smooth, and there was no way to deal with it. Make clear observations.

The source of the abnormal motion of the 8-3 dwarf planet is judged to originate from the interior of the dwarf planet, which cannot be observed. From the appearance point of view, 8-3 is still the same as before, as silent as a tomb, and has not changed much. If it were not for this change, one would even wonder whether this dwarf planet represents a contestant civilization.

At the beginning of the meeting, the secretary of the Supreme Commander gave a more detailed introduction to this series of situations.

Then, the old man, the supreme commander, spoke slowly: "As you can see, the situation in space is changing. We don't know much about cosmic war, but there is no doubt that everyone who comes to this second-level civilization battlefield will Civilizations all come to harvest other civilizations, and all their actions can only have one purpose: to defeat their opponents, harvest contribution points, and strengthen themselves.

"So are we.

"Now, the dead 8-3 has come to life. The quiet civilization in the seventh orbit is suspected of going to war with the civilization in the sixth orbit. More intelligence points out that the ice energy tribe civilization on the frozen planet is also actively preparing for war. They are obviously unwilling to fail and want to take us down.

“This is both bad news and good news for us.

“The civilizations in orbit seven and the civilizations in orbit six are eyeing each other, which prevents us in orbit eight from being vigilant against the threats of these two neighbors.

“This allows us to be more grounded in dealing with conditions on our own tracks.

“But, we know this. The civilizations on 8-2 and 8-3 know it better than we do. Their preparations to move at this moment are proof.

“So, we must respond before the ice energy tribe attacks us again, and we must do something before the civilization on the 8-3 dwarf planet takes any action.

"Otherwise, when they come to the city - just like the previous two attacks, no matter how we choose, our room will be narrowed and the price we pay will be increased - because the planet they come to join the war is obviously specially selected, and There are still a large number of civilians on our blue star."

The old man, the supreme commander, looked around the audience: "Especially the Ice Energy Clan, we are too close to them."

His eyes were serious as never before.

Although 8-3 is also in the eighth orbital position, they have been silent. The most important thing is that they are too far away, and no one regards them as close opponents.

On the contrary, 8-2 Ice Energy Planet is the closest threat.

According to human calculations.

The orbits of Blue Star and 8-2 Ice Energy Planet are close, and Blue Star is accelerating towards 8-2 Ice Energy Planet.

This means that only one of Blue Star and 8-2 can survive.

War is inevitable.

But now...

8-3 is also ready to move.

Everyone looked at the old supreme commander.

Everyone understood that when he said this, he might have made a decision to gather everyone here.

Sure enough, the old supreme commander was silent for a moment, took a deep breath, and said: "We have been preparing for war for a long time. The Ice Energy Tribe attacked us, and our expedition had already begun. Now, the situation has changed. Now is a dangerous time and the best time. I hope that our plan will also be advanced and the expedition will start faster!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a slight uproar at the scene.

"This... it seems that we are not well prepared..."

"Now, 8-3 has also moved. Without the constraints of the neighbors in the seventh and sixth orbits, if we go on an expedition now, what should we do if the civilization on the dwarf planet 8-3 attacks us? The distance is thirty astronomical units. If they jump, they can kill us in the blink of an eye and endanger our homeland!"

"I think that if we take action now, 8-3 may not attack us."

At this time, Chen Weiang spoke. As the commander of the human fleet of Blue Star, he has been observing the starry sky. In the past month, he has been preparing for war and trying to understand and guess his opponents as much as possible. It can be said that he is always trying to analyze the civilizations of other contestants, including the Ice Energy Clan civilization that is close at hand, and also including this dwarf planet that has been a potential threat before.

His voice sounded, saying: "If 8-3 really wanted to take action, they would have done it long ago.

"And if they attack either us or the Ice Energy Clan, they may be attacked by the other party. Obviously, no one wants to face two opponents at the same time.

"We must admit that we are now very close to the Ice Energy Planet, and friction has already broken out. The threat between us and the Ice Energy Planet is greater, and it is more likely that we will fight further.

"Everyone can see this, especially the civilization on the dwarf planet 8-3.

"And the civilization on 8-3 must hope to take down both of us at the lowest cost and with the lowest risk, and the best way is to let us fight first and both lose, and then they will reap the benefits - every civilization would like to do this.

"This can explain why they are moving now, but there is no real action, because they are still observing and waiting, hoping that we can fight, so that they can benefit from it - their position is an advantage, allowing them to be the fishermen.

"So, I think that if we speed up our attack on the Ice Energy Tribe now, 8-3 will not necessarily attack us."

"But...if we attack first, they will benefit from it, what good will it do them? As long as we fight with the Ice Energy Tribe, whether the Ice Energy Tribe kills us or we kill the Ice Energy Tribe, the contribution points will flow between us. Even if they benefit from it, they will not get anything." Shan Shilong asked.

This time, it was the old man, the supreme commander, who spoke up and said, "Shilong, you are wrong. This is not the third-level civilization battlefield of Blue Star. In the starry sky battlefield, the war corps of a contestant civilization is actually small in number. We have a lot of troops, but what about our main force? What about our space fleet? Compared with our huge population and army, aren't their numbers negligible?

"And for such a civilization, in addition to our main force and fleet, the remaining hundreds of thousands of army are no different from civilians to them.

"This is the same for other civilizations.

"The real main force only accounts for a small part.

"But this small part of the main force can bring the greatest threat to the opponent.

"Chen Wei'ang's analysis makes sense. They should hope that we and the Ice Energy Clan will consume this small part of the main force, and then they will come to harvest the big head. This is a sure-win business. If we are in the 8-3 position, I think we will choose this way."

Chen Wei'ang's analysis was unanimously recognized by the old man, including the supreme commander.

Wang Tiansheng said: "It's really insidious. These alien civilizations are really calculating. The civilization on the 8-3 dwarf planet is not a good bird... But even so, if we really go to fight the Ice Energy Clan, let alone whether we can win, even if we can win, wouldn't it be in line with the wishes of the alien civilization on the dwarf planet? At that time, won't we all become their wedding clothes, waiting for them to harvest? Working for them for nothing?"

Chen Wei'ang exhaled and said: "If we don't fight them, will they not fight us?

"Now the civilizations of the seventh and sixth orbits are likely to go to war. When they fight, it will be the best time for us in the eighth orbit to decide the outcome, because they will not interfere with each other. If we obviously do not fight, it is not clear whether 8-3 can sit still, and it is not clear whether they will attack us first or the Ice Energy Tribe first, but it is almost certain that the Ice Energy Tribe will want to attack us.

"We have no choice. Instead of waiting for them to attack us and fight in the starry sky, we might as well speed up the expedition and fight back first.

"Because we don't have many advantages, unlike them, we don't have so many choices."

After this, everyone started talking again.

Someone said: "Commander Chen, are you crazy? 8-3 is here. With our ability, it is very difficult to expedition to alien planets. If we still go on an expedition now, it is equivalent to showing our backs to the contestant civilization on this dwarf planet. If they want to stab us in the back, they don't need to use their planets, but just send a fleet."

"Yes, this is a risky move!"

"I think what Lao Chen said makes sense. We should listen to the supreme commander. Now, before the Ice Energy Clan attacks again, we should attack them first! We can't wait to be beaten. Our blue The star can't bear it, not to mention that we still have a large number of civilians. If they are attacked to our homeland, our losses will be even greater! "

"This... why don't we join forces with the Ice Energy Tribe to fight 8-3 first?"

"How is this possible? Even if we join forces, can they trust us? We are so weak, it's almost the same if they join forces to divide us! And even if they can, we dare not trust them!"

"No... I also think that we can speed up the expedition now and fight back before the Ice Energy Tribe hits Blue Star again. . "

At this time, a voice in the corner broke the discussion and made everyone silent.

Because the person who spoke was Mr. Lin.

Lin Qun did not have any substantial position in the Federation, but he was a banner-like existence in the Federation, and he had real military force. Once he spoke, who dared not pay attention?

Just now, Lin Qun was also thinking and judging. He was not a military professional and had never been engaged in any command. Generally, he rarely spoke up to express his opinions in such a situation, but this time, he also agreed with the decision of Chen Weiang and the old supreme commander.

Lin Qun said: "I think this matter is not that complicated. No matter what kind of civilization the contestants on the dwarf planet 8-3 are, and what strength they have, they are not taking action now, just wanting to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. If we don't fight, they will fight us.

"We have two choices, either fight the unknown them, or fight the Ice Energy Clan, or even fight both of them.

"The battlefield of civilizations is inevitable.

"Since we have to fight, we might as well fight the Ice Energy Clan. We have been preparing for this for a long time.

"Don't they want to see us and the Ice Energy Clan fight?

"We and the Ice Energy Clan have fought to the death, and no one can stab anyone. If they come to harvest again, no matter whether we trust the Ice Energy Clan or not, we have no choice but to join forces to deal with them, because both sides have been hurt, and if we don't join forces, we will die.

"Among the three parties, we are undoubtedly the weakest, so we will be like a mad dog, biting whoever is close to us, and whoever hits us we will bite!

"Besides, my combat power is stronger in a smaller battlefield. If I can kill people in their homeland and fight on their planets, it will be the most advantageous situation for me!

"If we don't fight others, we will be beaten. Why don't we fight them?

"As long as we fight hard enough and fast enough, we may even increase our strength. At that time, even if the civilization on the 8-3 dwarf planet takes advantage of the situation, we may not lose! "

When Lin Qun said this, his eyes revealed a hint of ferocity.

This was also his true inner thought.

No plan is useful now.

As the saying goes, the barefoot are not afraid of the ones wearing shoes.

Just act like a mad dog.

If you don't hit others, others will hit you!

Why not hit them?!

Hit them!

Moreover, Lin Qun himself knew his situation. If he fought on a large scale between planets with astronomical units as the distance, he would not be able to use his strength and his strength would be very limited. One powerful card after another could not be used at all. If he waited for others to hit him on Blue Star, he would be a target, as can be seen from the previous battle of the Third Cantilever Overlord Fleet. Lin Qun did not want to repeat the same mistake!

It seems that the world inside a planet is large enough, but compared with the starry sky, it is really a small battlefield. , Lin Qun didn't understand this before, but now he understands it very deeply.

But if he can fight out, the closer the distance, the more he can exert his fighting power, and the stronger he will be!

Instead of being so frustrated, it is better to give it a try and exert all your fighting power. If you still lose, then just accept it.

Moreover, Lin Qun is a ruthless person, who has fought all the way from the Magic City to today.

Since there are enemies on all sides and waiting for others to fight, it is better to fight generously, kill out, fight out, catch one and beat him to death, and then talk about the others!

The weasel behind him rolled his eyes, quietly raised a thumb, and whispered: "You are worthy of being the great and sacred son of civilization that I follow. Your idea is admirable, and I agree with both hands and feet! "

Lin Qun's expression fell when he heard this.

Where did this guy learn to give full approval?

He didn't forget to flatter at this time.

Chen Weiang nodded to Lin Qun, as if to thank him for his approval of his decision. His ideas were similar to Lin Qun's, and he agreed with what Lin Qun said.

The others also fell into deep thought. Because what Lin Qun and Chen Weiang said made sense. In the current situation, you have to fight or not. You can either wait for others to fight or fight yourself. There is not much difference in essence. What Lin Qun said does make sense. Fighting at this time may be the best choice.

After a moment, Li Zheng, who had been silent in the corner, looked at the old supreme commander and said, "I support: start the expedition plan in advance and attack the ice energy planet - it's time for us to fight back!"



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