Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 501: Raise the sword to the sky!

Blue Star Land.

Jinling General Point.

Many people looked confused.

"Why weren't we destroyed? At this time, their attack should have definitely reached Blue Star..."

"What's going on?"

The old commander also looked a little thoughtful. In the end, he just looked at the dome above his head silently.

He already had the answer in his mind.

Maybe, Blue Star will not be destroyed.

That man saved his civilization once again.

And he only hopes that this time, human civilization will also help him and not let him down.

It was not until this time that the exact news that human Star Destroyer weapons successfully hit the frozen planet came from the front.

However, the old commander had already confirmed this based on the changes in contribution points, but because he believed that destruction was imminent, he did not mention it, let alone disturb others. Therefore, others did not know yet. This news came at this moment, especially in There was a huge uproar in the Jinling General Index, and everyone was excited and excited.

This is a great success!

But the old commander returned to the front and said: "Blue Star has not been destroyed. Our facilities on the frozen planet have suffered unprecedented damage due to our attacks. Now, we must return all our worries and maintain the portal as much as possible. , try your best to get in touch with Mr. Lin, the fleet and other personnel on the frozen planet, find out the current war situation on the frozen planet, and try your best to transfer the remaining people to Blue Star!

"We must never give up rescuing any human warrior on the frozen planet!"

Previously, because it was believed that Blue Star was going to be doomed, and that both the frozen planet and the humans on Blue Star would perish, it was not that important whether the humans on the frozen planet retreated or not. Their return to Blue Star would be a dead end, but At this moment, the situation has changed, Blue Star is safe, and the people on the frozen planet can evacuate to the safety of Blue Star. Naturally, they must help the retreat as much as possible.

The output power of human Star Destroyer weapons is not that explosive. It only reaches about the lower limit of the general class of weapons of mass destruction such as Star Destroyer weapons on the second-level civilized battlefield. Therefore, the explosion does not directly destroy the frozen planet. The frozen planet It will disintegrate relatively slowly, and the humans above will still have a chance to retreat.

However, at this moment, the signals on the frozen planet are in chaos, and many portals have collapsed, making it very difficult for the Federation to contact them.

The old commander knew more clearly: Although Blue Star was temporarily out of danger, and their Star Destroyer weapons had successfully hit the frozen planet and would complete the harvest of the Ice Energy Clan, the battle was not over. The 8-3 dwarf planet's The two source energy levels are still there, their fleets have suffered no losses, and their dwarf planets are still running cold and silent. They are enemies that humans cannot avoid, and the key battle is fiercely breaking out near the ice planet. In orbit and in outer space.

8-2 Frozen planet.

In outer space, 150,000 kilometers away from the frozen planet, the human fleet is undergoing a tragic rout. They are discarding their armor and are quickly retreating and fleeing under the attack of the enemy fleet.

The opponent's fleet is too powerful, and the fleet put together by humans is somewhat difficult to compete in terms of quantity and quality.

In Yunei, humans can still rely on the cooperation of the previously built Yunei civil warships and Yunei air combat group, but in the space battlefield, all advantages are lost and disadvantages are fully apparent. They are no match for the 8-3 dwarf planet civilization fleet.

As the joint leaders of the fleet, Xu Jie and Cui Rong were determined to retreat with all their strength. At this moment, they did not know the situation of Blue Star, and they were unable to get in touch with Blue Star. They all thought that Blue Star was about to be destroyed in a terrifying blow, and In this way, they will become the last fire of human civilization.

The fleet cannot afford to make any mistakes.

If even the fleet is gone, humanity is really doomed.

Therefore, they quickly changed their strategy, from the initial active attack to the current evasive escape, quickly leaving the battlefield.

Xu Jie and Cui Rong even wanted to get closer to Lin Qun's position.

Cui Rong said: "We lost Blue Star, we can't lose Mr. Lin again, we must pick up Mr. Lin!"

The two source energy levels took action. They were all worried about Lin Qun's situation and did not want to give up on Lin Qun.

Xu Jie also agreed very much. If the fleet was the fire, then Lin Qun was the source of the fire. What's more, even if she did not start from reason but from emotion, she did not want anything to happen to Mr. Lin.

At this moment, their images have captured the view of the icy planet’s southern hemisphere in low-Earth orbit.

The thin atmosphere rolled in the explosion, and the two source energy levels were detected by the battleship. They rose rapidly at a speed truly "visible to the naked eye", like a rolling wave of terror, which was about to swallow the Lin group directly!

Cui Rong and Xu Jie both changed their colors, and they were very anxious.

At the speed of ordinary life, facing the strangulation of the powerful source energy level, there is no possibility of escaping. Only by boarding a battleship and relying on the high speed of the advanced spacecraft can we escape the enemy's pursuit in the interstellar space.

"We have to pick up Mr. Lin!" Xu Jie gritted her teeth. For reason, Mr. Lin cannot die. For Qing, Mr. Lin promoted her to where she is today. She must not sit back and watch Mr. Lin be surrounded and killed!

Cui Rong also said angrily: "These damn alien civilizations, they just found the right time to take action... They don't want to let any of them go!"

But now, it's useless for them to worry.

Because they were also tightly held by the enemy's advanced fleet, they were unable to escape, let alone pick up Mr. Lin. They could only watch as Lin Qun was like a small boat in the center of a storm under the power of the enemy's two source energy levels, swaying endlessly and about to capsize!

This is the cruel starry sky battlefield. The 8-3 dwarf planet civilization has been dormant for a long time. Thunder made a move with ambition to swallow up all the lives of the Ice Energy Clan and humans. Moreover, from the beginning, they wanted to kill all the Ice Energy Clan and human contestants. Not only did they not want to let any of them go, they didn't even give them a chance to react. Once they made a move, they killed them all!

Chu Youwei took a deep look at Lin Qun in the picture, and deep worry flashed across her eyes. Immediately, she rushed out with Thor's hammer to help the human fleet resist the attack from the enemy fleet. However, the real space fleet also has the strength to threaten the evolvers. The enemy's fleet is very advanced, and there is no need to send out its own strong men. Relying on the fleet and shooting at a long distance can make the human fleet shaky. Chu Youwei can't hold on for long and has to retreat to rest.


At this moment, the expected destruction did not come. With Lin Qun's position as the center, the seven-color sword light rose in the near-earth orbit of the frozen planet. The magnificent sword energy visible in the interstellar swept across the eight directions, and even knocked the two source energy levels of the aura from the air down...


"Does Mr. Lin have a backup plan?!"

Everyone was surprised. They never thought that Lin Qun could fight back. The morale of each warship was immediately boosted.

But in the 8-3 dwarf planet fleet chasing the human fleet, they were extremely shocked.

"The energy level of the human target on the frozen planet is rising rapidly!"

"There is something wrong with the sword in his hand!"

"That is likely to be a large source energy weapon!"

"They actually have such a thing?!"


At this moment...

On the frozen planet, the impact of the star-destroying weapon attack is spreading heroically, the glaciers are collapsing, the ground of the entire planet is sinking, and the terrifying explosion and angry flames are gushing out from the cracks in the broken strata.

At the location of the explosion, the air wave swept, and unprecedented holes appeared in the atmosphere. The strong wind and impact are tearing apart the already fragile atmospheric structure of the entire frozen planet.

Countless ice energy tribe lives are desperately running away.

And at the location of the human forward base, the ground is shaking, and under the earthquake, countless humans who did not have time to leave are drowned in destruction. The rest of the people are all desperately fleeing, or starting the ground-to-air shuttle, trying to escape to the sky, and some are desperately fleeing to the collapsed and flickering portal.

The color of the sky is turning into a fiery crimson, as if the whole sky is burning, blazing and heroic.

But under such a strange and beautiful scenery, there is an overwhelming destruction. Although the power of human planet-destroying weapons is relatively low and cannot directly blow up the entire frozen planet at one time, the power is enough. The explosion in the eastern hemisphere affects the center of the earth and has an unimaginable impact on the entire frozen planet. At most two hours, the topography of the planet will be completely changed. Whether it is life on the ground or life under the ground, it will be wiped out. Two blue star hours does not sound very short, but you must know that the area of ​​the frozen planet is larger than that of the blue planet. It can be destroyed in two hours, which means that thousands of kilometers of area will sink or rise every second. Ordinary chariots and even airplanes cannot keep up with this speed. Only life relatively far away from the explosion point may have a chance to respond.

The blue star people may still be able to escape to the blue star, but the life on the frozen planet here will have no way to escape. Their authority is still circulating, and it is too late to surrender.

They can only watch the arrival of destruction.

In the chaos, under space, inside the planet, and in low-Earth orbit, the battle is in full swing.

In the near-Earth orbit, in the thin atmosphere of the frozen planet, Lin Qun was rising in the center of countless sword beams.

Seven colored sword auras, each of which was thousands of meters wide, were scattered in seven directions with Lin Qun as the center. At the same time, on the Zhuxian Sword in Lin Qun's hand, which was in the center of these seven colored sword auras, infinite flashes burst out, illuminating Lin Qun's face at this moment——

Lin Qun could feel that a steady stream of power was gushing out from the Zhuxian Sword.

At this moment, the Zhuxian Sword he held tightly had already emitted a dazzling light, which looked sacred and magnificent, but Lin Qun could feel that hidden in this seemingly magnificent and beautiful sword aura, there was a trace of boundless evil spirit inherited from ancient times.

This Zhuxian Sword is both a divine weapon and an infinitely evil thing.

In the world of Zhuxian, these ancient treasures seem to be divided into good and evil, but in fact there is no difference. This is also a key point that the world and the story want to discuss.

Now the power of the Zhuxian Sword that supports the Zhuxian Sword Formation does not actually come from him. Lin Qun himself cannot support such an amazing sword formation. The power comes from the Zhuxian Sword itself!

The Zhuxian Sword does not need him to pay for dark energy as support. On the contrary, its power is flowing back into Lin Qun's body with Lin Qun's urging. Lin Qun's attributes have not changed, but his pure power at this moment has risen all the way, surpassing the Evolver and approaching the strength of the source energy level!

Holding this sword, it is forcibly pulling up Lin Qun's combat power, and it is pure combat power. Of course, this is also short-lived. When Lin Qun lets go of the Zhuxian Sword, this connection is cut off, and the so-called support from the Zhuxian Sword no longer exists.

And what flowed into Lin Qun's body from the Zhuxian Sword was not just power.

Lin Qun tightly grasped the sword in his hand, and could clearly feel the ferocious evil spirit in it, washing away his reason and stirring his mind - this was the only "price" he had to pay for holding the sword.

But at this moment, from the outside world's point of view, this Zhuxian Sword and the Zhuxian Sword Formation that was unfolding at this moment were the real mighty divine swords, with divine power and glory in the sky!

If it weren't for the destruction brought by the star-destroying weapon that swept across the frozen planet, at this moment, most of the frozen planet should be able to see this sky-high sword formation.

Facing the Zhuxian Sword Formation displayed by Lin Qun, the source energy level of the domineering aura roared wildly, and it continued to move forward. The terrifying domineering aura was like a substance, rolling up the entire space around it. At this moment, the dark energy in the space was forcibly transformed from an unobservable state to an observable state. Under its power blessing, a huge wave rose in the near-earth orbit.

It didn't know how powerful the Zhuxian Sword Formation was.

Although it felt the breath of the Zhuxian Sword Formation was amazing, Lin Qun, a human, had only so much strength, and it was confident that it could take it down!

The two of them were well prepared, so should they be afraid of the means of a human who was not at the source level?

As it moved forward, the power of the cold breath source level also rose rapidly. It moved like a ghost, just like before, the more powerful domineering breath source level attacked in front, and it attacked from the side, locking Lin Qun and his Zhuxian Sword Formation in mid-air from two directions, sinking and bombarding, trying to destroy the Zhuxian Sword Formation in the center of the battlefield in one fell swoop!

At this moment, Lin Qun was fearless and was controlling the sword forward.

If you want to try, then come on!

See if you can shake this Zhuxian Sword Formation? !

At this moment, seven seven-color sword qi suddenly converged towards the main sword in the center. In an instant, the Zhuxian Sword in Lin Qun's hand burst into boundless light. The seven-color sword qi gathered and directly became a colorful main sword with light rising into the sky. At the same time, thousands of single-color qi swords rose with Lin Qun as the center, spreading in all directions, densely covering the sky!

Lin Qun pinched his fingers and moved forward.

In this sea of ​​qi swords, a row of orange single-color qi swords rushed out. These qi swords were all transformed by the power and evil spirit of the Zhuxian Sword, and were stimulated by the Zhuxian Sword Formation. Although each one was an invisible object, it was more amazing than a tangible object, and the power was surging. Although each of these orange qi swords was only the size of a normal sword, the power was condensed and the number was huge, like an ocean, instantly killing the domineering breath source energy level in front.

At the moment when the orange single-color Qi sword came out, Lin Qun flicked his sleeves backwards synchronously, and the second color Qi sword came out. This time it was a purple Qi sword, and the rain of swords filled the sky, like a curtain coming down, and in the blink of an eye, it enveloped the cold breath source energy level!

The cold breath source energy level was weaker, and was shocked, retreating and avoiding, without a head-on confrontation.

However, in front, Lin Qun's orange single-color Qi sword formation collided with the iron curtain controlled by the pure dark energy rules of the domineering breath source energy level, but it was broken one by one, assimilated by its weird means, and all the orange Qi swords were forced to transform and became part of the raging sea of ​​power of the domineering breath source energy level, still advancing indestructibly, in the buzzing roar, it was like walking in a vast ocean in the sky of the strange road, and the momentum was so great that it seemed to have included the entire Zhuxian sword formation in its shadow!

"Even if you have a weapon with great source energy level power, what's the use? It depends on who uses it! The weak are weak. If you don't reach the source energy level, you don't know how powerful the source energy level is. The source energy level controls the rules. If I want you to live, you live. If I want you to die, you die. If you don't reach the source energy, you still want to fight against the source energy?! Die--"

The roar of the domineering breath source energy level shook the thin atmosphere.

Its attack came down fiercely!

At the same time, in the sky, in the center of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, facing the words of this domineering breath source energy level, Lin Qun was unmoved. His face was like iron, and the scarlet murderous aura in his eyes soared to the sky. He just held the Zhuxian Sword in his hand tightly. Facing the attack of this domineering breath source energy level, he directly drew the sword to the sky!

The colorful main sword moved with thunder, and thousands of gas swords rose up to confront the opponent head-on!

At that moment, boundless light illuminated the broken southern hemisphere of the entire frozen planet. The atmosphere evaporated rapidly and dissipated into space, and the collision occurred!



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