The attack came from a street away, with a straight-line distance of nearly 500 meters. The shell passed through the building opposite and hit the human hiding in the building.

The battle started in an instant.

The military's concealment and ambush seemed to be discovered by the Bakatans, but at this time, no one had time to think about what was going on-

The military's chariots ambushed in the shadows fired synchronously.

Liu Rui took over the position of deputy squad leader and moved quickly with the soldiers.

Lin Qun and his men followed closely behind, passing through the hail of bullets.

The troops on both sides exchanged fire across two streets. In the first round of confrontation, they could hardly see the true appearance of the so-called Bakatan armored forces. There were only loud noises on the streets, and residential buildings groaned and collapsed under the destruction of shells.

The Bakatan chariots were emerging from the chariots.

The technological level of Bakatan is not much different from that of humans. Their biological and physiological structures are also similar to those of humans. Therefore, their chariots are also very similar to those of humans, but they are taller, at least five meters high, covered with heavy thick armor, with large-caliber double-barreled turrets mounted on them, and machine gun muzzles on both sides, madly firing at human tank armored forces.

Wherever they roll over, the ruins of collapsed buildings and a large number of scrapped cars on the ground are all crushed under their feet. No matter what kind of obstacles, they seem to be able to crush them with ease.

Conventional high-explosive bombs cannot break through their outer defenses. Only armor-piercing bombs can make a hole in these big guys.

On the battlefield of the frontal exchange of fire, shells are flying and smoke is rolling.

This is a contest of steel monsters. In front of them, no matter whether you are ranked fifth, fifty, or five hundredth, as long as you can't withstand a shell with a caliber of more than 120 mm or a rocket flying everywhere, you are not qualified to stand in front of them!

And even Lin Qun, who has a physical fitness of 26 points, can't do this.

Liu Rui and his men advanced at high speed on the edge of the front battlefield, but many people were still killed by large-caliber machine gun bullets or simply by some artillery shells.

A living person was smashed directly in front of you, and blood, flesh and mud splashed everywhere. If you were to move forward one step faster, the person who just died inexplicably might be you.

Lin Qun shuttled through such a battlefield and felt a shudder of fear.

But he understood that this was the real battlefield.

This was the real Bakatan army.

What he had come into contact with before were either the stragglers of the Bakatan regular army or the Bakatan armed personnel who were similar to the survivors like them. The two sides were actually not much different, so they could fight back and forth.

Because they had never really come into contact with the main force of the Bakatans!

This was also one of the reasons why Lin Qun had not joined the military before. He was not strong enough. When he came to such a place, his life and death were not under his control.

If you have strength, it is called cooperation with the military, and you and the military help each other; if you don’t have strength, you are cannon fodder!

At this time, they had moved half a street forward from their previous position, and had lost nearly 20% of their manpower.

On the other side, the armored forces of the two sides had "collided". That was another battlefield, where steel and cannons clashed, and the brutal force was crushing the city and the streets.

On the infantry battlefield nearby, they quickly broke out under the hail of heavy artillery, first breaking out under the cover of the armored forces, and then cooperating with the rear armored forces to surround the entire Bakatan force and lock their retreat route.

The survivors and soldiers all took action, showing their magical powers, fighting in the street melee, various abilities and shells were fired everywhere, centripetal impact, and fierce fighting.

The encirclement has been formed.

If they can quickly clear the Bakatan infantry and light armored forces, they can cooperate with their own armored forces to quickly eat up this Bakatan armed force!

From their position, they can't see where Xiao Yi's team is. Only orders are flying in the communication channel to maintain the rhythm of the war and everyone's position.

Lin Qun huddled behind the bunker, revealing only a pair of eyes. While others were fighting the Bakatans, there was almost no sound from him.

Because he didn't need to make any sound when "firing", whoever he glared at would die. He shot the Bakatans 20 to 30 meters away in the opposite direction in the head one after another!

After upgrading, the headshot female skill became even more useful.

Behind a vehicle bunker, there was a Bakatan heavy firepower point, with four Bakatans. A group of soldiers fought with them for a long time but failed to take them down. They were forced to hide under the suppression of firepower, but they found that the Bakatan's firepower point suddenly stopped making any sound.

When he looked up, he saw that all the Bakatans at that firepower point were dead.

They were neatly lined up, without heads, lying in a row!

Everyone was shocked.

"Whose shooting is so accurate?"

Of course it's not shooting, it's Lin Qun's eyes. In the chaos, his eyes locked, which is more accurate than the sharpshooter. In addition, the Bakatans were attracted by the fierce firepower of the soldiers and survivors such as Liu Rui. Lin Qun hid in this corner, and no Bakatans cared about him at all. He could snipe at will!

In this chaotic battle, there were also Bakatans who discovered him. A row of bullets swept over. Lin Qun dodged and dodged, and then raised his head, and the opponent was killed instantly!

Can the speed of shooting be faster than my glaring at you?

Lin Qun said: This time I'm not afraid of anyone in a gunfight!

Lin Qun was very excited. Although this battlefield was dangerous, there were quite a lot of Bakatans. The two sides were fighting, and so many people were rushing to kill that he couldn't kill them all. The contribution points rose, and in the blink of an eye, there were already eight!

After the number of Bakatans around the survivor base began to decrease significantly, it was the best way for Lin Qun to level up!

The passive concentration technique continued to bless him, and his energy was also recovering rapidly in the battle.

Lin Qun also wanted to try to explode missiles and rockets with his naked eyes. He couldn't see the small bullets clearly, but there was still hope for these. However, he found that it was not so easy to replicate the success of the last time. He had to see the target object clearly before he could detonate it, but the speed was too fast. He was a human, and his dynamic vision was not so exaggerated. He could only try to activate the skills, and occasionally succeeded once or twice.

On this battlefield, the flying shells gave Lin Qun the opportunity to try, but he didn't dare to try too much. After all, it also consumed energy. More energy was left to sweep the contribution points.

However, Lin Qun's old 13 skills were not noticeable in this battlefield. No one paid attention to who killed those Bakatans and how they died. Although Lin Qun was killing crazily in the corner, for others, Lin Qun's presence was very low.

On the contrary, Li Jie was very eye-catching, because his skills were full of sound and light effects. He had also upgraded in recent days, and the upper limit of dark energy had reached 7 points. With his weapons, the range and power increased greatly. He hid behind the bunker and shot out a terrifying arc of electricity, which directly blew up the Bakatans behind the opposite bunker. The electric current ran wild, making Liu Rui look at him more!

Liu Rui was also very fierce. His ability was very strange. He could virtualize various weapons in the simulation, such as knives, bows and arrows, and the arrows shot were also a light arrow with great power.

Of course, the real main force on the battlefield was the powerful firepower of the soldiers on both sides.

At this time, they were suppressing the Bakatans in front and attacking a Bakatan firepower point.

Nie Wensheng took the lead and rushed out of the line to suppress it.

Liu Rui followed closely behind. If they could quickly annihilate the Bakatan infantry, they could use anti-tank weapons to quickly eat up this wave of Bakatan armored forces.

But just as they rushed out, a row of machine gun bullets came and shot at the front few people, who were shot into sieves on the spot.

Nie Wensheng reacted quickly enough to roll out.

Then, there was a dense attack from a distance, instantly hitting Liu Rui and others back.

At the corner of the street in front, two Bakatan light tanks were guarding a strangely shaped arc tank and slowly drove out. The dense machine guns were crazy and suppressed everyone on this side and ran away, unable to raise their heads.

Under the powerful firepower of the machine gun with a caliber of more than 30 mm, conventional bunkers were useless. The car body and walls were all smashed!

They could only evade deep into the building.

Half of the people on their side died at once.

Li Xinghe was even more frightened, because if Lin Qun hadn't pulled him and asked him to take two steps forward quickly, he might have been shot to death!

However, they had already hidden in the building, and the Bakatans' attacks were still following them, but they were not just random shots, but targeted shots, as if they knew where the humans were hiding in the building.

Liu Rui's face changed: "Damn it, it's the Bakatan telekinetic brain car, no wonder we have anti-reconnaissance equipment but they still discovered it in advance... We must kill it, otherwise we will all die here today!"

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