Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 67 He withstood a missile!

The sky was completely dark, the silver moon was covered by clouds, and the sky and the ground were crimson.

Xiao Yi's team set out again without resting for too long.

Their mission this time was to move closer to the survivor base in Xinxing Square.

Their previous mission was successful. They dispatched many forces to intercept the reinforcements of Bakatan, allowing the military to successfully capture the transit station of Bakatan people, but the situation did not become clear. Compared with the overall situation, the small loss suffered by the Bakatan people did not change the rhythm of the war--

Because the situation has changed again.

That is a change visible to the naked eye.

Lin Qun, who has completely turned into an infantry, followed closely behind a tank. He looked up and saw that two more Bakatan sailing ships joined the battle group in the distance--

Facing the reinforcement and harassment of the other two survivors in the DC area, they directly chose to invest more troops.

And here, you can feel the vibration and loud noise coming from the direction of the survivor base in Xinxing Square.

In fact, it was not just them. At this moment, the survivors from the Sixth Prison Survivor Base and the military mixed team were all moving towards that side, and the main reinforcements from the two brother survivor bases in the DC area had arrived at the Xinxing Survivor Base long before Lin Qun and his team. They were the real reinforcements sent by both sides.

In the final analysis, the military and survivor mixed team was a helpless move. The military could not guarantee the combat effectiveness and discipline of these teams.

Nie Wensheng said: "The Xinxing Square Survivor Base has been surrounded and the battle was fierce, so we have to go there too."

Of course, he did not tell this news kindly to Lin Qun and other "burdens" whom he looked down on, but to Li Jie.

In fact, he came over and said something, but he did not even look at Lin Qun, the "weak chicken".

However, Lin Qun observed that Nie Wensheng was actually a simple man. He really looked down on the weak, but respected the strong from the bottom of his heart, such as Li Jie... He and Li Jie were not familiar with each other, and Li Jie had just rejected him mercilessly, but this guy did not have the airs of a stable top 20, and took the initiative to come over to talk.

But the journey was not smooth.

A city area in the Magic City was too large, almost equivalent to a small or medium-sized city. They were more than ten kilometers away from the new survivor base in front of their just position. They almost did not encounter Bakatan people along the way, only one Bakatan fighter plane whizzed past their heads.

They discovered it in advance and had to evade it urgently.

That was also a Bakatan fighter model that Lin Qun had never come into contact with. The fighter plane was V-shaped, with a total length of 15 meters and a wingspan of nearly 40 meters. It was all black, and three were in a group. It was extremely fast and passed over the head like three terrifying giant eagles.

Along the way, some survivors could be seen hiding in some surrounding buildings. They looked out of the window in horror.

But the mission of Xiao Yi's team was not to rescue, he just recorded and reported the location of these survivors, and the command center would assign other teams.

Their team had stronger combat power and should appear in a more important position.

Along the way, they only encountered a group of Bakatans.

That was also a regular Bakatan army, more than 30, fully armed, with two armored vehicles, and met Lin Qun and his team head-on.

The two sides exchanged fire fiercely, and this group of Bakatans did not have the firepower of the previous batch. The three military tanks removed the city camouflage and roared to fire, and the Bakatans' armored vehicles were torn apart like paper.

On both wings, Liu Rui and Xiao Yi each led a group of people to kill.

This group of Bakatans was also very fierce, fighting and retreating, and fighting to the death.

"They are waiting for reinforcements, and they must be killed as soon as possible!"

Xiao Yi's order was conveyed through the communicator.

Five kilometers ahead is the battlefield where three Bakatan sailing ships besieged the emerging survivor base. There are Bakatan people all around here. The human troops are advancing in secret. If they cannot end the battle quickly, they will face a steady stream of terrifying Bakatan reinforcements!

At this time, Xiao Yi took the lead and blocked the commander of the Bakatan team in a building, and was about to attack all the way.

But suddenly, among this group of Bakatans, a telekineticist suddenly jumped out. It had been dormant for a long time, and at this moment, it took advantage of the narrow terrain to collapse the entire staircase and submerge all these humans under the ruins!

Its telekinesis was activated, and the surrounding walls instantly collapsed and shook violently, and the dense cracks spread like a spider web.

Liu Rui urgently shot a light arrow, but the ordinary Bakatan's invincible attack was useless. The moment it approached the telekineticist, it was deflected and hit the wall on one side!

The bullets fired by the military also solidified in the air in front of its terrifying invisible power.

This Bakatan telekineticist is at least level twelve!

Xiao Yi's expression changed drastically: "Retreat!"

But the next second, all the vibrations stopped.

The bullet continued to move forward, and the head of the Bakatan telekineticist suddenly disappeared, and the headless body fell to the ground.

Xiao Yi and others all gasped.

This time he was sure that the super master must be by their side!

But at this time, there was no time to find someone. He led his men to attack all the way and ate up this small group of Bakatans in one breath. Then he immediately came out of a messy building and heard a harsh roar outside.

Nie Wensheng outside roared: "Hide! Hide!"

A Barkatan light attack ship was rapidly passing through the air, flying over the battlefield at ultra-low altitude, dropping multiple missiles, and the two tanks on the front were instantly lit up into sky-high torches.

The people on the ground panicked and evaded, and were knocked upside down by the explosion!

The street where they exchanged gunfire instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire. The bullets that were fired back after it were either deflected or thrown away!

"Retreat! Retreat! Change to the electromagnetic interference armor-piercing bullet redeemed from the contribution point mall, which can directly break through its instantaneous deflection shield!"

Xiao Yi and his men quickly retreated. When he turned around, he saw a person behind him break away from the team and run out.

Isn't that seeking death?

Did he... want to run out to save people?

He recognized that that person was none other than Linqun, the relationship member who had been pushed in by Squad Leader Cao!

Damn, these connections...

But at this time, Xiao Yi couldn't care anymore, because the Bakatan light attack ship had turned back at high speed and dropped a missile towards the Lin group.

On the street in front, Li Xinghe had not followed the rush to the building, but was outside with Nie Wensheng and others. Who would have thought that the attack ship roared in, a missile, and the shock wave directly blew him away. He was bruised all over, dizzy, and his whole body was The pain was burning. When he raised his head, he saw Lin Qun running towards him. Behind Lin Qun, the attack ship was killing him and dropped a missile!

At that moment, Li Xinghe was desperate and moved. He knew that he was dead, and he also knew that no matter how powerful the boss was, he could not block a missile. There was only one thought in his confused head: he could not kill the boss too.

He yelled desperately: "Don't come here... don't come here!!!"

But he failed to persuade Lin Qun. The moment before the missile landed, Lin Qun rolled over and stood in front of him. He raised his hand and raised something.

Immediately afterwards, the missile crashed down.

The heat wave was scorching, and the explosion at close range almost shattered the eardrums.

Li Xinghe instinctively closed his eyes, thinking that he was dead.

But he was moved.

He didn't expect that Lin Qun would come to save him, or under such circumstances...

Forget it, there is no chance in this life. If there is a next life, I will definitely...


Why am I not dead yet?

Li Xinghe opened his eyes instinctively and saw a scene that shocked him!

Not only was he not dead, the Lin Qun in front of him was not dead either.

In fact, Lin Qun was carrying a shield and barely moved at all!

In front of him, the fire spread out, and the flames of the explosion rose, making Lin Qun's body as unshakable as a mountain.

In Lin Qun's hands, he was holding a metal round shield with a silver star pattern and red and blue colors. It was a vibranium shield!

Of course, Lin Qun actually didn't want to take any risks. His original intention was to explode the missile with one glance, but the missile had already flown out and reached its speed limit. Lin Qun's dynamic vision was not that exaggerated. If he could not see clearly, there was nothing he could do. Exploded.

He still had some regrets about this.

After all, the best response plan is naturally not to come up to resist the missiles yourself.

On the other side, Xiao Yi and others did not know what Lin Qun was thinking, and they were inexplicably horrified at this time.

Xiao Yi blurted out in shock: "Am I right? He resisted a missile?!!"

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