Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 106: Admiration

"Actually, I'm quite curious. You have such a powerful ability, but you don't get any attention. Isn't this right?"

Ceng Gong lowered his eyes and his face was slightly gloomy.

He knew that his current state was seen clearly by Zhuang Chen, and he didn't hide anything.

"The reason why I didn't get any attention is that they didn't know I had such an ability."

Zhuang Chen learned that every time he provided these things to his team members, he did it quietly.

That's why they didn't pay attention to him, and his good brother attacked him from behind.

"Since I saved your life from the hands of the god of death, your life is mine."

Zhuang Chen emphasized this sentence to him, but his eyes were looking at him.

"I know."

Ceng Gong lowered his eyes and nodded to agree with Zhuang Chen's words.

How could a person who could see all these secrets in him be simple?

"But now..."

"Don't think about revenge now, your body doesn't allow you to do this at all."

Zhuang Chen knew that he had to get this talent.

"But one thing I need to make sure of is that you must be extremely loyal to me, otherwise I will not accept you."

"I will do it."

Zhuang Chen said to him with a serious face, unable to accept the other party's betrayal of him.

Otherwise, he would not let these people go so easily.

"Since I can be sure of some things, I will never regret it."

Ceng Gong's face was full of determination.

Zhuang Chen also nodded with satisfaction.

Ceng Gong's body recovered quite well, but he was still far from walking normally.

The sun was shining.

Zhuang Chen carried Ceng Gong on his back and left this place quickly.

Because Ceng Gong still had some strong smell of blood on his body.

So he was very sensitive to those monsters and zombies.

When they smelled this smell, they took their own steps and chased behind Zhuang Chen.

The eyes were full of the most primitive desire for their blood.

Ceng Gong also seemed to know.

"You'd better put me down. It's not a good idea to have so many monsters following you."

"You are mine, and your life is mine too. If they want to eat you, it depends on whether they can get past me."

Zhuang Chen's eyes darkened a little, and his pace quickened.

While running, he used his powerful mental power to throw these monsters away from a distance.

He broke through a path for him.

When Ceng Gong realized his supernatural power, he couldn't help but widen his pupils.

It was the first time he saw a person who had such an ability, and he was completely shocked by him.

He couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Come on, let me see how powerful you are. You dare to provoke me."

When Zhuang Chen was running at a high speed, he felt a sharp attack from the air behind him.

He panicked and stepped to the right to avoid it.

The roc that rushed over attacked the ground, and a big pit appeared on the marble floor.

But this roc quickly reacted and attacked Zhuang Chen to the right.

"Put me down quickly, this matter cannot be dragged on any longer."

Zhuang Chen did not expect that no one had dealt with the big peng bird he saw at the beginning.

Instead, it posed a hidden danger to him now.

He glanced at the big peng bird that was chasing him relentlessly.

Its speed was so fast that the sound of the wind passing by rang in his ears.

Zhuang Chen wanted to use his mental power to continue attacking the big peng bird.

But because its body was too large and its strength exceeded his imagination.

So his mental power was completely useless to it.

Zhuang Chen kept dodging its attacks left and right.

He specifically dodged in some corners.

But those small corners could not restrain its movements at all.

Instead, it was swept into a piece by its huge wings.

A huge high-rise building was vulnerable in its eyes and directly became a ruin.

Those solid walls were like bubbles to it.

Zhuang Chen also used his fire ability to attack it.

But because of its speed, it was impossible to touch it and cause it any harm.

"Mr. Zhuang, I want to go down. This is not a solution at all. I am holding you back."

"Shut up, don't talk. I have a way to deal with it."

As early as when he was running, Zhuang Chen saw the factory next to him.

Outside the factory, a rope as thick as a wrist fell. He believed that this would definitely restrain it.

Zhuang Chen quickly threw the man behind him into the corner,

and quickly ran to the roof of the factory, quickly pulling the reins and making a circle.

Running on this roof, it seems that his attraction is still relatively large.

This big peng bird directly attacked him.

Zhuang Chen also kept waving the reins in his hand.

At the critical moment when this big peng bird swooped down.

He also threw out the reins in his hand at the same time, quickly put it around its neck, and pulled it.

The circle also wrapped around the neck of the big bird, and the two people's strengths confronted each other.

Blue veins and bulging blood vessels appeared on Zhuang Chen's arms.

His face turned red, and he moved his body back and kept retreating.

The big bird let out a low roar from its mouth and kept waving its wings.

Their strength made a powerful impact.

Just when the two people were playing a tug-of-war game with equal strength.

Zhuang Chen's mouth curled up a mocking smile, and a trace of black belly flashed in his eyes.

He directly threw away the reins in his hand, and the big bird that kept retreating back.

According to this inertia, the body of the big bird actually landed in mid-air and fell heavily on the ground, with dust flying everywhere.

And the monsters and zombies around them also rushed up and attacked the big bird.

Zhuang Chen jumped down and grabbed Ceng Gong's arm and left quickly.

He tried to avoid places with many monsters and zombies and returned to the farm smoothly.

When Ceng Gong saw Zhuang Chen's farm, he was shocked like a zombie, and his pupils were as big as copper bells.

His mouth was so wide that an egg could be stuffed in it, and he couldn't get out of his thoughts for a long time.

"This... is all yours?"


He owns such a large farm, but his expression is so calm and indifferent.

It is really admirable.

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