Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 170 Why are there so many corpses?

Zhuang Chen winked at Cai Qingleng and asked her to protect Qi Yan.


And he teleported over, quickly grabbed Qiu Yinyin's arm, and before she could react, he put it on his shoulder and ran.

Qiu Yinyin covered her arms and bit the tip of her tongue, trying to stay awake. This situation could not hold her back.

"I'm sorry for holding you back."

Qiu Yinyin's slightly weak voice sounded in Zhuang Chen's ears.

"Now is not the time to talk about that."

Zhuang Chen responded in a low voice.

Cai Qingleng and Qi Yan in the distance were as anxious as ants on a hot pot, constantly waving to Zhuang Chen.

"The door in front of Zhuang Chen will be closed."


Zhuang Chen carried Qiu Yinyin and glanced slightly at the guard behind him. Bullets kept flashing past his ears.

"There's absolutely no way you can escape. Let me catch them all."

Guo Jia came in steps, and the coldness radiating from his body made people's scalp numb.

The guards behind him worked even harder, their machine guns roaring with fierce attacks.

Zhuang Chen kept speeding up and came to Cai Qingleng and the others.

Cai Qingleng and Qi Yan looked solemn, and they continued to gather some strength in their hands to resist the attacks of the guards.

Cover up for Zhuang Chen.

Zhuang Chen felt very uneasy as he looked at the iron door that was slowly pressing down from above.

The road ahead is about to be blocked, and life and death are on the line.

He immediately put Qiu Yinyin on the ground and blocked the iron door that had reached his knees with both hands.

"You guys get in there quickly."

Zhuang Chen gritted his teeth and tensed up, his body trembling slightly as he lifted the iron door, which probably weighed a thousand tons.

"What will you do if we leave?"

"Don't worry about me, I can do this."

Zhuang Chen felt that this weight was still increasing, and he felt that he could hardly hold it anymore.

Because the gears of this iron door were blocked by Zhuang Chen, all the gears were rattling.

Under Zhuang Chen's constant urging, they struggled repeatedly.

He could only roll his body and rolled through the iron gate.

Cai Qingleng grabbed Qiu Yinyin's feet and dragged her out.

"Zhuang Chen, come out quickly."

Cai Qingleng pressed her body to the ground, tilting her face to urge Zhuang Chen to come out as soon as possible.

The bullets from the machine guns kept hitting him, and his clothes were gradually stained with blood.

Seeing this, Cai Qingleng had tears welling up in his eyes, and his body was shaking uncontrollably.

When the other two people saw this scene, their faces were a little moved.

"Go quickly, don't worry about me."

"don't want!"

Even if Cai Qingleng wanted to get in again, he couldn't get through this crack at this time.

The last scene showed the veins on Zhuang Chen's face, some of which popped out.


Just when she wanted to say something more, Zhuang Chen finally couldn't hold it anymore.

The thousand-ton iron gate fell heavily to the ground, and dust flew into the air.


Zhuang Chen's chest heaved violently, and he breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

Those attacks still landed on him, and Zhuang Chen felt it all over his body, feeling a little numb.

His pupils stared blankly at the sky.

There was a pool of blood all over his body, gradually flowing to all directions.

The guards, including Guo Jia, surrounded him with vigilance.

When they surrounded him, they found that some of Zhuang Chen on the ground were motionless.

As if life had passed away, their pupils widened and they all looked a little unbelievable.

How could such a powerful young man be beaten to death so easily?

But the facts were before their eyes again, and the guards whispered, causing an uproar.

Guo Jia passed through the crowd and came to Zhuang Chen, looking down at him.

Zhuang Chen on the ground looked pale, his pupils staring blankly at the moonlight.

His body had been beaten into a sieve by those bullets, and his clothes were also covered with dense holes.

The smell of blood kept rushing into his head, and his vital signs could not be seen.

Guo Jia's scrutinizing eyes kept looking at Zhuang Chen, obviously having the same doubts.

"This all seems like a dream. I really can't believe that you died so easily."

Guo Jia's cold face looked a little regretful, after all, he had wanted to fight with him for a long time.

"Throw him into the dead."

"Bureau Guo, what should we do with those women?"

Guo Jia looked at the other side of the iron gate, his eyes darkened a bit, and he thought briefly:

"I don't care about the other two women, but that woman Qi Yan must be caught by me."

Guo Jia thought about Qi Yan actually running away from under his nose, and he clenched his fists angrily.

The confidant beside him was also a little frightened by his posture. He lowered his head and did not dare to look at his current face.

The confidant nodded repeatedly and led the people behind him to chase Cai Qingleng and the others.

Three hours later.


Zhuang Chen's body functions suddenly returned to normal, and he coughed violently.

The pain in his body made him feel heartbroken, and his limbs were so painful that they spasmed.

He gradually regained consciousness, his head was a little dizzy.

Because the attacks just now were too intensive, his recovery did not keep up, so he was in a state of suspended animation.

After Zhuang Chen recovered from this force, he mobilized the strength of his body.

Forced all the bullets in his body out.



The bullets were ejected one after another, blood spurted out, and Zhuang Chen was now a bloody man, unrecognizable.

The strong smell of blood attracted the monsters and zombies around.

Zhuang Chen felt that his heavy body was finally relieved.

The wounds on his body were also recovering in the naked eye.

It took a while for Zhuang Chen to react from such pain.

He sat up from the ground with some difficulty, but the things he supported with his hands were a little soft.

Inexplicably, he felt a little disgusting.

Zhuang Chen looked down and found that there were countless limbs and bones under him.

They had been gnawed by those things and were no longer human.

He looked around and found that the corpses had piled up into a small mountain.

The stench and bloody smell mixed together, making people's chests churn.

This scene was really like hell on earth.

"Why are there so many corpses?"

Zhuang Chen was a little confused.

"Grunt, grunt..."

There were some sounds of chewing meat not far away, and the sound of mopping the floor was gradually approaching.

Zhuang Chen's fresh blood was particularly obvious, and many monsters raised their noses and patrolled around.

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