Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 180: Unexpected Success

Zhuang Chen took off his coat and directly tied the unconscious Qi Yan to his back.

The raised eyes contained endless murderous intent.

"I've given you opportunities again and again, but you insist on trying."

Zhuang Chen snorted and looked around at the people surrounding him.

"Our target this time is not you. As long as you put down the girl behind you, everything will be easy."

"What if I say no?"

Guo Jia's confidants knew that Zhuang Chen was a tough guy and would not be so easy to talk to.

This was also what he expected.

He made a gesture with a sullen face, and the people around him immediately moved their bodies to slowly move closer to him.

The power that erupted from those people directly became a wall of supernatural powers, making it impossible for anyone to penetrate.

"call out!"

Zhuang Chen strode forward at a pace that was so fast that people couldn't see it in the dark, just like a cheetah.

It makes people feel a powerful force coming towards them.

Everyone was a little shocked by his actions.


The impact of this force was like the muffled sound of drums and bells in the temple.

The ground shook a little with this force.

An invisible powerful air current appeared on Zhuang Chen's body, fighting against the colorful power of those people.

The dazzling light directly illuminated their clenched teeth faces.

"Do you think you can trap me like this?"

The corners of Zhuang Chen's mouth curved into a strange arc when he was confronting these people.

He drew out his powerful mental power and controlled the bricks and steel bars in the ruins behind the group of people.

All of them felt a little uneasy, when one of them looked back.

Only to find densely packed things floating in mid-air.

"Get out of the way!"

An angry shout resounded throughout the sky.

At that time, everyone felt a murderous intention behind them.

"call out……"

Those steel bars and bricks swooped down and attacked the backs and heads of these people.

Those who were unable to dodge had their shoulders directly penetrated by the steel bars, and fell to the ground wailing in pain.

Those who escaped, some patted their chests in fear.

They felt like they had just come very close to death.

When they reacted, Zhuang Chen had already disappeared from their eyes with Qi Yan on his back.

Guo Jia's confidants were so angry that they cursed.

"Brother Liu, there are things about this kid that are not easy to deal with.

If this continues, some of us will not be able to make a difference! "

"Damn it, of course I know it too. It seems I have to apply for something more powerful from above."

Upon hearing his subordinate's words, Liu Chan turned around suddenly and paced back and forth with his hands on his hips.

There was a fierce look in his eyes.

Quan Di took his school girl and a few followers to wander leisurely among the ruins.

He didn't take these monsters and zombies seriously at all.

"The monsters and zombies here seem to be more ferocious than the ones we have here."

"This is where they originated, so of course it's different."

Quan Di raised his head slightly and looked at the surrounding environment. The moonlight stretched his figure longer.

An Qing, who was behind him, looked at his profile with starry eyes.

"Brother Quan is Brother Quan. He can see the problem at a glance."

The few followers behind him also seized the opportunity to flatter him.

Although Quan Di didn't show it on his face, he was very grateful for such praise.


There was a sound of fighting in the distance, and Quan Di and the others immediately became vigilant and slowly moved closer to the front.

Quan Di, who was hiding in the dark, looked at a woman with only one hand, waving a condensed fiery red blade.

The moves are ruthless and decisive.

"It seems that this woman is quite extraordinary."


Just as he was whispering about this woman.

Professor Qi, who was already injured, was bitten on his calf by the monsters surrounding him.

She gritted her teeth and without screaming, waved the fire blade in her hand and chopped off its head.

The monster's head rolled to the side like a rubber ball.

Blood sprayed on her body, and this time Quan Di saw her appearance clearly.

"Why is it her?"

He widened his pupils, rubbed his eyes, and repeatedly confirmed the identity of the woman in front of him.

"Brother Quan, do you know her?"

An Qing's face dropped and she frowned slightly as she looked at Professor Qi.

Quan Di didn't answer her words and walked out from the darkness.

The tall figure blocked Professor Qi's body, blocking her from the attacking monsters.

An Qing was so angry that she stomped her little foot and could only follow him.

Professor Qi was startled by the tall figure that suddenly appeared, and he couldn't help but feel a little touched in his heart.

Quan Di and the few people behind him drove away all the monsters around him.

"Teacher Qi, are you okay?"

Looking at the worried person in front of him, he hurried towards him.

Professor Qi herself was stunned. She never imagined that this was her former student.

"Quan Di? Why are you here? Didn't you go out to study?"

Professor Qi was helped up from the ground by Quan Di, and she could not calm down her mood for a long time.

She stared blankly at this handsome face.

She also secretly sighed in her heart that fortunately she had given him a lot of care because of his identity and background, and did not treat him harshly.

"Now the apocalypse is breaking out, and I heard that there are special people here, so I came back."

Quan Di scratched his head and explained.

Others were a little shocked when they saw Professor Qi's appearance.

But there was no sympathy for her in his eyes.

The scene of bullying them at that time flashed in her mind.

"Teacher Qi, what's wrong with your hand?"

Quan Di looked at the sleeve fluttering in the wind, and was moved.

Professor Qi also followed his gaze and looked at his arm, full of grief.

She told Quan Di everything she had experienced.

Unexpectedly, Quan Di heard that it was the same person who defeated him.


He suddenly became furious and punched the wall next to him, and bricks fell down.

"Why is it this annoying guy again? Why is it all related to him?"

Hearing him say this, Professor Qi could guess a thing or two.

I didn't expect that he would have a grudge with that person as soon as he came back. Isn't this exactly what she wanted?

Quan Di invited Professor Qi to return to the security team.

On the way, from the conversation with him, Professor Qi never thought that Guo Jia was actually his uncle.

"It seems that all these developments are unexpectedly smooth!"

Professor Qi murmured softly, and a meaningful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

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