Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 198: Rely on yourself for everything

"If we call in water superpowers, can we solve this water resource issue?"

“But the water condensed by water superpowers is the water molecules in the air where they live.

How much water there is depends on the water molecules distributed in the air, not the superpower. "

Zhao De's brain flashed and he jumped to Zhuang Chen's side and told him this idea.

But the next second, Zhuang Chen poured cold water on him.

He suddenly looked like a deflated rubber ball, swaying from side to side, standing behind the crowd with his head lowered.

Regarding solving the problem of water resources in farmland, everyone is scratching their heads and not knowing how to start.

The people above were almost breaking the threshold of the farm, and they came to ask if they could grow staple foods such as rice or wheat.

The TV stations reporting on the apocalypse are too upright and directly report the lack of coverage of the staple food of the apocalypse.

This caused humans to panic and plunder.

When Zhuang Chen performed the system task, he found that they were killing each other.

Things have become mired in a swamp, which makes people anxious.

TV station.

"I have a way to grow rice and wheat. I hope you will report this true report to stop the current chaos."

The sudden appearance of Zhuang Chen shocked everyone on the TV station.

They still remembered the last time Zhuang Chen used his own methods to abduct them.

"We need true reporting, not your unsubstantiated claims."

Li Qiang stood at the front of the crowd, with a look of fear on his face.

But he still expressed his doubts with a righteous face.

"Can this be reported by you?"

Zhuang Chen held a small handful of rice seeds in his hand, displayed in front of their eyes.

Li Qiang's eyes lit up. He rubbed his eyes and took a half-step forward to take a closer look.

After confirming the authenticity of this thing, he turned back and gave his man a look.

"We will report it truthfully and hope you will not disappoint us."

"It's natural."

After Zhuang Chen finished speaking, he jumped down from the tall building of the TV station and landed smoothly on his feet.

The people behind him were shocked when they saw his move, and quickly ran to the window.

Looking at his leaving figure, his eyes were full of scrutiny.

Security Corps.

"Guo Bureau, we received news that Zhuang Chen said that rice can be grown, which suppressed a lot of confusion."

Guo Jia put his hands behind his back, raised his head slightly and looked into the distance, his eyes full of cruelty.

His brain was working rapidly.

I originally planned to take advantage of this chaos to stir up some trouble to cover up my plan.

I didn't expect to be suppressed so quickly.

“Last time during the fight, I discovered that his fields were dry and cracked, so his next move must be to tidy them up.

The order was given to guard the water resources of all parties and not allow anyone to provide them to him. "

Guo Jia immediately thought of disrupting his plan, as long as he couldn't plant it.

When the time comes, he will have plenty of ways to stir up people's hearts, push him to the top of the wave, and annihilate him in one fell swoop.


Zhuang Chen in the field bent down and piled the excavated mud to a certain height to form a rectangular area.


After doing all this, he sat directly on the edge of the field regardless of the mud on his body.

Looking at his masterpiece, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Zhuang Chen stretched out his hand and began to condense water, and misty water vapor surrounded him.

It made him feel a little cold, and goosebumps appeared on his arms unconsciously.

He manipulated the water molecules in the air, slowly condensing them into water droplets and falling on the newly surrounded rectangular field.

But even if he is so powerful, he can only wet this small piece of land if he condenses the water droplets in the air.

There is absolutely no way to submerge the ground.

"Zhuang Da, what are you doing?"

Ju Anan and Brother Zhu came over and saw the huge field. Zhuang Chen dug a small piece of land in the middle.

There were signs of water on the ground.

"Presumably, Zhuangda is planning to cultivate rice seedlings in this land. When they grow, they will be planted in the fields."

Brother Zhu saw Zhuang Chen's intention and explained to Ju An'an in a low voice.

"Brother Zhu is right, now is the time to plant rice, and I must seize the opportunity.

During this period, we have to irrigate the rice fields before the seedlings grow. "

After hearing what Zhuang Chen said, they lowered their heads instantly, with a look of embarrassment on their faces.

"What's going on?"

Zhuang Chen also saw their emotions at this time, and felt a little uneasy in his heart. He raised his head and asked them.

Brother Zhu and the others looked at each other and said hesitantly:

"We went out to explain our purpose, but the other party seemed uncooperative and refused to provide us with water resources."

"We also went to Zhu Ju, but the water resources he could provide were a drop in the bucket."


After hearing the news they reported, Zhuang Chen also understood two things.

The first is that someone is secretly trying to stop his plan to plant rice this time.

The second is that Director Zhu must ensure that they have normal drinking water and will provide it only if there is excess.

Looking at it this way, they have to rely on themselves in everything.

Brother Zhu poured some of the water resources they obtained into piles of rectangular fields cut by Zhuang Chen.

The water only slightly soaked into the ground, and the soil began to become soft.

But it is still not enough to grow rice.

Everyone had a melancholy look on their faces, squatting down and stretching out their fingertips to touch the field.

"If we continue at this speed, I wonder how long it will take to complete the irrigation?"

"Don't be discouraged, there must be other ways."

Zhuang Chen stood up first, picked up the tools on the ground and walked up.

The others had no choice but to follow him.

"In fact, we can issue a city call to ask for the help of water-based superpowers and give them corresponding rewards."

Zhao De's eyebrows relaxed and he thought of a good idea. He immediately trotted to catch up with Zhuang Chen's pace.

He told him his idea, and everyone thought his idea was good.

"This method is feasible, so let's implement it immediately.

But we must pay attention to the means of detecting people with bad intentions."

Zhuang Chen knew that due to the bad weather outside, it would not rain at all.

So this method is feasible. He thought for a while before pondering.

Everyone nodded, with a smile on their lips.

They nodded slightly to Zhuang Chen, and immediately left the farm and quickly began to implement the plan.

As soon as Zhuang Chen and his team's plan was announced, all the water-based superpowers were secretly happy and responded immediately.

The temptation of those seedlings was something they could only encounter once in a while.

The water-based superpowers desperately condensed a lot of water and hurried to exchange it.

When Brother Zhu and his team saw this, they immediately felt that planting rice was promising.

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