Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 20: There must be something hateful about pitiful people

Seeing them completely disappear from his sight, Zhuang Chen also felt that his ears were much clearer.

Think of the task issued to you by the system.

However, his equipment has been almost used, and he needs to strengthen it when he returns.

Zhuang Chen drove his off-road vehicle and hummed a tune on the road.

Returning to his farm, he checked around and watched the guards patrolling diligently.

Zhuang Chen nodded lightly with some satisfaction.

He went directly back to his studio and took out the model drawing of the HK-UMP·45 submachine gun.

Because key parts are omitted, the chance of successful production is almost zero.

In fact, Zhuang Chen was very attentive to this model drawing.

He didn't give up on him just because of that.

Instead, I took some model drawings of other types of guns and compared them.

According to the characteristics of the submachine gun, many improvements have been made.

At the same time, the shortcomings of its body being prone to shaking are greatly reduced.

Complete this rough model drawing.

Then he carried out a series of parts manufacturing and assembly.

"Huh... It seems that my hands-on ability is not bad at all!"

Zhuang Chen picked up the assembled submachine gun in his hand.

It is black throughout.

The lines are clear under the light, and some are shiny.

He was very satisfied with this submachine gun, but he didn't know how powerful it was?

Zhuang Chen took off his goggles and prepared to test the power.


Suddenly, a rustling sound sounded in his ears.

Although he could feel the other party's deliberate and gentle steps.

However, the wooden boards outside his room were still creaking.

"It seems like you are here to serve as a target for me for free."

Zhuang Chen gently stroked the submachine gun in his hand, looking forward to it.

He calmly walked to the door with a submachine gun.

He pressed his body against the wall, listened to the sound with his ears raised, and searched around his farm.

"But it's so stupid."

However, he waited for a long time, but the other party did not find him.

He couldn't help but walked out on his own initiative.

When Zhuang Chen walked out, he discovered that it was the mutated woman wandering around the door of his guard robot.

When she saw her guard robot walking towards her.

Writhing on the ground in panic.

to be honest.

Her figure rolling on the ground looked a little funny.

Zhuang Chen crossed his arms and held a machine gun.

Watching her every move with interest.

But he was such a big man standing there, and the mutant just didn't notice his presence.

Zhuang Chen helplessly shook his head and raised his forehead.


He cleared his throat slightly to remind the woman.

Unexpectedly, his slight voice made this woman frightened.

He even took a step back violently, hitting a big hole in the wall of the house where he was guarding the robot.

Zhuang Chen was already speechless to her.

"You...have you been standing there for a long time?"

"It seems you are not stupid either."

Seeing the woman, she was a little in disbelief, and pointed at Zhuang Chen with a trembling hand.

After hearing Zhuang Chen's affirmative answer,

She suddenly became a little angry and felt that every move she made must be a joke in his eyes.

She immediately became angry and rushed towards Zhuang Chen with a big axe.

"Why this move again? Do you really not know how to think about it?"

Seeing that she was still holding this weapon, there was nothing new about it.

Zhuang Chen suddenly felt helpless.

He raised the submachine gun in his hand, pointed it at her, and just gently pulled the trigger.

That bullet broke through the void like a tsunami.

He hit her in the abdomen hard and pushed her back several meters.

Her figure was so huge that even a bullet could be knocked back several meters.

Zhuang Chen's eyes were full of surprise.

It seems that his research and development of submachine guns has been quite successful.

Looking at this own research, I feel a little complacent.

But from the woman's point of view, it was a mockery of her.

Her eyes were scarlet, with bloodshot eyes wrapped around them. Her face was so swollen that it could be photographed, the veins all over her body popped out, and her body began to swell.

He lay on the ground like a toad, neighing from his mouth.

Zhuang Chen couldn't help but block his ears.

However, her posture attracted several of Zhuang Chen's guard robots.

They attacked her coldly and without explanation.

The mutant panicked and fled in panic.

She was a little embarrassed in her hiding state.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

Zhuang Chen looked helpless on the side.

Her whole behavior was like a clown.

His own humanoid guard alone had already crushed her, without Zhuang Chen needing to take action at all.

Zhuang Chen just looked at her with interest, dealing with several of his guards.

"Why don't you admit defeat? I can't stand you anymore."

Seeing her guards crushing her completely, she looked as pitiful as a little ant.

"Fuck you uncle, I will tear your head off and play it with a ball."

When she heard Zhuang Chen's words, she suddenly became furious.

He pointed at Zhuang Chen and cursed.


But while she was in a trance, her arm was cut off by the chainsaw in the hand of the pedestrian guard.

She crouched down to avoid it, wailing in pain.

Seeing her like this, Zhuang Chen felt some pain in his body.

In fact, he didn't have much sympathy for this woman.

When he thought of the pile of corpses he encountered this afternoon.

You know how many innocent people these two people have killed.

He looks pitiful now, but that's just because poor people must be hateful.

Since she was unwilling to admit defeat, there was nothing Zhuang Chen could do.

She could only let a few of her guards play with her.

Originally, he planned to do it if she took the initiative to admit defeat.

It would save her some physical pain and send her to a research institute to study the cause of her mutation.

Make a little contribution to the end of the world.

If she doesn't want to, then let her suffer more.

Then forcefully tie her to the research institute, throw her at the door, and let them study it!

This woman's posture just now was so powerful and powerful, and now she is so embarrassed.

Zhuang Chen stood aside and looked at her with his hands folded across his chest.

Until she was dying and only had one breath left.

Only then did Zhuang Chen order the humanoid guards to stop and tie her up.

And set timing commands for the humanoid guards.

Ask him to throw this person directly at the entrance of the institute in the middle of the night and leave a note.

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