Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 221 I Can't Take You Down Yet

After Professor Qi finished speaking, a force condensed in her hand.

Her greedy eyes swept over her body, and she walked towards Qi Yan in high heels.


Qi Yan staggered to her feet, tears streaming down her eyes, and she roared in pain.

The force that erupted from her body spread out in all directions with her as the center.

Professor Qi saw the force coming towards her and directly blocked it in front of her.

However, she was pushed back a few steps by the force, and suddenly she felt something approaching her.

Just as she was about to raise her head, she was hit by a force right in her lower abdomen.

Her body seemed to be weightless, and drew a parabola in the void.

She was thrown into a ruin, and she had not yet reacted.

The fierce attack came at her again.

Professor Qi just stretched out her hand to block her head, and a fist came down directly, which was just blocked by her.

She raised her eyes slightly and saw Qi Yan's scarlet eyes full of determination, wanting to put her to death.

"You must die, and be buried with my parents."

"Dream on."

A confrontation of power resounded directly through the void.

Qi Yan's power continued to increase, and she wanted to crush Professor Qi.

But the twisted face had already shown the result.

"You still want to deal with me, wait a few hundred years."


Professor Qi's power opened Qi Yan, and she fought back against her forcefully.

She condensed two fire blades in her hands, following Qi Yan floating in the void, wanting to give her a fatal blow.


At the critical moment, Zhuang Chen suddenly appeared and held Qi Yan in his arms, and condensed a lightning blade in his hand to block Professor Qi.

The collision of the two blades made a harsh sound, and Zhuang Chen's power crushed Professor Qi.

He didn't give her a chance to react at all, and kicked her in the stomach.

Professor Qi's eyes showed a trace of fear, and she rolled on the ground.

She used the fire blade to fiercely cut the ground, cushioning her rolling body.

Professor Qi stopped himself with great effort, not daring to stay here for a moment.

Qi Yan saw that she was about to run away, and excitedly wanted to break free from Zhuang Chen's restraints.

Her limbs were waving randomly in the air, and tears were rushing down.

"Let me go, let me go..."

Qi Yan's shrill voice resounded through the sky, almost piercing Zhuang Chen's eardrums.

"We still have a chance to take revenge, let's leave here now."

Zhuang Chen kept lowering his voice to soothe her emotions.

But Qi Yan's emotions were fluctuating so much that Zhuang Chen couldn't control her at all.

He had no choice but to give her a knife.

Qi Yan rolled her eyes and collapsed in Zhuang Chen's arms.

"What a disobedient woman."

Zhuang Chen complained about her in a low voice, carrying her on his shoulders and leaving here.

Drive away the zombies that came after hearing the sound.

What he didn't expect was that a sturdy zombie just stared at him.

His body was like a pine tree, standing there stiffly.

Zhuang Chen felt a strong sense of oppression on him and didn't dare to let down his guard at all.

"Ding Ding..."

A crisp sound of wind chimes rang out, and the zombie's eyes moved slightly.

Zhuang Chen naturally heard this sound, and he knew that Professor Qi didn't go far.

Instead, he brought out an ace and waited for him to take the bait.

"What a good plan."

Zhuang Chen used his clothes to put the unconscious Qi Yan on himself.

"Then let me see how capable you are."

This zombie looks like a normal person.

It's just that the blue veins on his grayish-white skin look like centipedes climbing on his body.

His pupils are completely black, which looks particularly creepy.

The two people moved at the same time, punching close to the flesh.

Zhuang Chen felt that every punch of his was like hitting a steel plate.

The muffled sound made his palms numb, but the zombies didn't seem to be affected at all.

He fought with Zhuang Chen indifferently.

Zhuang Chen didn't want to continue to waste time with him, because the monsters and zombies around him were also eyeing him.

As their number became larger and larger, he knew that it would be a bit difficult to go out alone.

He condensed a lightning blade in his hand and clenched his hands to rotate.

He raised it in mid-air and hit the zombie hard, and the sound of violent steel collision sounded.

His huge power did not cause any damage to this zombie.

There was only a dent on his body, and no blood seeped out.

Zhuang Chen gritted his teeth and swung it down again.

But the result was still the same, which caused great pressure on his heart.

Zhuang Chen kept changing the superpowers in his hands, and the colorful light shone on his cold face.

No matter what method he used, there was no blood on the zombie.


The zombie moved his neck left and right, making a crisp sound of bones.

He looked at Zhuang Chen indifferently, and the huge figure enveloped him.


Zhuang Chen and Qi Yan rolled to one side, and both of them had scratches on their faces.

"See if I can take you down now."

Professor Qi, who was hiding in the dark, opened her red lips slightly, with a smile on her lips.

She also shook the wind chimes in her hand, and the sound made the zombies more violent.

Zhuang Chen retreated again and again.

Zhuang Chen was also looking at the surrounding environment, thinking about how to take him down.

Then he saw the crumbling house in the distance with his sharp eyes, and a plan flashed in his mind.

Zhuang Chen pretended that he couldn't beat him, and kept dodging his attacks.

Wanting to lead this zombie to the broken house, the zombie pressed on step by step.

Soon the two of them entered the house, and Zhuang Chen deliberately broke a corner of the house.

The house tilted, and the steel bar as thick as a wrist was shaking on their heads.

Zhuang Chen grabbed the steel bar flexibly, and his body shook violently on it.

The zombies jumped up and tried to catch him, but he dodged them repeatedly.

Professor Qi, who was far away, couldn't see the situation inside and felt a little uneasy.

She moved closer to them.


Before she got close to them, she heard the screams of the zombies.

Her eyebrows jumped, making her feel panic.

When Professor Qi arrived there, he found that the two-story house had collapsed directly.

The bricks fell into a ball, and a steel bar penetrated the zombie from head to tail. The scene was extremely creepy.

Zhuang Chen's figure had long disappeared.

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