Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 250: Raging Squirrel

"We always have to give it a try. Wealth can be found in danger.

When Huang Feng heard what they said, it did make sense.

But for him, this is an opportunity, and if he doesn't seize it this time, he will miss it.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about him anymore, let's go and try our best to turn the bicycle into a motorcycle."

Seeing his elder brother rescuing him, Huang Feng suddenly smiled and walked towards him.

A few people can only let this matter develop like this and try their best to complete this mission.

As Zhuang Chen was on his way back to the farm, the sky was already so dark that he couldn't even see his fingers.

But he could always see those green eyes looking at him eagerly in some dark places.

Because his body exudes so much power that it can frighten the monsters and zombies around him.

Therefore, when they have a premonition of danger, they can only wait for opportunities in the dark and dare not come forward rashly.

"I feel a little tired today, so I won't play with you guys."

Zhuang Chen gently rubbed the bridge of his nose and flashed past them with a teleport.

Zhuang Chen, who returned to the farm, fell on his bed and exhaled heavily.

After a brief rest, he fell asleep.

The next day.

Zhuang Chen woke up early in the morning. He simply washed up and walked directly to the vegetable field.

Because the impact of these pests in vegetable fields is too wide.

As a result, Zhuang Chen could only find an open space slightly far away from them.

Prepare to plant the garlic you got yesterday.

Zhuang Chen simply cleaned the surface of these garlic cloves, but did not peel off their skin.

Some of them had been chewed up, so he could only throw them away out of distress.

I found an open space where the sun could directly shine, and took a small shovel to dig out small ditches next to it to facilitate drainage.

After doing this, he patted the soil on his hands, picked up a garlic clove on the side and put the flat root downward and the pointed side upward.

Press it directly five centimeters below the soil, and hit a garlic every ten centimeters to control the distance between them.

I don't have a lot of garlic cloves on hand, so I can do it in a while.

Zhuang Chen took out the dagger from his waist and slit his fingertips.

Where the bright red blood fell on the seeds, he quickly swiped at them all.

Then we can only wait quietly for them to sprout.

Zhuang Chen lay on the ground, put his ears to the ground, and listened to the sound of garlic cloves breaking through the soil and growing into buds.

"What is Zhuang Da doing?"

Cen Gong and Qiu Yinyin looked at Zhuang Chen's behavior with bewildered expressions. They stupidly followed Zhuang Chen's example and lay down on the ground.

Zhuang Chen was concentrating on listening to the movement in the soil. Although he heard footsteps, he knew who it was.

So I didn't care about them until I was sure that the garlic had sprouted.

He just sighed and stood up, when he saw the two people in front of him also imitating his appearance.

He also moved his head and ears from side to side to listen, which he found a little funny.

"What are you two doing?"

"No! We want to see what you are doing, Mr. Zhuang?"

The two of them instantly realized how stupid they looked.

He scratched his head in embarrassment and answered Zhuang Chen's words.

With a smile on his face, Zhuang Chen picked up the shovel on the ground.

I told them to water this place every 3 to 5 days.

The two of them nodded to show their understanding and looked at Zhuang Chen's leaving figure.

Zhuang Chen took out the piece of paper Bai Tuantuan gave him from his arms.

Looking at the materials she needed above, one of them said soap.

He was puzzled. Would this also be effective in killing insects?

Although he had doubts in his heart, he had to prepare for him.

"Now I don't have any materials at all. It seems I can only do it myself."

Zhuang Chen simply cleaned up the mud on his body, walked into the studio, and prepared the materials for making soap.

He took out two 300 ml beakers, wave rod, alcohol lamp, asbestos net, tallow, 95%, saturated salt water, etc.

He pushed up the goggles on his face and fiddled with the materials on the table with pure white gloves.

Add tallow, alcohol, and chemicals to a 300 ml beaker.

Stir with a wave rod, then place the beaker on the asbestos mesh, heat over low heat while stirring constantly.

He mustered up all his energy and strictly confirmed their number, time, etc.

A morning passed before he made this piece of soap.

In order to make it taste better, Zhuang Chen also added a little mint to it.

He raised the delicate piece of soap in his hand and admired it carefully towards the sunshine. He felt an inexplicable achievement in his heart.

At this time, it was Cen Gong and the others who prepared the meal.

Zhuang Chen and the others sat in their seats, watching the relevant apocalyptic reports and chewing the food in front of them.

"I wonder what happened last night? The squirrels in the suburbs suddenly went berserk.

He launched an attack on the surrounding safe zones wantonly, and everyone was unable to defend against it. "


Seeing the news reported on TV, Zhuang Chen immediately stopped eating.

He raised his eyes and looked at the scene playing inside. Sure enough, there were some squirrels he was familiar with.

He felt a little guilty, he didn't expect his action.

These squirrels became so cruel that they took the initiative to attack the surroundings.

"Since I caused this incident, I should be the one to calm it down."

Zhuang Chen stood up and walked out, and the others were still confused.

They followed him one after another, asking him what happened worriedly.

Zhuang Chen talked about what happened last night.

"Then let's go together, after all, there is strength in numbers."

"Yes, Zhuang Da."

"With so many squirrels, it may be a bit difficult for you alone."

Everyone expressed their opinions and wanted to help Zhuang Chen.

Finally, it was confirmed that Ceng Gong and Qiu Yinyin would stay at home, and the others would go with him.

In this way, they rushed to the suburbs aggressively, perhaps because the breath on them was too strong.

So some lower-level zombies and monsters did not dare to approach.

They soon arrived at the scene.

The collapsed buildings and the bodies with limbs torn apart, the smoke from the fire gave off a burning smell.

The mess in front of them gave them a headache.

The group of squirrels that were the culprits had long disappeared.

"Let's go look for them."

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