Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 257 I don't have to lie to you

Zhuang Chen liked this novel skill very much. He was a little bored by the conversation with the six little yellow dogs.

He wanted to go out and try to communicate with more animals to verify himself.

But soon he found that these skills could only be used to communicate with some animals that escaped from the Death Cave.

Those mutated animals were already a little violent and there was no way to communicate normally.

This gave him a headache. It seemed that this skill needed to be greatly upgraded.

After all, this was the end of zombies and monsters.

Zhuang Chen left in a hurry after coming to a conclusion.

Just as he was about to leave here, he found a small object under a broken building.

He crouched down and passed through those heavy monsters and zombies.

In front of the zombies he met, he squatted down and kept still, hiding his figure.

He could not feel any strong breath from him.

But it was obvious that he was very skilled in this action.

It should not be the first time he did this.

Zhuang Chen had his hands around his chest with interest, sitting on the roof and shaking his legs.

Taking in the scene below, he set his sights on the small object.

But the other party covered his face, so he couldn't tell his gender.


A violent vibration frightened the small object so much that it dared not move and trembled in the dark.

Seeing that zombie was about to twist its steps and slowly approach him.

The breath that was getting closer and closer, and the shoe that appeared in front of him, the little guy gritted his teeth to prevent himself from shouting.


Just when the zombie stretched out his hand to touch him, the zombie's body was suddenly controlled by a force.

He threw him out forcefully.

Zhuang Chen teleported to the boy's side, grabbed his arm and fled from this place.

But there were zombies chasing them behind them.

The boy raised his head slightly and looked at Zhuang Chen, tears rolling in his eyes.

Looking at the group of zombies behind him, he felt a sense of fear.

Zhuang Chen took him to a safe place to hide and successfully got rid of this batch of zombies.

The 11-12-year-old boy in front of him had mud on his face, covering his original appearance.

He was also wearing tattered clothes, and he seemed to be protecting a treasure in his arms.

He raised his eyes, hugged his arms vigilantly, and looked at Zhuang Chen eagerly.

But Zhuang Chen could smell that there seemed to be some rotten food in his arms.

Wang Liu felt that the boy in front of him was very familiar, and kept looking at his body and clean face.

He wanted to find a trace of information in his mind.

Suddenly, his head was enlightened, and his pupils shook violently.

"You... Are you the owner of the famous farm?"

Zhuang Chen heard what he said and nodded frankly to admit his identity.

A trace of hatred flashed in Wang Liu's lowered eyes, and he subconsciously grabbed the dagger in his arms.

When he raised his head, he adjusted his state and put on a normal expression.

"How did you appear here?"

Zhuang Chen could feel that there was no power fluctuation in his body. He was so young, but he dared to run around in the end times.

This courage is also admirable.

"Isn't it because of that person that I can appear here?

In order to survive, not only me, but my companions also died tragically in the mouths of zombies and monsters in order to survive."

Zhuang Da didn't know why he couldn't control his fluctuating emotions when he said this.

And the outlet for his venting seemed to be roaring at himself.

Why did he feel that all this was caused by himself? Thinking about it carefully.

This didn't seem to have much to do with him. What happened?

"Who is the person you are talking about?"

As soon as Zhuang Chen finished speaking, he saw the young man in front of him taking a step towards him.

There was a sudden pain in his abdomen. He looked at his abdomen in disbelief. He was actually stabbed with a dagger by him.

The child in front of him stared at him with hatred.

He never relaxed his strength, wanting to kill him in one fell swoop.

"You killed so many of my friends."

His huge tears flowed down his cheeks from the corners of his eyes and fell hotly on the ground.

"I don't know what you are talking about. Is there any misunderstanding?"

Zhuang Chen grabbed his arm and slowly pulled out the dagger.

The boy's face was panicked, and he no longer protected the things in his arms.

The rotten food appeared in front of Zhuang Chen and fell at his feet.

Wang Liu held the dagger with both hands and stabbed it hard.

But how could he, an ordinary person, resist Zhuang Chen's strength?


The dagger was thrown to the ground by Zhuang Chen, and he grabbed the boy's arm to make him speak clearly.

"I know I am not your opponent. You can kill or cut me up, whatever you want."

Wang Liu risked his life, closed his eyes and held his neck, waiting for death to come.

"I hope you can make yourself clear."

"Don't you understand what you did? You asked your men to distribute the food to the powerful.

You looked down on us, the lower class people, and never gave us a cent."


He let his hands hang down by his side, and roared out all the crimes of Zhuang Chen.

Zhuang Chen looked down at the rotten food at his feet, and his heart was aching.

What he said was not what he meant at all, and it was no wonder that he had such a huge hatred for himself.

"I can speak with my conscience, and what you said was not what I meant at all.

And I am not ignorant of these things.

I am sorry for causing you such confusion, and I hope you can give me a chance to investigate everything clearly."

Zhuang Chen leaned over to apologize to him sincerely, and his words were full of sincerity.

Such a move made the young man panic, and he looked at him with tears in his eyes, a little surprised.

The painting style changed too suddenly, he didn't expect that he could be said to be a high and mighty person now.

He actually lowered his own value so much and apologized to him.

This seems to be a completely different person from the one in the rumors. Who is the real one?

"You...what you said is true."

"I don't need to lie to you. I do things right."

Wang Liu stretched out his arm to wipe his tears. He didn't look like he was lying.

Even if he was lying, there was no need to apologize to an ordinary person like me.

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