Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 262: Words are not enough

The next day.

Because too many things happened in the past few days, Zhuang Chen's sleep was not very good.

Before the sun had fully risen, he was already walking soberly in the farm.

When he walked to the pasture, an idea suddenly flashed in his head.

Didn't the system reward him with a calf yesterday?

Because so many things happened, he almost forgot about this incident.

He took the calf out of the system.

The little guy had a confused expression on his face, and he opened his eyes sleepily.

He looked around blankly, as if he was just born, unable to stand up and walk normally with his limbs.

It also made a humming sound from its mouth, and lightly rubbed Zhuang Chen's knee with its little head.

"Can you understand me, little one?"

Zhuang Chen rubbed its head and communicated with it.

However, he found that the calf didn't seem to be able to answer his words yet, and it might be that it was still in its human infant stage.

Zhuang Chen kept using words to encourage it to stand up and let it learn to walk on its own.

Maverick lowered his head on his knees and stood up with all his strength.

Limping towards Zhuang Chen.

"You're awesome little guy."

Zhuang Chen smiled knowingly when he saw this scene.

He let the calf roam freely and walked to the pheasant pen.


There were only 5.6 pheasants at that time, but now there are more than ten, and their clucking sounds occupy an area.

He squatted down and looked at the chicken coop specially set up for them. There were already several wild eggs in it.

"It seems that the results are quite good."

Zhuang Chen reached in and took out a few wild eggs. Looking at the still warm wild eggs, he felt very moved in his heart.

"Zhuang Da, it's not good, it's not good..."

Brother Zhu's voice suddenly came from the distance, his words were very urgent, and he ran towards Zhuang Chen quickly.

After Zhuang Chen heard their voices, his temples began to beat subconsciously.

"Who is trying to cause trouble?"

"It is said that a low-level citizen united everyone to accuse us of not caring about other people's lives and brutally killed her husband yesterday."

When he heard what he said clearly, Zhuang Chen raised his head in confusion and thought about what happened yesterday.

"So what's going on now?"

"It is said that the influence of this incident was too bad and it went directly to the superiors. Zhu Zhengju has now sent people over."

Zhuang Chen understood what he meant, which meant that he wanted him to confront that person face to face.

"Take me to see that person. I want to see what tricks they want to play?"

Zhuang Chen walked to the front yard, and two men in black pushed up their sunglasses and walked towards him and nodded at the same time.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhuang, but you have to come with us now."


Zhuang Chen responded calmly and followed the two men in black into a car.

After experiencing bumps along the way, they soon arrived at Zhu Zhengju's safe zone.

The outside was crowded with people with all kinds of powers, and they all wanted to know about this incident.

Seeing Zhuang Chen coming over, they all pointed at him and whispered to each other.

Before he walked in, a burst of cries of killing pigs reached Zhuang Chen's ears.

He frowned and sighed softly.

Without seeing this person's face, you can tell who he is just by hearing the harsh sound.

Zhuang Chen walked in and found Zhu Zhengju sitting on top of the seat.

Li Cuifang and his son were crying in the basement.

A piece of white cloth covered the body, and the blood had soaked the white cloth half wet.

Whether it was the impact of the smell or the mutilated corpse, it made people feel uncomfortable.

As Li Cuifang's family members, Wang Liu's family stood by and watched this happening, feeling a bit at a loss.

Zhu Zhengju also looked at Zhuang Chen with a troubled expression.

"The woman in front of you accuses you of killing her husband. Do you have anything to say about this accusation?"

"I have no conflict with them. I wonder where such an accusation comes from?"

Zhuang Chen stood there with neither humility nor arrogance, and glanced at Li Cuifang who was crying on the ground with sharp eyes. The long and drawn out voice made her scared.

But now she can only bite the bullet, and the only breadwinner of the family dies like this.

It was impossible for her not to think about her own future.

"Aren't you afraid of thunder when you talk like this? We all sincerely come to apologize. Why do you treat me like this?"

Li Cuifang's huge teardrops fell from the slit in her eyes, looking like they were squeezed out.

Li Cuifang climbed over on the ground, wanting to hug Zhuang Chen's legs and feet, and accuse him of being cruel and ruthless.

“I made it clear that she came to me to get resources from me.

She wanted to find something to do with me, but I just ignored her. "

Zhuang Chen took a step back to avoid her outstretched hands, and the truth he told made Li Cuifang panic.

Li Cuifang awkwardly took back her hands that were frozen in mid-air.

He lowered his head, his eyes drifted from side to side guiltily, and his hands subconsciously tightened his clothes.

The Wang Liu family on the side almost had their eyes popping out when they looked at her.

They know very well what kind of character she is.

But she soon calmed down, refuted Zhuang Chen's words, and cried with tears.

"You are talking nonsense. I didn't expect you to be so daring.

It's a pity for my husband! He died at such a young age."

She cried and pounded the ground, asking Zhu Zhengju to make the decision for her.

She asked the people standing outside to make the decision for her, and crawled towards them while crying.

Everyone was so scared that they retreated one after another, pointing fingers at Zhuang Chen.

"Since you said it was all me, what evidence do you have?"

"What evidence can I, a commoner, have in my hands? Just because you seized this point, can you do whatever you want?"

"My father died so tragically, he was chopped into several pieces by a knife..."

Xiao De was sobbing softly, and Li Cuifang saw him like this.

She secretly reached out to pinch the flesh on his waist, and Xiao De cried out in pain, and immediately understood and cried loudly.

She pointed at Zhuang Chen and counted his crimes, but her eyes were looking at Zhuang Chen's limited edition clothes.

Zhu Zhengju watched them, each saying that he was right.

He was in the middle and didn't know how to judge the case.

"All cases require evidence, not just your empty words.

Since you can't produce evidence of my crime, please provide the details of my crime."

Zhuang Chen said to her in a serious manner.

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