Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 264: See how hard your bones are

“It’s really because of my family’s misfortune that I married such a vicious woman, causing my brother to lose his life in vain.

Xiao Qin burst into tears, pitying her brother's life and hating that woman.

Wang Chenglin held his wife in his arms and softly comforted her.

Xiao Qin couldn't figure it out.

Even in the last days, she tried her best to give her brother's family the best, and never fought for it.

Unexpectedly, a white-eyed wolf came.

Zhuang Chen could understand her emotions, but he didn't know how to comfort her.

"We are sorry for you about this matter, but I am also waiting quietly for the explanation you gave us."

When Wang Chenglin was about to pass Zhuang Chen, a faint voice sounded in his ears, and the two people's eyes met.

Looking at their retreating figures also indicates that this matter has come to an end.

【Ding! If there is an intruder on the farm, please get rid of it as soon as possible. 】


These three sentences appeared systematically in Zhuang Chen's head, which shocked him.

He simply said hello to Zhu Zhengju and Kong Ci, and quickly left the place.


When Zhuang Chen was still a little far away from the farm, he heard a huge collision coming from inside.

He rushed in without stopping and immediately stopped the man in black wearing a cloak and a devil mask.

Zhou Dong, his subordinate, was lying on the ground dying. If Zhuang Chen hadn't arrived in time, he might have died.

When Lin Yi, Cen Gong and the others saw Zhuang Chen arriving in time, the big stone that jumped out of their throats went down.

Lin Yi knelt down weakly on the ground, soaking the ground with tears.

"You want to target my farm again and again. Who are you?"


Zhuang Chen was filled with impatience in the face of his repeated provocations.

The power erupting from his body shocked him away, and the man in black took a few steps back.

He stabilized his body vigilantly, knelt down on one knee and raised his cold eyes.

The look on his face showed that he wanted to kill him.

"I'm the one who wants to send you to hell."

He tilted his head and a cold voice came out of his throat.

"If you have the seed, come and get it."

Zhuang Chen preemptively disappeared on the spot, and only his afterimages could be seen with the naked eye.

It appeared in front of him in the next second, so fast that he couldn't see clearly.

The man in black could only rely on his own feelings and stretched out his hands to resist this violent injury.

The cold breath hit him directly, scratching his cheeks.

His feet sunk a little deeper into the ground, and he gritted his teeth and tried his best.

The man in black fought back at Zhuang Chen not to be outdone.

A burst of fire enveloped Zhuang Chen's fists. The speed of the fists was like pouring rain, and they landed hard on his chest.

"Bang bang..."

The bursts of muffled sound made the people around them struggle when they heard it and watched their movements.

Huang Feng and the others also came back from outside at this time. Seeing this situation, they joined the battle one after another.

The machinery in the distance and the machinery brought by the man in black struggled with each other.

Dust was everywhere, hazy covering their actions.

The man in black looked around and found that he was at a disadvantage.

He reluctantly distanced himself from Zhuang Chen, gave the order in his hand, and fled with all his machinery.

"Don't run away if you dare!"

"His uncle actually dares to run wild in the farm? Do you think I, Huang Feng, am just a decoration?"


Huang Feng and his teammates looked at the back of the man in black and cursed.

"Don't focus on him yet, help all the injured people up quickly."

Upon hearing Zhuang Chen's order, Huang Feng immediately turned his head and helped up several people who were paralyzed on the ground.

Zhuang Chen first treated Zhou Dong, and after he was completely settled here, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

“It seems that the surviving middle-aged man posed a danger to him.

We must work hard to protect him. "

Zhuang Chen walked out of the operating room, tilted his head and said these words to Huang Feng.

He turned his head and left.

Zhuang Chen made a general inspection and found that the battle just now did not cause much damage to the farm.

"Zhuang Da, that man has made some noise."

Qi Yan ran over in small steps, walked to Zhuang Chen and said to him.

Zhuang Chen walked back from the vegetable field and rushed to the middle-aged man's room.

When he rushed to the room, he found that the man opened his eyes blankly and looked around, lying on the bed completely unable to move.

"You...who are you?"

Zhuang Chen's heart skipped a beat when he heard his voice.

He was a little afraid that the man had suffered a concussion and had lost his memory.

Then all their actions will be in vain.

Zhuang Chen had a sullen face and did not answer his words. Instead, he took out the instruments and conducted a series of examinations on his brain.

"You...what are you doing?"

The middle-aged man felt that his throat was extremely dry, and he struggled to make a sound, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

"No need to pretend anymore, tell me, who arranged for you to impersonate the lower class people?"

The test report in Zhuang Chen's hand was thrown directly in front of him, and he looked at his current state coldly.

"I don't know what you are talking about?"

"I just want to know what I want to know. If you don't cooperate, don't blame me for being cruel to you."

Zhuang Chen walked to the operating table carelessly, picked up a small scalpel meaningfully, and shook it in front of his eyes.

"I don't know what you are talking about. Please let me go, okay?"

Li Ping'an's body was trembling with fear, but he couldn't control his body to escape the current situation.

He could only swallow his saliva to ease his emotions and beg Zhuang Chen for mercy tremblingly.

Zhuang Chen's mouth corners raised a wicked smile, staring at him straight.

It made his back cold.

"I said I ask you to answer. If you don't answer or answer incorrectly, I will cut your flesh and feed it to my dog."

After Zhuang Chen's words fell, the barking of dogs sounded appropriately outside.

Frightened, he shuddered. Li Ping'an gritted his teeth and refused to admit it.

Zhuang Chen was not annoyed by his behavior and came to his side.

"I want to see how hard your bones are. You'd better hold on, otherwise my six dogs won't be enough to share your meat!"

Zhuang Chen leaned over and slowly approached him like a devil, staring at him with deep pupils without a trace of warmth.

The cold breath rushed towards him.

Li Ping'an's pupils trembled, his breathing became disordered and rapid, and he only looked at him dully.

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