Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 266: Hit the snake at its weakest point

The man in black didn't know how long he stood in the unfinished building. Finally, he put on a mask, gritted his teeth, and condensed a force with pain.

He ruthlessly destroyed it, and the huge building collapsed.

A huge dust was raised, drowning his figure.

When he left, Zhuang Chen in the dark quietly walked out.

Zhuang Chen tilted his head and looked at his back as he left, and when he was sure that he would not come back again.

Using his mental ability, all the rubble floated in the air.

The things inside were exposed in front of him.

He stepped slowly and stood in the pile of rubble.

He raised his head and looked at the tools that were smashed to pieces, trying to find a trace of useful information from them.

Since he said that this was the place where they shared memories, there must be something about him.

The first cabinet was already broken into pieces, and the photos on the wall were a little yellow, which looked like someone else's work.



When Zhuang Chen was concentrating on searching, he suddenly fell.

His body fell down uncontrollably, and he cried out in surprise.

He landed on the concrete floor, and the gravel on it covered the hole and restored it to its original state.


Zhuang Chen curled up on the ground, and he rubbed his painful knees.

He stood up from the ground with difficulty, and coughed lightly to spit out the dust in his mouth.

He stretched out his hand and waved it in front of his eyes, dispersing the dust around him.

"I didn't expect that there is a mystery here."

Zhuang Chen's mouth curled up with a faint smile, and things became interesting.

It seems that things are not as simple as he showed, and his sweetness seems to be just his own wishful thinking.

Zhuang Chen limped over and looked at this place. It was about a 60-square-meter basement, and the walls were full of torture instruments.

There were countless types of torture instruments, whips, hooks, knives, and they were already a little rusty.

The rotten smell that came to his face made Zhuang Chen's scalp numb.

There was also a wooden stool with a finger-thick hemp rope wrapped around it, which had broken into several pieces.

The dried blood on the ground, through which Zhuang Chen saw the cruelty of the previous scene.

Zhuang Chen squatted down and tapped the blood on the ground lightly, twisted the powder in his hand, and put it to his nose to smell its scent.

This allowed him to judge what happened three years ago.

"So who are these for?"

Zhuang Chen took out the photo from his pocket, because it was too dark here.

He had to put it in his pocket temporarily.

Zhuang Chen collected some samples, took a general look at the environment here, and left in a hurry.

He looked up at the blocked cave entrance, and Zhuang Chen gathered his mental power with both hands upwards to control it.

He used all his strength to support the rubble on the top, and his body slowly floated into the air and entered the cave entrance.

Zhuang Chen had a clear view of all the floating objects, and he left here first after he finished looking.


Zhuang Chen locked himself in the studio, and when he saw the photo in his pocket clearly.

He was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time. Zhuang Chen rubbed his eyes and confirmed again and again.

"Isn't this Qi Yan?"

The girl in the photo covered her mouth and smiled brightly, full of shyness.

Her curved eyebrows made people feel uneasy.

Zhuang Chen paced back and forth in his room with the photo, stroking his chin and staring at her blankly.

His mind was in a mess.

"Why did Qi Yan's photo appear here? Are they related?"

Zhuang Chen sighed lightly and was puzzled. He couldn't see through the information on this woman.

Maybe it was because the photo was too old.

"Bang bang..."

"Zhuang Da..."

The banging sound outside was mixed with Qi Yan's voice. Zhuang Chen's eyes lit up and he hurried over to open the door.

Qi Yan, who was about to knock on the door, stretched out her hand and froze in the air, looking at the excited Zhuang Chen with a confused face.

"Do you have a sister or something?"

"No... No! What's wrong?"

Qi Yan shook her head in confusion and looked at Zhuang Chen in confusion.

"Do you know this girl?"

Zhuang Chen half leaned over to her, pointed at the girl in the photo and asked Qi Yan.

Qi Yan's pupils widened, and she grabbed the photo with both hands and looked closer, full of surprise.

"I have seen this woman, she is Guo Jia's beloved."

Qi Yan's tears moved slightly, and she grabbed the photo with excitement, and her breathing became disordered.

She trembled uncontrollably, with a frightened expression.

"It's okay, it's all over."

Zhuang Chen went down the stairs and hugged Qi Yan in his arms, patted her back, and comforted her softly.

He knew that Qi Yan had been imprisoned by Guo Jia before, so when he mentioned him, it was inevitable that some of her painful memories were touched.

After calming her emotions, Zhuang Chen turned and entered the studio.

"I said it was an old acquaintance, and it turned out to be true."

Zhuang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He knew that these people would not let him go so easily, but he didn't expect them to start making trouble so soon.

Zhuang Chen took out his own instrument to test and analyze the samples collected from the unfinished building, and pushed up his goggles to study them carefully.

He took out a tube of medicine from the cabinet and carefully dripped a drop.

The sample, which had been motionless, slowly began to breathe life. Zhuang Chen almost jumped up in surprise when he saw it.

"After all, knowing yourself and the enemy is the way to win every battle."

Zhuang Chen quietly waited for it to fully recover, and then took the glass plate and moved it to the newly developed machine.

After doing all this, he pressed the red button.

The waist-high machine shone a blue light and scanned the sample, making a buzzing sound.

It made Zhuang Chen full of expectations.

As time passed, the machine quickly extracted the sample memory information in the blood like a movie.

The picture projected on the wall was Guo Jia and the woman who looked like Qi Yan.

Guo Jia was like a madman who couldn't get the love he wanted. He took out the whip.

He whipped the woman hard and roared at her about his love for her.

The woman's face was pale, sweat dripped down in large drops, and her hair was stained on her cheeks.

He drooped his head weakly, and his drowsy appearance was full of disappointment.

The final outcome was that the woman did not accept his love, but died just like that.

Guo Jia manipulated her body pervertedly, immersed in his own fantasy, and started a wonderful life with her.

It was not until her body was completely rotten and emitted a strange smell that he woke up and cremated her body with his own hands.

Zhuang Chen watched these scenes flashing before his eyes, and he felt that the atmosphere was very depressing and heavy.

For him, it might be a breakthrough.

After all, you have to hit the snake at its seven inches.

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