Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 288 What is the meaning?

The next day.

There were chaotic footsteps outside, and Zhuang Chen, who was hiding in the corner with his eyes closed and concentrating, immediately opened his eyes.

He easily returned to the cross, shackled himself and returned to his original position.

The next second after he was ready, the sound of unlocking sounded directly outside.

They pushed open the door and entered.

Rows of men in black wearing black sunglasses consciously stood on both sides, and a shrewd middle-aged man walked out from behind.

He was not tall, and his slender eyes were piercing, looking sharply at Zhuang Chen's body.

Zhuang Chen looked at the information displayed on his body and knew that this person had a great background.

It seemed that the person behind Jiang Zhiguang couldn't sit still and wanted to take the initiative to interrogate him.

"I thought he was such an amazing person, so Jiang Zhiguang often ate turtles.

It seems like nothing more than that! "

Liu Fan walked up to Zhuang Chen, and the man in black brought him a chair with discernment.

He just crossed his legs and looked at Zhuang Chen with narrowed eyes, although he expressed disdain for him in his words.

His solemn look was a little more vigilant.

"Let's all open the skylights and speak frankly. There's no need to beat around the bush here."

Zhuang Chen slightly raised his eyelids and chuckled coldly.

"Did Duga say anything to you before he died? Or gave you anything?"

"Why are you people so boring? How many times do I have to say it before I believe it? Can you change the topic?"

Zhuang Chen turned his head and looked aside impatiently, insisting that he didn't know anything.

Liu Fan looked at his tough look and made a gesture to the man in black next to him.

The man in black understood and came to the wall hung with torture instruments, and he took a look.

Finally, he took a candle on the table and looked at Liu Fan.

After getting his approval, the man in black lit the candle and walked slowly towards Zhuang Chen.

"I'll give you another chance, will you say it or not?"

"Even if you ask me ten thousand times, my answer is I don't know."

Liu Fan looked at Zhuang Chen's stubborn mouth, his fists clenched loudly, and waved his hand, asking the man in black to walk towards him.

I saw other men in black rushing forward and ruthlessly tearing the clothes off Zhuang Chen's chest.

Knock down the cross behind him so that he lies flat.

Zhuang Chen was startled by the sudden action. He turned his head to the left and right and watched the group of people controlling his limbs.

Zhuang Chen's struggle made them completely unable to suppress him.

All the men in black present rushed forward and used all their strength to suppress his hands and feet.

Liu Fan had never seen such a scene before, and he was even more wary of him.

"What do you want to do? Is it wrong for me to do good things?"

"The mistake is that you are the last person to see him, he must have given you something.

As long as you hand it over, I promise to let you walk out safely. "

Liu Fan looked at him struggling and looked down at him with his hands folded across his chest.


No matter how loud Zhuang Chen yelled, they turned a deaf ear.

The man in black held a lit candle and slowly dripped the wax onto Zhuang Chen's chest.

Everyone frowned slightly, waiting for his scream.

Seeing the drops of fiery red wax dripping down, they all shuddered in their hearts.

Zhuang Chen pretended to cooperate with them and screamed a few times.

Then he looked at them coldly without moving, as if looking at a few clowns.

The men in black who had been holding him down looked at each other in confusion, and they all wondered if he was numb from pain.

One of them looked at the wax liquid on Zhuang Chen's belly, scratched his head and felt very strange.

He always felt that all the dripping wax seemed to be floating in mid-air.

He bent his knees and half-bent his body. When he looked sideways at Zhuang Chen's chest, his pupils widened in surprise.

"He He……"

He stammered for a long time without uttering a complete sentence, and pointed at Zhuang Chen's chest with a trembling hand.

"What are you doing, kid?"

The other people pushed him and asked. When they got no response, they could only imitate his posture.

They all half-bent to look at Zhuang Chen's chest, and an evil chuckle appeared at the corner of Zhuang Chen's lips.

He exerted slight force, and the wax liquid in the air immediately splashed on their faces.

They screamed in pain and rolled on the ground covering their faces.


"Sure enough, there are two brushes. No wonder Jiang Zhiguang ate a turtle from your hand."

Liu Fan angrily slapped the armrest of the chair and stood up.

The chair immediately fell apart, and he gritted his teeth and said these words angrily.

Just when he was about to hold a shining silver sword and slowly walked towards Zhuang Chen.

There was a rush of footsteps outside, and a panicked guard came into view.

"Liu Bureau, Zhu Zhengju is here."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw him being pulled aside by a pair of hands.

Zhu Zhengju's serious look appeared in front of him.

"Is Director Liu interrogating the prisoner? Is this how you treat Mr. Duga's benefactor?"

There was a bit of severity in his words.


"It's just a joke with him. Don't you see that he is full of energy and living well now?"

With a heroic smile on Liu Fan's face, he threw the big knife in his hand to the ground.

He pulled Zhuang Chen up, who was lying on his back, put his arm on his shoulder as if they were two good brothers, and patted his solid chest.

"I have already reported it to the police, and it has been verified that Mr. Duga's death had nothing to do with him.

I need to get him now. "

Liu Fan raised his eyebrows and took a few steps back, making a sign of please.

Zhu Zhengju quickly walked to Zhuang Chen's side and glanced coldly at the man in black next to him.

He signaled them to remove all the shackles on Zhuang Chen's hands.

Zhuang Chen, who had taken off the handcuffs, jumped lightly on the spot and moved his limbs.

Then he followed Zhu Zhengju out and passed Liu Fan.

He gave him a provocative look, and the corner of his mouth curled up with a hint of mockery.

He walked carelessly from under his nose.

Liu Fan was so angry that his head was filled with smoke and he vowed to cut him into pieces.

"Thank you this time."

"It's me who should say I'm sorry for almost getting you hurt at their hands."

Zhu Zhengju had an apology on his face. After all, according to the normal process, Zhuang Chen shouldn't be in their hands.

"Did they do anything to you?"

“What makes me feel very strange is that they keep asking me if Mr. Duga has said anything to me? Or given me anything?

What do these things mean? "

Zhuang Chen's words were full of doubts. He tilted his head and quietly took in the look on Zhu Zhengju's face.

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