Zhuang Chen sat quietly by the field, letting the cold wind blow against his cheeks, and his eyes drifted away with the wind.

The calmer it is in the apocalypse, the more unsettling it is.

after a while.

Only Shangguan Xue among the seven Shangguan sisters was still in a coma, with a strong power faintly waving in her body.

"Xiaoxue, this is not the way to go!"

"If the power in her body cannot be drawn out in time, she will probably explode and die."

"But now only Mr. Duga can do it."

"We can't just watch her die!"


Shangguan Ai and his sisters surrounded Shangguan Xue and paced back and forth anxiously in the room.

Several people looked sad and sighed repeatedly.


At this time, Zhuang Chen opened their door and slowly brought in the Chinese medicine.

At this time, the restless power on Shangguan Xue, who was originally in a coma, instantly became much calmer.

Shangguan Ai's eyes lit up when he saw Zhuang Chen appearing, and he clenched his fists and came to him with his heart raised.

Her gaze was like a wolf and a tiger, as if she wanted to eat Zhuang Chen alive.

"What...what happened?"

Zhuang Chen was frightened by her and took half a step back. He distanced himself from her and looked at her doubtfully.

"Do you have any treasure on you? Why does Xiaoxue become much calmer now that she is in the same space as you?"

Hearing Shangguan Ai's words, other people's eyes shone with light.

He walked up to Zhuang Chen, looked at him, and then at Shangguan Xue next to him.

They were all surprised to find that it was exactly what Shangguan liked to say.

"I also do not understand."

Zhuang Chen shook his head pretending to be confused and walked to Shangguan Xue's side with the Chinese medicine.

He asked others to help feed him.

"It would be nice if Mr. Dugar still had his thumb."

"But now its whereabouts are a mystery."

"Zhuang Da, when you saw Mr. Duga for the last time, did he really not give you anything?"

Shangguan Ling came over excitedly, grabbed Zhuang Chen's arm and asked him, with a hint of hope in her eyes.

"My ears are about to get calluses from hearing this question."

Zhuang Chen took her hand off his arm and walked out without looking back.

He was secretly glad that he didn't tell them about the fact that Mr. Duga pinched his finger at that time.

Zhuang Chen is now on guard and no one dares to believe it.

They just watched Zhuang Chen's leaving figure eagerly.

"It would be great if we could use the trigger to bring out the power in Xue'er's body, otherwise we will have to watch her die."

Everyone fell into silence.

Zhuang Chen, who was walking not far away, pricked up his ears and took in what they said word by word.

A smile appeared on his lips, and he walked away leisurely.

Late at night.

Zhuang Chen came to Shangguan Xue's room quietly.

Through the window, he saw the six sisters taking turns waiting for Shangguan Xue.

He quietly added a little bit of the drug, which filled the air quietly and slowly entered the tips of their noses.

Shangguan Ai squinted his eyes slightly, put his hand to cover his lips, and yawned widely, followed by others.

None of them noticed anything was wrong. They sat on the chairs, supported their heads with their hands, and fell into a slumber.

After a while, the sound of snoring came out.

Zhuang Chen opened the door directly and walked into the room.

He glanced at them briefly and knew that no one could resist his intoxication.

Zhuang Chen walked towards Shangguan Xue step by step, and the finger-pulling reaction in his palm became more intense.

A faint red light penetrated his fingers.

"Since Mr. Duga entrusted this to me, I will naturally take it out myself."

Zhuang Chen slowly put the ring on his thumb and placed his hand between Shangguan Xue's eyebrows.

Let the ring finger form a connection with the power in her body, and he used his own power to stimulate the breath in the ring finger.

The red light in the imperial jade in the middle of the ring jumped more frequently and became hotter.

I saw Shangguan Xue's strength echoing with the ring finger, and a violent force was sucked into the ring finger.

Zhuang Chen felt like he was enveloped in an instant, making his whole body stiff and stiff, and every pore was forcefully penetrated by this force.

Time passed minute by minute.

Calmness returned to Shangguan Xue, but there was a missing connection between them.

Zhuang Chen knelt down weakly on one knee beside her. He looked meaningfully at the ring on his thumb.

Feel the fiery power inside your body.

"This force is indeed so powerful that it can't be resisted. If it weren't for the special characteristics of my body, I might be crushed to pieces by it."

Zhuang Chen sighed in a low voice, he stood up shakily holding on to the head of the bed, and left this place step by step.

He returned to the room, did some simple cleaning, and then lay on the bed, constantly digesting the power.

The next day.

At dawn, Shangguan Ai and the others stretched and yawned.

They rubbed their heads and looked at each other in confusion. They always felt that something was wrong?


"Thirsty...I want some water."

A weak voice sounded, bringing them back from their thoughts.

Shangguan Ling, who was closest to her, was the first to react. Her pupils widened in surprise and she picked up the water cup next to her.

Shangguan Ai rushed over to help her up and asked Shangguan Ling to feed her water.

"Xiaoxue, it's great that you woke up."

You've been unconscious for a long time. We were almost scared to death."


They chattered around Shangguan Xue.

Finally, Shang Guan Ai noticed that the power in her body was no longer agitated and returned to her original appearance.

"How could this happen?"

"How could the power in your body disappear for no reason? Did something happen yesterday? ”


They all began to feel something was wrong, but they couldn’t remember anything that happened last night.

But when they woke up today, they didn’t feel any discomfort.

This matter puzzled them.

Zhuang Chen woke up early in the morning and squatted in his Chinese herbal medicine garden to take care of it carefully.

The footsteps behind him made him look back, but he found that it was the seven Shangguan sisters.

She stood up and walked towards them in surprise, expressing her surprise at Shangguan Xue’s awakening.

“Thank you for your care during this period. We have things to deal with, so we won’t stay here any longer.”

While Shangguan Ai said this, she looked at Zhuang Chen’s reaction without blinking.

She wanted to see a hint of trickery on his face.

Zhuang Chen’s calmness made it impossible for them to do anything.

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