However, its leaves have turned a little yellow and may wither if it continues.

Zhuang Chen kept the plant as long as his fingers in his pocket.

Take back all the small mint plants next to it.

"Thank you so much."

There was a look of gratitude on Zhuang Chen's face. He stretched out his hand and rubbed the little milk wolf's head.

Seeing it shy, it trotted and hid under its mother's arms.

Zhuang Chen said a simple farewell to them, and immediately left the place.

At this time, the sky was completely bright, and the fish belly was white in the distance, and mutated birds were flying in twos and threes.

The fiery red sun quietly emerged from the tip of its head.

Zhuang Chen circled the mountain, constantly looking for traces of Dandelion.

He looked at the mountain wall rising from the ground, standing bare here.

The mutated vultures in the sky surrounded the mountain, staring at Zhuang Chen's moving body with gleaming eyes.

It flapped its largest wings, and the hurricane it created raised huge amounts of dust, and the gravel on the ground rolled loudly.

Zhuang Chen frowned slightly and looked at the vulture in the sky. He was afraid of the hurricane it might create.

Invisibly destroying the dandelions on the mountain wall.


Zhuang Chen let out a low roar and waved his hands, crushing it with fierce force.

The vulture's body was forced to fall from the sky without warning, and a big hole was made on the ground.


The vulture's angry voice sounded harshly.

It struggled to stand up from the ground, waving its two-meter-wide wings.

The hurricanes attacked Zhuang Chen one after another.

Zhuang Chen raised his piercing eyes and discovered that the vulture in front of him had wind powers.

In an instant, his body disappeared from the spot, leaving only blurry afterimages.

He nimbly dodged every hurricane and arrived in front of it in an instant.


The vulture widened its bell-like pupils and quickly folded its wings.

Blocking in front of Zhuang Chen.

Zhuang Chen's attack seemed to hit a solid wall.

I saw the vulture's wings trembling slightly.

"Do you think you can stop me like this?"

An evil chuckle appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he stretched out his palm leisurely.

A huge fireball condensed on it and was placed on his feathers.

The seemingly ordinary fireball suddenly ignited into a raging fire.

The vulture's wings were burned and smelled bad, and it flew into the sky fiercely.

However, he unexpectedly took advantage of this wind direction and increased the fire intensity on his body.

It rolled down to the ground with a wailing cry, hitting the ground desperately trying to put out the fire.

Zhuang Chen turned around and left here casually.

Turning a deaf ear to its screams.

His current power is not as simple as it seems on the surface, and it cannot be extinguished for a while.

Even if you can't take away its life, you can still burn half of its life.

Zhuang Chen used his mental power to control his body, floating in mid-air, and carefully scanning every part of the mountain.

Every gap is not missed.

"So you little guy is here."

Zhuang Chen soon discovered traces of dandelions halfway up the mountain wall.

Its tiny seedling struggled to grow upward from the gap.

Zhuang Chen used his brute force to forcefully open the gap.

He took out the dagger in his pocket and pulled it out easily.

"Fortunately, it didn't grow in the soil, otherwise it would have been contaminated by the apocalypse."

Zhuang Chen felt a little lucky.

He got what he wanted and ran towards the farm without stopping.

Since both plants are still in the state of small buds, they have to be planted in the farm first.

After Zhuang Chen learned about the growth environment of Plantago, he took a wooden stick from the warehouse and scraped the sawdust with a dagger.

Weighing the sawdust in my hand, I felt that the quantity was about the same.

So I went to the vegetable garden and found a piece of softer land.

Use a small shovel to dig a small hole and sprinkle wood chips and coarse sand in it.

Carefully, he took the plantain out of his carry-on space and combed its roots.

He carefully pressed it into the soil and crushed the earth with his hands.

After doing these things, he used a shovel to scrape a medium-deep ravine next to it.

as a drainage system.

Zhuang Chen walked to another piece of land, squatted down and pulled out all the weeds here.

I pressed the softness of the ground with my fingers and felt that it was almost time to dig a hole and plant the dandelions.

Back in the room, I took out fertilizer and spread it around the dandelions.

"This time's illness depends on you."

Zhuang Chen rubbed his hands and put all his hope on them this time.

"Zhuang Da, what is this?"

Cen Gong rubbed his sleepy eyes and walked over, curious as he watched Zhuang Chen running around.

“This is dandelion and psyllium, when they reach their mature state.

You immediately use your copy ability to create them in large quantities. "

Zhuang Chen walked up to him with a tired face, patted his shoulder, and entrusted him with this important task.

After saying that, he walked to his room and washed himself briefly.

She lay heavily on the bed, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Until the sun was shining brightly, the seedlings below were a little wilted.

Such a quiet atmosphere was broken by an anxious person.

"Bang bang..."

Zhuang Chen felt someone knocking on his door in a daze, and turned over and ignored it.

Another heavy knock and anxious shouting pulled Zhuang Chen out of his sleep.

He put on his slippers and walked to the door woodenly. He opened the door and saw Ceng Gong and Kong Ci appearing here.

"What happened?"

"Professor Li burned the body we dug out yesterday. As the name suggests, it is to let the deceased rest in peace."

Hearing her say this, Zhuang Chen's sleepiness instantly sobered up a little.

"The more he does this, the more I think he has problems."

Although he said so, he suffered from no evidence.

"The problem now is that we don't have any specimens, so we can't continue to research the antidote."

"Relax first, I've got a clue."

Zhuang Chen comforted her with words, and told her to go back and wait for news.

"Zhuang Da, I didn't see you all day yesterday."

Huang Feng ran over happily, looking like a little wife who had been wronged.

"You came at the right time, go and check why so many forces have started to hire people to build houses recently."

Huang Feng immediately stood up straight when he heard that Zhuang Chen had assigned him a task.

He nodded slightly, turned around and quickly looked for his teammates.

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