Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 317: All trash

Cai Qingleng came in with hot water and saw Zhuang Chen sitting at the head of the bed in a dull manner.

She looked down mechanically from time to time and looked at herself under the quilt.

Her cheeks instantly turned red, and she gritted her teeth and brought him the hot water.

She didn't dare to look up at his eyes at all.

"Are you changing my clothes?"

"I don't know."

Cai Qingleng's hands shook obviously and were scalded by the overflowing water.

She took a breath quietly and put the hot water on the table in a hurry.

She angrily denied Zhuang Chen's words.

Zhuang Chen looked at her angry appearance with a silly smile on his face.

"What are you laughing at? You haven't seen me yet. Aren't we equalized like this?"

"I don't mind being responsible for you. Do you need it?"

"Why are you so shameless? I don't want to tell you so much."

Cai Qingleng found that her words were being smeared more and more. She stomped her feet lightly and ran away in a panic.

Zhuang Chen looked at himself again and again, and couldn't help laughing.

He looked outside and saw that the sky was still gloomy, and there was a dense drizzle visible to the naked eye.

Zhuang Chen was worried about the seedlings in his vegetable garden, so he grabbed a T-shirt and put it on.

He walked towards the other end, and when he arrived in the vegetable garden.

He found that everyone was consciously pressing the roots of the seedlings to repair them to prevent the heavy rain from invading again.

Zhuang Chen squatted down without stopping and took care of the vegetables.

When he came to the herb field, he found that their roots were still firmly grasped in the soil.

It was just that the surface of the roots was exposed by the heavy rain, and he carefully picked up the sand to cover it.

When he came to the dandelions and plantain seeds, there was some damage on their leaves, but fortunately the problem was not too big.

"Cen Gong!"

Zhuang Chen turned around and shouted Cen Gong's name loudly.

"What's wrong with Zhuang Da?"

Ceng Gong hurried over and squatted beside Zhuang Chen.

"Copy a few more dandelion and plantain plants. I need to take them out tomorrow."


Ceng Gong replied in a low voice.

After Zhuang Chen left, he held the root of the dandelion tightly with both hands.

He concentrated all his strength on it to copy.

It was the dark night before winter, and the cold wind was blowing. Walking outside made my cheeks hurt.

The next day.

Zhuang Chen took the dandelion and plantain early in the morning and went to the hospital where Kong Ci was.

When he came here, everyone deliberately avoided his eyes.

"Hello, I'm here to see the president."

"Okay, please wait."

The nurse at the front desk nodded politely to Zhuang Chen and gestured to him to sit for a while.

She went upstairs to inform the president of Zhuang Chen's arrival.

Zhuang Chen sat in the empty hall, and the strong smell of disinfectant enveloped him.

There were only a few nurses walking back and forth, and there were patrols outside with strict vigilance.

He stood up from the chair casually, walked to one of the nurses and wanted to chat with her.

"Has the disease been controlled recently?"

"With your antidote, the disease has been greatly controlled."

The nurse at the front desk looked at Zhuang Chen's knife-like jaw and three-dimensional facial features.

She lowered her head shyly and answered his words shyly.

"Why didn't you see Dr. Kong? Do you know where she went?"

When the nurse heard what Zhuang Chen said, her expression on her face obviously froze.

She raised her head and glanced around, with a hint of fear in her eyes.

Her head shook like a rattle.

Zhuang Chen looked at her like this, and it was obvious that she should know something.

But she didn't dare to speak here.

"Mr. Zhuang Chen, thank you for your visit."

Originally, Zhuang Chen wanted to say something else, but the voice behind him interrupted him.

Zhuang Chen turned his head and greeted him superficially.

"This time, I brought you dandelions and plantain seeds, but the quantity is not much, but it can also be studied by you."

"Thank you so much, we were really ignorant of the antidote last time, and we only studied half of it."

The president bowed his head in shame and said.

Zhuang Chen's mouth curled up a faint smile, he said that his place was simple.

He only provided the antidote for them to study by themselves, but he didn't expect that this group of people could not find the essence of the antidote at all.

So he could only hope that he would provide materials again.

"Mr. Zhuang, why don't you name a price? What will it take for you to come here and give us some advice?"

"I'm just an ordinary farmer. I developed this antidote by accident.

I'd better not show off in front of Guan Gong, right? You have so many talents here, so don't be so modest."

Zhuang Chen politely rejected his request.

After he said this, he turned and left.

He didn't take two steps before he felt a gloomy eye scanning his body.

It made the hair on his back stand up.

This feeling was like being spotted by a poisonous snake in a gloomy swamp and being regarded as its target.

The president clenched his fist and stared at his back as he left.

He felt that Zhuang Chen's words were nothing but insults to the people here, saying that they were all trash.

They were even worse than an ordinary farmer like him.

He left angrily, urging his men to develop an antidote to suppress the disease as soon as possible.

As the president left, he glanced at the nurse at the front desk.

The little nurse was so scared that she shuddered and lowered her head and dared not look up.

"How is it? Have you heard anything about Kong Ci?"

Cai Qingleng saw Zhuang Chen walking towards this place.

She walked from behind the wall to his side and asked impatiently.

"I feel that the little nurse knows something, but she dare not say it."

"What should we do now?"

"We can only wait for the time being."

Cai Qingleng fell into impatience, and she wanted to rush to the hospital to find Kong Ci right now.

The two of them waited patiently until the little nurse got off work, bypassing the hospital's eyes and followed her.


Zhuang Chen ran over quickly, covered her mouth and nose, and grabbed her into an abandoned house.

The deep eyes stared at her coldly, and the little nurse's body trembled constantly.

"Where did your doctor Kong go? Tell me the truth."

"I really don't know where Doctor Kong went. I just saw her vaguely when I was on night shift.

It seemed that a dark shadow covered her mouth and nose and dragged her along the corridor."

The little nurse was not sure if this was her own illusion?

She was very scared at the time, so she did not follow.

Since that time, she has not seen Kong Ci again.

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