Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 326: Openly Challenge

Zhuang Chen kept repeating his actions, and they just stared at him in a daze, their faces full of shock and admiration.

Touching the slightly cool plastic film on the ground, they all felt like they were dreaming.

A huge plastic film was formed, which was quite strong.

"This is really amazing."

"If I lived alone in the end of the world, I would definitely not be able to think of such a wonderful method."

"Zhuang Da, I love you too much."


The two live treasures, led by Huang Feng and Zhao De, expressed their love for Zhuang Chun crazily, and their eyes were full of admiration for the strong.

They gently shook the plastic film in their hands and listened to its rustling sound.

"Next, we need everyone to use the plastic film to build a greenhouse."

They moved as soon as they said, with clear division of labor, and carefully completed Zhuang Chen's instructions.

Zhuang Chen saw that everyone was full of enthusiasm for work, and he felt very comfortable in his heart.

Large pieces of plastic film were made in this way.

They moved out large iron bars from the backyard and stood around the vegetable garden.

Build them up like a house, and use wires as thick as fingers to tightly wrap them together.

It was not until the evening that the greenhouse was completely built.


Everyone was so tired that they were out of breath.

Seeing the results of their construction, they smiled knowingly.

"If we wait for a while, the heavy snow and cold wind will not destroy these seedlings."

"These are what Zhuang Da planted with great effort, and we can't let such bad weather destroy them."

"These seedlings will need your attention in the future, so let's go back and rest early!"


Zhuang Chen sincerely thanked them, picked up Qiu Huihui and walked to the front yard of the farm.

"Master Zhuang, during this period, too many forces have built cities that have already taken shape."

"If this continues, they may recruit a large number of people."

"If they develop, it will not be a good thing for us."

Brother Zhu reported the recent situation to Zhao De word by word, and his brows were almost twisted into a knot.

"Should we think of some way to destroy it?"

Ju Anan came up from the back of the crowd, waving her little fist in indignation, and proposed to Zhuang Chen.


Unexpectedly, her suggestion was rejected by Zhuang Chen.

Everyone fell into confusion.

"After all, it was built by ordinary people with hard work brick by brick. It can't be destroyed so easily."

"Then what should we do? We can't just watch those little people jumping around."

Ju Anan muttered in response to Zhuang Chen's words.

Zhao De next to him saw that Zhuang Chen's expression was a little wrong, and smiled angrily.

He stretched out his palm and covered Ju Anan's mouth.

No matter how she struggled, he whispered to her to be honest.

"We have to think about how to drive these people out and seek benefits for the people."

Zhuang Chen's words were full of kingly demeanor, and everyone's eyes flashed with joy.

Then he lowered his head with some disappointment.

"But this matter is not easy."

"Although those forces have drawn their own territory, they are secretly colluding."

"We will break them one by one."

All their concerns were dispelled by Zhuang Chen one by one, and they clenched their fists immediately.

Secretly thought of driving all those people out.

"You should rest well during this period, don't act privately, and listen to my arrangements if there is anything."

After Zhuang Chen said this, he took Qiu Huihui and walked to the front first.

Walk side by side with Qiu Xue.

"Thank you, Zhuang Da."

Qiu Xue saw her daughter and leaned on Zhuang Chen again.

She said helplessly, stretching out her slender white fingers and gently scratching her nose.

"Has your father looked for you?"

Zhuang Chen's straightforwardness made her fall into astonishment, and she didn't react for a while.

"I... don't know what to say?"

Qiu Xue avoided Zhuang Chen's gaze and walked forward with her head buried.

"I hope you can think of the consequences when making any decision.

Now it is the end of the world, and any accident is beyond our control."

Zhuang Chen's words reminded her of the last time she lost her daughter.

It really almost made her lose her forever.

She had a little fear in her heart, and she nodded solemnly to Zhuang Chen.

Promised that she would consult with him before making any decision.

Zhuang Chen handed Qiu Huihui in his arms to her after getting a satisfactory answer.

And he turned and left.

At night, the farm was quiet.

Only the greenhouse built today was rustling in the cold wind, accompanied by the barking of several yellow dogs.

Zhuang Chen sat cross-legged on the chair, looking at the computer. There were fewer and fewer posts related to the end of the world.

It seemed that some people did not dare to speak, and only some netizens were brushing the rhythm.

They wanted those superpowers to join the forces that built the city, but some people also raised relevant doubts.

"What's the point of building so many houses? The most important thing is how to survive?"

"You won't let us do free labor and not provide us with resources, right?"

"Only a fool would go!"

"Now only the super farm is reliable. I'm still thinking about when I can get in in my lifetime."


Zhuang Chen knew that whether it was the development of power or the direction of public opinion, it was all related to his farm.

If he didn't make the farm stronger as soon as possible, he might not be able to stand firm soon.

He had to face a flood of pressure, so he had to cheer up.


"Alarm! Alarm! There are foreign invaders."


Zhuang Chen was complaining about the water army in the post.

A mechanical red alarm sounded outside, and he quickly put on his slippers and ran out.

There was a fire outside the farm, and countless shells hit the protective barrier of the farm.

"It really cost a lot of money, even tanks were invited."

Zhuang Chen looked at the fire outside, illuminating a farm, like daylight.

He complained about the other party lightly.

All the people in the farm hurried out.

The shaking of the ground almost made them lose their balance, and they swayed and held on to the wall.

"What's going on?"

"Who is so bold? How dare they challenge our farm?"


Zhao De and his friends cursed and came behind Zhuang Chen.

He raised his eyes and watched the shells bloom in the air, like gorgeous fireworks.

Zhuang Chen calmed himself and came to the gate of the farm, watching dozens of tanks parked not far outside the farm.

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