Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 33: There must be something hateful about pitiful people

As soon as Zhuang Chen finished speaking, he picked up the glass on the experimental table and threw it at one of the specimens.

"don't want."

This woman's shrill voice rang in my ears.

It seems that it is her own hard work and is more important than her own life.


The specimen of glassware in front of him shattered with the sound, and Professor Qi's heart seemed to be broken just like the glass.

She turned her head and looked into Zhuang Chen's eyes, as if looking into the enemy who killed her husband, with overwhelming hatred in her eyes.

An evil smile appeared at the corner of Zhuang Chen's mouth.

He didn't take her ferocious look seriously at all.

"Do you want me to say it again? Should you say it, or should I pry your mouth open?"

Zhuang Chen said while weighing the glass in his hand.

If she still didn't answer, Zhuang Chen would just smash the thing in his hand over again.

But Professor Qi still gritted his teeth and looked at Zhuang Chen stubbornly without saying a word.

"Okay, very good. It seems that the thing just now was not cruel enough."

Zhuang Chen looked around at the several utensils inside the glass.

Finally, he placed his eyes inside a human vessel.

Stored inside are human organs, soaked in formalin.

It can be seen with the naked eye that Professor Qi should have done some research on it.

And there is a small sticker on it to indicate it.

"Then our next target is him, okay?"

Before Zhuang Chen could answer her, he smashed the heavy piece of glass in his hand onto it.

However, this first blow did not break it, but only made a crack on the glass of the human organ.

"It didn't crack. Let's try again."

"don't want."

Professor Qi waved his arms, trying to stop Zhuang Chen.

She roared loudly, almost in a crying voice.

Faced with such a person, Zhuang Chen had no mercy at all.

He grabbed the objects on the experimental table one after another and smashed them on the glassware without mercy.

"Then I'll see if it's your mouth that's tough or theirs. Then I'll hit you until you say it."

"No, no, I beg you."

"When you used those human bodies for experiments, and they also begged you and said no, why didn't you let them go?"


Zhuang Chen said this harshly, and then smashed the thing in his hand.

The glass vessels containing human bodies were also smashed.

Suddenly it poured into the research room, and a huge smell of formalin filled the air.

Professor Qi sobbed softly after experiencing despair.

"Don't smash it, I said."

After hearing his words, Zhuang Chen retracted his hand with satisfaction.

He also pushed Professor Qi away from his hands and sat on the chair to watch her performance.

Professor Qi's body moved as if he wanted to hide something.

The words that came out of her mouth were completely inconsistent.

Zhuang Chen is not a fool either.

He could tell that she was just trying to attract his attention with her words.

The real purpose is what she is doing now.

Zhuang Chen took advantage of her lowering her head and came to her in front of her.


Professor Qi raised his eyes and saw the face so close to him, and was frightened and exclaimed.

When she reacted, Zhuang Chen had already snatched the thing from her hand.

"Please, I beg you, don't look. Just let me go. You can have anything you want. I can give you anything."

Professor Qi was very frightened and knelt in front of Zhuang Chen.

I kept begging him not to read the contents of the book.

The more she does this, the more she will know.

Everything recorded in her book is shameful.

"So are you the mother of this little girl?"

"No, I'm not. It's just that I unexpectedly discovered some very special things in this child's body."

Professor Qi knelt on the ground and shook his head feebly.

Tears streamed down her cheeks, and she directly told the truth.

"Take out the chip from Hanhan's body for me."

Zhuang Chen knelt down and looked at her level.

His big hands strangled her neck and threatened her viciously.

When she heard Zhuang Chen say this, she cried even harder.

" can't be taken out. If it is taken out, she will die."

Professor Qi said with some reluctance.

She looked at Han Han's research body and was very satisfied with it.

"Since you can't take it out, give me the remote control to control it."

Hearing Zhuang Chen find out all the details about her.

Her whole body was a little broken.

"Don't even think about playing tricks in front of me."

Look at her eyes moving left and right.

Zhuang Chen knew that she was still unwilling to give in and wanted to hide herself.

When she heard Zhuang Chen threatening her, she weakly stretched out her hand and pointed to a small remote control covered by a glass cover on the countertop.

Zhuang Chen stood up and put the remote control in his pocket.

"Please, can you please not make these things I did public, otherwise my research career will be over?"

She knelt and crawled beside Zhuang Chen, praying to him.

While she was talking, Zhuang Chen also read the contents of the book at a glance.

It recorded in detail some of her research records.

There were also personal diaries and other things that were very complicated, but they also allowed him to sort out these things.

Seeing her crying and begging for mercy in front of him, Zhuang Chen felt that she was very pitiful.

But there is a saying that pitiful people must have hateful things.

He would not sympathize with her at all.

He put the book in his hand directly into his pocket and knocked her out with a knife.

After doing all this, Zhuang Chen broke the glass container containing Hanhan with a punch.

He looked at this soft and sticky little figure.

He suddenly felt a little distressed and pulled out all the wires on her body.

Her little body instantly collapsed in Zhuang Chen's arms.

She was still holding the doll tightly in her hand. Maybe that doll was her only sense of security.

Zhuang Chen held her in his arms distressedly and took her doll.

He opened the research room, jumped directly from the window, and landed smoothly.

When he landed.

He was still cautious, looking down at the little person in his arms.

After making sure that he did not wake her up, he walked quickly to his car.

He gently put Hanhan on the passenger seat.

Back to the driver's seat, he stepped on the accelerator and prepared to go to his farm.

Soon he returned to his farm and took Hanhan down from the passenger seat.

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