The people who were whipped had hatred in their eyes and pale faces. They gritted their teeth and pulled the cement sand forward.

The pain in his back was excruciating.

Others dared to be angry but dared not speak out, and could only secretly tighten their fists.

Zhuang Chen stood outside and almost couldn't control his rising anger.

"I will let you live a little longer, and I will let you know how powerful I am later."

Zhuang Chen hid behind the incomplete wall and could see their every move.

He sneaked in quietly while the guards were not paying attention.

He casually put on dirty clothes and quietly blended in with the working people.

The cursing voice of the man in black still sounded, but he did not notice that an uninvited guest had arrived.


Wang Chenglin, who was pushing the cart, noticed Zhuang Chen's presence when he raised his head.

He widened his pupils and looked at Zhuang Chen in surprise.


Zhuang Chen quietly put his index finger to his mouth and made a silencing gesture, signaling him to keep quiet.

The two of them quickly averted their eyes to make sure that the man in black had not noticed them.

Then they quietly walked together and whispered.

"How did you end up here?"


Zhuang Chen told him his plan, and Wang Chenglin couldn't calm down his excitement for a long time.

He never thought that anyone could save them from the dire straits, and he had long since given up on those above him.

Suddenly, his nose became sore and his eyes turned red.

Tears welled up in his eyes, and his hands that were pushing the car were shaking uncontrollably.

"Don't get too excited first, lest the other party notice the abnormality."

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Wang Chenglin replied repeatedly, reaching out his hand to wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes.

He tried hard to control his emotions.

"Is there anything else we need to do?"

"You need to keep your spirits up. In the chaos that will come later, everyone will work together to overthrow this place."

"Brother, you're coming in too!"

Wang Liu hurriedly walked to him carrying bricks, a hint of excitement flashing in his eyes.

I am full of energy when I walk.

"Brother Zhuang, what do you need me to do?"

He just noticed Zhuang Chen the moment he came in and walked behind them secretly.

Probably hearing their conversation, everyone seemed very excited.

"You can help me keep an eye on the person in charge here later."

When Zhuang Chen took the brick from his hand, he whispered in his ear.

Wang Liu whispered back Zhuang Chen's words, turned around and left after finishing what he was doing here.

Zhuang Chen kept walking around the workers, trying to find the person who shared the Morse code with him last time.

But this time there was no response.

He scratched his head, full of doubts, so he could only leave this place temporarily.

Zhuang Chen raised his head and glanced at the man in black who was supervising him, and teleported away while he was turning around.

The man in black turned around again and looked at the place where Zhuang Chen disappeared with a confused expression.

My head was filled with doubts. I didn't know if someone had appeared in this place just now.

Fortunately, he didn't dwell on it.

Zhuang Chen changed out of his dirty clothes and stuck his head out slightly.

Seeing that he was not suspected, he quietly retreated outside.

He just waited quietly until he saw a few black shadows flash past, and his feet landed smoothly around the area.

He squatted there like a frog, his eyes moving left and right looking down.

Black dots fell one after another on the sky like raindrops, attracting the attention of the people inside.

"No, the zombies are coming."

I don't know who among the crowd roared like this, causing an uproar.

Everyone put down what they were doing and looked up.

Looking at the densely falling zombies, everyone's faces suddenly turned pale.

The crowd fell into chaos, and the man in black was unable to maintain order even if he kept waving the whip in his hand.


The men in black maintained the chaotic order here while resisting the invasion of zombies.

The confusion at both ends was too much for them to solve.

But in the blink of an eye, he saw those half-zombie attacking at the neck of the man in black at a very fast speed.

Strangely enough, they did not harm the people at the bottom, but pounced on these men in black.

Tearing their flesh and blood wantonly.

Wang Chenglin also knew that this was Zhuang Chen's plan.

He remained calm and calm, and guided everyone on the road to clear the way for them to leave.

The restlessness here caused restlessness in the architectural city. Jiang Zhiguang endured his anger and looked down.

Li Qiu stood beside Zhuang Chen, watching his people attack inside one after another.

"It seems that your plan was very successful this time."

"Don't take it too lightly. The person in front of you is not that easy to deal with."

Zhuang Chen did not relax when he saw the situation in front of him, frowning and watching everything that happened.

Jiang Zhiguang, who was furious, looked at the half-zombie falling from the sky. He was so frightened that he was stunned for a long time before he recovered.

When he saw Zhuang Chen standing with a beautiful woman, he realized that these were all their tricks.

In the distance, the people he had captured by force lined up and left in an orderly manner.

"What is your purpose in doing this? Are you coveting my place?"

Jiang Zhiguang quickly kept calm. He waved his hand and asked the butler behind him to pull out his secret weapon.

He didn't believe that these people could make any waves on his territory.

"Bang! Bang!"

Zhuang Chen saw several tanks suddenly appearing behind Jiang Zhiguang, and his eyes were wide open.

He knew that the man in front of him was not so easy to deal with, and his shells were not aimed at the zombies.

Instead, they were aimed at the people who left.

These people who lowered their heads and left in a hurry did not pay attention to the situation here.

Hit by the unexpected shells, their limbs were instantly torn into pieces.

Scarlet blood was thrown in the air and fell on their faces.

The people reached out and touched the warm blood on their faces, and then there was a scream.

The soil was mixed with blood, and the limbs were broken into pieces.

The people who had just been arranged in an orderly manner became chaotic, and Wang Chenglin looked at the shells falling from the sky.

He was also willing but unable to do anything, and could only protect the people around him as much as possible.

Zhuang Chen rushed over and blocked the falling shells for them alone.

Li Qiu followed closely behind, and she used her lightning blade to force the shells to explode in mid-air to avoid causing harm to the people.

Zhuang Chen gave her a grateful look.

"Don't thank me too much, just remember to give me a generous reward."

Li Qiu knew clearly that this boy was someone she couldn't get.

She could only get something more useful from him.

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