"Why do you know such a thing?"

Zhuang Chen took a step back, distanced himself from them, and looked at them doubtfully.

Zhou Dong walked out from behind the crowd, lowered his head and raised his left hand.

He said angrily that he saw what happened there through clairvoyance.

"Because I saw Zhuang Da's victory, I didn't let everyone come over."

"Don't read things about me easily. The more you know, the worse it will be."

Zhuang Chen walked up to Zhou Dong with a hidden smile and whispered in his ear.

Zhou Dong's body shuddered subconsciously, and he moved his eyes left and right without daring to answer Zhuang Chen's words.

He could only lower his head slightly to show that he knew.

Everyone looked at the communication between the two of them and expressed curiosity.

After Zhuang Chen left, they all came forward to ask Zhou Dong about related matters, but he gritted his teeth and kept silent.

Zhuang Chen returned to the room and took a simple rest.

Thinking back on what happened today, he signed confidentiality agreements with them all.

You are not allowed to reveal that you are the manipulator behind the scenes.

"I unknowingly strengthened my power, which was not what I expected."

Zhuang Chen breathed out gently and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Bang bang..."

Just as he was sitting quietly on the bed, thinking about things, there was a gentle but firm knock on the door.


Zhuang Chen opened the door and found Cai Qingleng standing at the door with an anxious face.

"Kong Ci's condition seems to have worsened again."

Cai Qingleng's words were mixed with a trace of panic, and he stepped forward and took Zhuang Chen's arm.

While walking, I told him about Kong Ci's situation.

"Has anything special happened recently?"

"She had a high fever in the middle of the night last night, but it went down thanks to my measures.

I guess it was because of this incident that her condition worsened? "

Cai Qingleng's face was full of guilt, guessing it was because she didn't call Zhuang Chen in time.

Zhuang Chen opened the door and walked to Kong Ci's side, finding that there was no trace of rosiness in her pale face.

He opened her eyelids and found scarlet bloodshot eyes, dense and colorless.

The lips are purple and the tongue coating is black. The situation is obviously not optimistic.

"It seems to be very different from the previous condition."

Zhuang Chen felt that his head was swollen, and things were out of his control.

Zhuang Chen went to the room and took out his medical kit and put on white gloves skillfully.

He took out a needle and drew a trace of blood from her, then took it out for examination.

He gave Cai Qingleng a few words and left here immediately.

There are fewer and fewer active elements in Kong Ci's blood, and they are all eaten away by her virus.

"It seems that her condition cannot be delayed any longer."

Zhuang Chen walked to the herb garden and grabbed the herbs from Jiang Zhiguang.

Even worse than in the morning.

The current situation was too urgent, Zhuang Chen had no choice but to uproot the necessary herbs.

Put it on the table of your studio and take out your own blood to nourish their roots.

In just the blink of an eye, the herbs sprouted green like bamboo shoots in the spring rain.

He created the antidote according to his last method, and it took about an hour.

"Now let's see if this antidote works."

Zhuang Chen was in such a hurry that he didn't have time to knock on the door, so he pushed the door open with force.

Cai Qingleng brought tea with understanding and quickly gave Kong Ci the antidote.

They just watched the time pass by, but they did not see the effect of the medicine on Kong Ci.

"I heard Kong Ci say before that their hospital has developed a serum that can purify certain viruses.

I guess this will be useful to her? "

"Why was this serum not used for the last virus? How can we guarantee that it will be effective for her?"

"I heard her say that this serum is very precious."

Zhuang Chen wondered if such a serum would still exist after experiencing the last incident?

"Now we can only try to find it."

Kong Ci's condition was more serious than Zhuang Chen imagined, and there was no time to develop an antidote for her.

Now I can only try my luck.

Cai Qingleng strongly requested to follow Zhuang Chen and go with him to find the antidote.

The two of them watched the night gradually fall, and they could only speed up their pace and rush to the hospital as soon as possible.

Cai Qingleng was filled with emotion when he saw the zombies and monsters passing by.

"In just a few days, the apocalypse has developed so quickly."

"Now we can only continue to strengthen ourselves to withstand unknown dangers."

Zhuang Chen listened to the whistling wind in his ears, tilted his head slightly and spoke to Cai Qingleng.


A force so powerful that they couldn't react at all rushed towards the two people.

The ground trembled violently, with the appearance of landslides and earth-shattering.

Zhuang Chen watched the turbulent waves of dust coming over, and he reacted quickly and stopped Cai Qingleng's slender waist.

Cai Qingleng subconsciously grabbed the clothes on Zhuang Chen's chest, her heart beating rapidly.

Feeling Zhuang Chen's warm breath gave her restless heart some comfort.

The turbid dust made it impossible for Zhuang Chen to see what was going on inside.

But he heard a sound like a huge rock rubbing against the ground.


Zhuang Chen's hands blocked his eyes, and he saw a wall rushing towards him through his fingers.

He subconsciously stretched out his hands to resist this force, which hit his body like a mountain.

Zhuang Chen felt his internal organs surging, and he turned his back to this force.

He held Cai Qingleng tightly in his arms.

Cai Qingleng felt Zhuang Chen's breath become a little disordered, and felt something warm flowing into his neck.

"Zhuang Chen, don't hold on by yourself."

Cai Qingleng struggled to get out of Zhuang Chen's protection, but his hand was too tight.

She was so anxious that she could only scream.

Zhuang Chen clenched his teeth and whimpered in pain until the wall stopped.

The wall squeezed Zhuang Chen and Cai Qingleng into a small corner, making it impossible for them to turn over.

Cai Qingleng was protected in Zhuang Chen's arms, and the distance between the two was so quiet that they could hear each other's heartbeats.

"Zhuang Chen, what's wrong with you?"

"Don't worry, you're not going to die."

"You're still talking nonsense to me at this time."

Cai Qingleng pinched his waist with his backhand, and Zhuang Chen gasped in pain.

"My little aunt, stop making trouble."

Zhuang Chen endured the pain brought to him by his internal organs and blurted out these words.

The wall behind him was squeezed by the outside world, making Zhuang Chen and the others miserable.

Zhuang Chen's feet were against the wall, trying not to be crushed into meat paste.

[Ding! Upgraded defense armor detected. ]

The system sound that sounded at this time made Zhuang Chen want to curse.

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