In just a moment, Zhuang Chen got rid of the men in black who surrounded him.

Seeing this posture, Wei Gui knew that he was no match for him, so he quickly turned around and left.


After Zhuang Chen finished dealing with the last man in black, he turned back and looked at where the middle-aged man was standing.

Found that it had already disappeared without a trace.

"It seems that this old man came to you this time just to test your bottom line."

Huazhishu sneaked his head out, after confirming that Zhuang Chen had resolved the crisis.

Then she strutted on his shoulders, patted her chest and spoke to him.

"The moment they appeared, I knew these people were no match for me."

Zhuang Chen complained lightly.

He didn't dwell on it because he had more important things to do.

"Fortunately, every mission given by the system will be accompanied by a map, so you won't run around like a headless fly."

Zhuang Chen took the map and walked towards the destination.

As the destination you are going to gets further and further away, the place becomes more and more remote.

Keep him alert to the unknown.

Zhuang Chen saw that this place seemed to be the residence of the indigenous people. There were mud houses built of yellow mud everywhere with thatched roofs.

There is a bench made of trees at the door. The lines on it indicate that it has been around for a long time.

The cold wind blew slightly, and the dust on the ground turned into a tornado, sweeping far away.

The place looks very run down.

"Why do I find this place eerie?"

The flowery mouse felt something was wrong here, and it rubbed its arm.

He hid in Zhuang Chen's collar in fear and quietly poked his head, looking around curiously.

Zhuang Chen heard rustling sounds inside the house, mixed with jumping sounds.


As he got closer to this small village, the sounds inside became more obvious.

Suddenly, countless savages came running from all directions, their wooden spears hitting the ground.

They only used withered yellow leaves to weave into a skirt to cover their lower bodies.

But the upper body was still unclothed, with strange runes painted on it.

There are colorful feathers on their heads, and black and white runes are painted on their faces, making it impossible to tell their appearance.

When they saw Zhuang Chen invading their territory, they grinned and showed off their fangs.

Zhuang Chen looked carefully and found that the fangs in their mouths were not his.

But ivory.

"Ho ho ho..."

They kept uttering incomprehensible words and waving the wooden spears in their hands, vaguely intending to attack him.

"These people are actually not affected by the end of the world."

"It should be that they are in a paradise here and have no contact with people in the city, so they have maintained their own nature."

Zhuang Chen tilted his head and lowered his head to explain to Huazhi Shu, but when he looked at the encroachment on him in the eyes of these savages.

I felt really uncomfortable, feeling like my whole body was being crawled by dense ants.

And it made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"I know a little bit about them. Based on the runes on their bodies and the tusks in their mouths, they should be the legendary cannibals.

Their biggest characteristic is that they only eat raw food and never cook it. "

The squirrel frowned and told Zhuang Chen what he knew.

"You really deserve to be a little mouse with the title of know-it-all."

"I don't know how many times I have to tell you, I'm not a little mouse, I'm a flowery mouse."

The little mouse jumped angrily on Zhuang Chen's shoulder.

Zhuang Chen already had a rough understanding of these savages based on the information they had on them.

The reason why I keep this little mouse is entirely because of its cute and interesting appearance.

Zhuang Chen tried to communicate with these savages, but the result was not what he expected.

"After all, they are normal people in the last days. If they are killed like this, it should not be done emotionally or rationally."

He was caught in a tangle and struggle, but these savages had already begun to attack him.

Zhuang Chen could only dodge nimbly and would not directly conflict with them.

"Hit them instead. Kill them all with your ability, it's a piece of cake!"

The squirrel was jolted by Zhuang Chen's jumping left and right. Its little hands grasped his collar tightly and urged him anxiously.

"Shut up, they are unpolluted human beings in the apocalypse. How can I kill innocent people indiscriminately?"

Zhuang Chen's words made Huazhi Shu fall into tears.

Such a bump made it almost fall down, and it looked at the teeth in the mouths of those savages.

It was so frightened that its hair stood on end, and it struggled to crawl towards him with its short legs.

Zhuang Chen knew that continuing to waste time with them like this was simply not an option.

Only one turned around and left here quickly, and the savages chasing behind him didn't help at all.

He found a place and hid quietly.

Zhuang Chen took out the map provided by the system, which showed that this was the center point where the savages lived.

"If you want to get the loess this time, you must get past these savages and not conflict with them."

Zhuang Chen scratched his head and felt a slight headache.

The only thing he could do now was to wait until late at night, when they were asleep, to go in quietly.

In the dark night, the voices of the savages sounded, and the torches on their houses swayed in the wind.

This group of savages seemed to be going crazy and formed a circle for a while.

After a while, they jumped around and scattered, jumping around in weird ways.

"It's a ritual for them."

Huazhishu was drowsy with his cheeks in his hands. Seeing their behavior, he explained to Zhuang Chen in a low voice.

"It looks like they should be asleep soon."

Zhuang Chen knelt down and rubbed his hands to keep them warm, and looked up at them blankly.

After making sure they were all asleep, the torches in the house were swept away by the cold wind.

There was darkness everywhere, and it was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Zhuang Chen saw the opportunity and sneaked in secretly, and followed the map to the mud house in the middle.

The yellow mud on the map shows under the center of the house.

This made him worried.

Zhuang Chen walked into the house quietly. There was only an earthen kang in the huge house.

There are also bits and pieces of daily necessities.

The huge figure on the earthen bed undulated up and down, and the layers of fat trembled with it.

The snoring was as loud as thunder, and the breath that came out was disgusting.

"It stinks."

The flower-branched rat made retching movements, tightly covering his mouth and nose and complained.

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