“Our farm is so big, it’s normal to know these things.

Zhuang Chen stood up and looked around his huge farm.

In his mind, he suddenly thought of his parents' faces with their backs turned to the sky.

Suddenly I miss them a little bit. I wonder if the outbreak of the apocalypse will have any impact on where they go?

Zhuang Chen felt worried in his heart, but he breathed a sigh of relief when he thought that his parents were not ordinary people.

"Zhuangda, what should we do next?"

Qiu Yinyin stood up and twisted her aching waist from side to side, and loudly changed Zhuang Chen's thoughts.

Ask him what he should do next?

Looking at the pile of potato chunks at her feet, she still doesn't know what to do?

"Dig a small hole and place each potato on the surface of the earth, about fifteen centimeters apart."


They followed Zhuang Chen's instructions and pressed the potatoes into the soft soil.

According to his instructions, cover them with a thick layer of soil.

Its height is also kept at about fifteen centimeters.

Fortunately, there are many people and strength, and they took care of it in one afternoon.

The tired people all slumped on the ground, not wanting to move at all.

"When they grow later, you will need to spread a thin layer of fertilizer on them."

When Zhuang Chen saw them like this, he didn't ask them to do anything else.

Just give them instructions on what they need to do next.

After saying that, he took the small shovel alone and walked to another piece of land.

Zhuang Chen looked at the small seeds in his hand, and the movements of his hands seemed light and gentle.

Because their size is so small, even if you make a fist, they may fall out from your fingers.

It would be a pity to throw away such a precious thing.

"Winter is suitable for planting some radishes."

Zhuang Chen walked to his farmland to find soft land without stones.

This is most suitable for the growth of radish.

Zhuang Chen came to a piece of land where he had just pulled out weeds, squatted down and poked at it.

Feeling how soft it was, he turned up a piece of soil at the same time.

After seeing that there was no gravel mixed in, I decided to plant the radishes here.

After Zhuang Chen confirmed the land, he raised his head and looked at the sky.

"I believe that the sunshine here will definitely reach here. Sufficient sunshine is also one of the factors that determine its growth."

Zhuang Chen planted potatoes in the same way, and then spread a large amount of organic fertilizer on the surface.

It was also determined that its pH value is between 5.6 and 6.8.

Zhuang Chen took out his hoe and dug in the ground, leaving small holes.

Dig the distance between each of their ravines to facilitate drainage.

After doing this, he leaned forward and dropped the small seeds.

Zhuang Chen returned to the river based on his memory, took a bucket of water, and carefully sprinkled water on the seeds in each pit.

At this time, Brother Zhu and the others also came over and took the initiative to follow Zhuang Chen's example and sprinkle water on the plants in the soil.

"Look at this white radish growing very fast."

"It's not like we can proceed normally and provide the power in our own hands by then."

When Ju Anan heard these words, there was a little excitement in her words.

The speed in his excited hands became faster and faster, and he was still mumbling about his beautiful hopes for them.

"After this, we still need to water it every day, so I'll leave it to you all."

After Zhuang Chen handed over the matter to them, he walked out of here and was busy with his own affairs.

"The approach of foreign invaders depends on whether they are expelled in time."


The guard machine approached Zhuang Chen and continuously sounded these words, and the warning voice slowly sounded in the farm.

Zhuang Chen frowned slightly and looked at the late sky, still wondering who came to the farm at this time.

When I walked to the farm, I saw that it was Sun Yue and a stooped old man behind her.

The majesty he exuded did not look like an ordinary person.

Zhuang Chen was full of vigilance and nodded to Sun Yue to meet her.

“Thank you so much for saving me last time and taking me in for such a long time.

This time I brought my grandpa here to thank you. "

"I'm really sorry to disturb you so abruptly this time. We just want to express our gratitude."

Sun Yue's grandfather approached the farm gate slightly, from his arms.

He took out a yellow flower wood box that looked very dated.

He handed it to Zhuang Chen with a smile on his face, and there were suppressed tears in his eyes that wetted his eyes.

“What happened last time was nothing more than a simple effort.

It’s nothing serious, just accept such an expensive gift yourself! "

Zhuang Chen shook his hand and took half a step back, declining his kindness.

At the same time, his eyes were also looking at his body, trying to see some weird places.

Sun Yue's grandfather stretched out his arm vigorously, trying to get Zhuang Chen to accept it.

Seeing that he rejected her forcefully and had no intention of answering, his hand hung awkwardly in the air and trembled slightly.

He lowered his head in despair and exhaled softly.

He carefully put the box into his arms as if it were a treasure, and whispered to Zhuang Chen.

"It's a shame to say that we are not rich and powerful, and we only have such worthless things passed down from our ancestors.

If you look down on it, then there is nothing I, an old man, can do."

He said to Zhuang Chen in a self-deprecating way, and although there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, it was full of deep loss.

Zhuang Chen looked at the two of them, both with such inferiority expressions.

He couldn't bear to do this in his heart, so he had to grab his arm.

"This is just a small thing that can be done with a little effort. Whether it is precious or not, it is your intention."

Hearing Zhuang Chen say this, they smiled on their faces and quickly handed the box in their hands to Zhuang Chen.

He nodded slightly and expressed his gratitude to him.

"Then why did you arrive at my farm at this time? Zombies and monsters are active at night."

"It's all my fault. I lost my way and didn't find your farm. I walked around for a long time before I found it.

If it weren't for me, I wouldn't have let my old grandfather accompany me for so long."

When Sun Yue said this, she felt so guilty that she almost cried. She hugged her grandfather's arm and apologized to him in a low voice.

"It's a good thing for my old bones to go out for a walk. I'm almost bored.

It's nothing, we'll leave first."

Sun Yue's grandfather patted her arm, smiled and said goodbye to Zhuang Chen and turned to leave.

When Sun Yue felt his actions, her body trembled and she stared at her toes with embarrassment.

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