Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 387 I want to eat chicken stewed with mushrooms

Zhang Ke's body floated in the air, looking down at Zhuang Chen with a domineering look.

It was as if he was looking at an ant.

"You guys are really naughty, you don't cooperate.

Then I don't mind destroying you all, just in time for someone to accompany you to the underworld."

Zhang Ke's fireballs were dense like falling meteors, slamming on the ground with fierce attacks.

Seeing such a scene, everyone could only dodge back and forth, and the sky illuminated by the fire was like daytime.

"All of you go to hell."

Zhang Ke focused his attack on Zhuang Chen, who jumped left and right on the roof like a flexible monkey.

His coat was burnt black, and the clothes that were originally soaked on his body were dried a lot.

Zhang Ke saw that Zhuang Chen always didn't fight him head-on and frequently escaped his attacks, so he flew towards Zhuang Chen angrily.

"Good opportunity."

Zhuang Chen saw his actions and the corners of his mouth curled up.

He rolled on the ground and grabbed the long nail in his hand.

When Zhang Ke approached him, he quickly took the opportunity to nail the long nail into his wrist.


Zhang Ke was knocked to the ground by the flying long nail due to inertia.

His face was twisted and painful, and he rolled on the ground and stretched out his left arm.

He looked at the familiar long nail, which was nailed on his wrist at this time.

Zhang Ke mobilized the strength of his body and wanted to pull out the long nail.

But he didn't expect that the long nail suppressed his strength, making every move of his seem very strenuous.

Zhuang Chen didn't give him a chance to react, he ran towards him at a high speed.

He pinched the long nail with his index finger and middle finger, placed it in front of him, and aimed at his ankle.

He swung his whole arm vigorously, and the long nail flew out and hit Zhang Ke's ankle, and blood splattered.


"You and I are irreconcilable. I will definitely tear your tendons and bones apart."

Zhang Ke bent over and looked at his ankle. He gasped in pain and angrily cursed Zhuang Chen.

Only when he saw Zhuang Chen was still approaching him did he grit his teeth and endure the pain.

He got up from the ground with difficulty and dodged his attack.

"Weren't you so arrogant just now? Why are you hiding now?

I'm just giving him a taste of his own medicine. You know that grudges in the martial arts world must be settled."

Zhuang Chen played with the long nail in his hand, with a hint of anger in his lowered eyes.

There was no sound of emotion in his words, but more like the cold and ruthless temperature in winter, which made him shiver.

After Zhang Ke and Zhuang Chen had a distance, he endured the pain and grabbed the long nail on his wrist.

He pulled it out fiercely.

The blood immediately gushed out like a spring, soaking all his clothes.

While dodging Zhuang Chen's attack, Zhang Ke tore off his clothes with all his heart.

He wrapped the wound on his wrist with a strip of cloth, and his face turned pale with pain.

For such a wound, it is impossible to heal so quickly.

Zhuang Chen gradually lost his patience and waved his arm again.

He stabbed the remaining two long nails in his hand into his wrist and ankle respectively.

Zhang Ke, who had just taken out the long nails, was nailed to the wall fiercely.

His body began to twitch in pain.

He unwillingly mobilized his body's strength, and his brows were tightly knitted into a ball.

Zhuang Chen heard the roars of zombies and monsters in his ears, and they poured in from the breakthrough of the city.

"You are such a delicacy, so leave it for them to enjoy!"

Zhuang Chen did not kill people like him, and there were more cruel things waiting for him.

"Zhuang Xiao, be careful!"

He turned around and was about to leave this place, but Huang Feng, who was walking towards him, had a face full of fear.

An anxious voice squeezed out of his throat.

At this time, Zhuang Chen also felt a hot attack coming from his back.

But it was too late.

Zhuang Chen turned his head and saw the fist-sized fire coming towards his heart.

He was about to dodge.

But unexpectedly, a black shadow suddenly appeared and blocked such a fatal blow for him.

Zhuang Chen watched Huang Feng's horrified expression, stiff on his face.

His body slowly slid down to the ground and knelt on one knee in front of him.

Zhuang Chen was stunned, and a wave of grief surged into his heart.

His nose was sore and his eyes were moistened a little. He immediately reached out to stabilize Huang Feng's body that was about to fall.

Zhuang Chen waved his arm angrily, condensed a fire blade into a dart, and fiercely inserted it into Zhang Ke's chest.

He lost his breath.

The zombies and monsters around smelled a hint of blood and rushed to Zhang Ke.

They tore his flesh with sharp teeth.

"Huang Feng, hold on, you will be fine."

"Zhuang Da, I want to eat chicken stewed with mushrooms, too."

Zhuang Chen put his hands through Huang Feng's armpits, lifted him up from the ground, and lowered his voice to comfort him.

But Huang Feng was aggrieved, raised his pale face and blinked his eyes.

She said these words to Zhuang Chen pitifully like a woman.

Zhuang Chen knew that he had stewed ginseng chicken soup for Qi Yan when she was injured last time.

This kid has been coveting it for a long time, but he didn't expect that he would still think about it even after such a serious injury.

Zhuang Chen could not help but be petrified on the spot, with several black lines on his head looking at him speechlessly.

If it weren't for the horrific wound on his chest, the burnt flesh rolled up.

The air was still filled with the smell of burnt meat, and the beating heart seemed to be separated by a layer of skin.

The situation looked very critical.

Otherwise, he really thought that this kid was fine, so he could only nod and agree to his request.

Everyone in the farm followed behind Zhuang Chen, covering them and rushing back to the farm as quickly as possible.

As soon as they left, a very luxurious and noble Pagani stopped at the gate of the burned city.

Its smooth lines and dust-free surface made people know that it was a wealthy family.

In the end times, there can still be such a top-notch car.

The man in black on the passenger seat opened the door with a clean and swift movement.

He got out of the car quickly, opened the rear door with his white-gloved hands, slightly bent his waist, and gestured with his head lowered.

An old man with a hunched back appeared from the car, his shiny leather shoes stepped on the soft sand and gravel,

his hat covered his face, and he was leaning on a dragon-headed cane.

He stretched out his hand to push the sunglasses on his nose, and looked coldly at the raging fire and the smoke-filled city.

Seeing this, he frowned and tightened his hand on the cane a little.

He closed his thin lips tightly and walked into the depths of the city without saying a word.

When he saw Zhang Ke, who was nailed to the wall and unrecognizable, he could no longer suppress his anger.

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