Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 417: The thief is still determined

"Your words, little guy, made me suddenly enlightened and solved the problem I had been struggling with.

Zhuang Chen looked down at the flower rat and reached out to poke its soft belly.

The flower rat heard Zhuang Chen's praise, squinted his eyes, and curled up a little arc at the corner of his mouth. He rolled over to avoid Zhuang Chen's pointing.

The little eyes glared at Zhuang Chen to stop him.

Zhuang Chen stretched his waist, walked around the farm casually, and then simply packed up and rested.

Mysterious base.


"How could I fail again this time? What are you trash doing?"

The old man's hoarse voice was sinister, and his sharp eyes wanted to eat them alive.

The black-clothed half-zombie in front of him at this time was just a bunch of emotionless wooden stakes standing here, which made him particularly upset.

There was no expression on the stiff face of the black-clothed half-zombie.

"Get out. "

The old man punched the table and shouted angrily.

A crack appeared on the table in an instant, and the teacup and the pot were shattered by his power.

The tea slowly flowed down the table legs, and the butler's body was hidden in the darkness with a distressed look.

He intertwined his hands anxiously.

"Butler, what do you think about this matter?"

The butler shuddered unconsciously when he heard the master's voice.

He hurriedly walked in front of him with a hunched body.

"The opponent's strength is too strong. Even if we use all our strength, we may be slightly better than him.

But this approach is too risky. "

While the butler was saying this, he carefully raised his eyelids and looked at his master's expression.

He was afraid that he would be punished for saying something wrong.

After he finished speaking, the atmosphere was too solemn, and there was no response for a long time.

The butler did not dare to raise his head to look at his master, and could only lower his head.

Looking at his toes, he trembled and waited for his next words.

"We must formulate a comprehensive plan to take him down in one fell swoop."

"Or do you think we can make a plan through the young lady? Maybe it will be easier to deal with him."

The old butler's head flashed with inspiration, and two familiar faces suddenly rang out, and he was about to reach out his claws to them.

"Such an unfilial daughter will only disobey me, how can she cooperate with our plan?"

"Bang! "

When the old man said this, he was so angry that he slammed the table and stood up.

The tabletop, which had already cracked, suddenly broke into two pieces and fell heavily to the ground.

A big hole was smashed on the ground, and after the loud bang, only the old man's angry voice could be heard.

The atmosphere fell into silence.

After he calmed down, the butler gritted his teeth and told him his plan.

"But the progress of this task has been dragged out too long."

"We must have a chance of winning, after all, we are not dealing with ordinary people this time. "

The old man snorted, his words full of disdain for him.

They plotted until late at night, and the housekeeper left in a hurry.

Early in the morning.

Zhuang Chen stretched his lazy waist at the door and waved his limbs.

He raised his head and sniffed the strange fragrance in the air, which made his expression stiff.

He ran quickly to the herb field, and found that the triangular lotus had fully opened when passing the pond.

The pink petals wrapped the pale yellow stamens, and the strange fragrance made Zhuang Chen's body feel hot.

"This small plant actually has such an effect, it really can't be underestimated."

Zhuang Chen covered his mouth and nose, half leaned over and looked at the pond, his eyes full of scrutiny.

He turned his head and looked at Ceng Gong, who covered his mouth and nose with both hands, frowned slightly and looked at him strangely.

It was as if he was doing something crooked.

"Zhuang Da, what are you doing? Why does my body feel a little strange. "


Ceng Gong said this shyly, his hot face flushed red.

He lowered his head and dared not look at Zhuang Chen. Qiu Yinyin ran away shyly.

Zhuang Chen looked at them awkwardly, and scratched his head with a sullen smile.

"Don't worry, this will not affect you."

Zhuang Chen shook his hands and backed away slowly.

He walked to the herb field and found that everything Bai Tuan Tuan needed was fully mature.

The herbs swayed left and right with the cold wind, and the mixed smell of herbs was a bit overwhelming.

"This growth is amazing. "

Zhuang Chen's mouth curled up into a smile, feeling very satisfied with this situation.

He returned to the warehouse, picked up the tools, and carefully picked the herbs.

Looking at the dew on the fresh green herbs, Zhuang Chen walked to the pond with interest.

He stepped into the mud and walked towards the triangular lotus with difficulty step by step.

He stretched out his hand and walked down along the stem of the plant, grabbed the fruit at its root and pulled it up hard.

The roots rushed out of the water, and water dripped down.

Zhuang Chen looked at the fruit that was the size of his fist. There were countless roots on the fruit, and the cracks on it were triangular.

The brown appearance showed a hint of deep red flesh color. The skin was thin and the flesh could be seen by slightly scraping it with a fingernail.

The fragrance it exudes is mainly due to the fruit, and the flower is just a cover.

Zhuang Chen picked up his clothes and simply wiped the water droplets on them.

He walked to the edge of the pond and put the triangular lotus in the backpack on the shore.

He picked up the backpack in his hand, walked back to his room, and quickly changed his clothes.

He walked outside with the backpack in his hand, and saw Qiu Huihui sitting at the door with mud in the distance.

Her clothes were stained with yellow-brown mud.

The small back looked particularly lonely, and she was still mumbling something in her mouth.

Zhuang Chen had mixed feelings in his heart.

He slowed down his steps, squatted down, put the backpack aside, and looked at Qiu Huihui with his head tilted.

"Huihui, what are you doing?"

"I'm building a house for my mother!"

Qiu Huihui looked up at Zhuang Chen innocently, and a pure smile appeared on her face.

"Why do you want to build a house for mom?"

"Because then mom won't miss home!"

Qiu Huihui lowered her head after saying that, immersed in her own world.

Zhuang Chen felt a little bitter in his heart, and could only reach out and rub her head.

While he was talking to her, he accidentally saw a pair of fiery eyes staring at Qiu Huihui outside the farm.

When Zhuang Chen looked over, the protruding head immediately squatted down.

But such a small move did not escape his eyes.

"It seems that they are really thieves who want to take advantage of her again."

Zhuang Chen clenched his fists angrily, trying his best to suppress his emotions on his face.

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