Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 456: Can you leave if you want?

Zhuang Chen watched helplessly as Qiu Huihui ran towards her favorite doll, and he saw that the amount of water pumped up from the lake was not high.

The worst thing that made him feel was that Wei Nai from a distance was walking towards him with his hands in his pockets.

Seeing that the distance between him and Qiu Huihui was only ten meters.

Zhuang Chen stood up anxiously and was about to rush over.

But he saw Wei Na pause for a moment when he saw Qiu Huihui.

Complex emotions flashed in his eyes.

He froze on the spot for a while before he walked over to Qiu Huihui.

But his actions were subconsciously gentler, and he looked at the patrolling guard coming towards him behind him.

Wei Nuo turned around and gave them a look, signaling them to go to the other side.

It seemed that he was afraid of disturbing her.

Seeing his posture, Zhuang Chen didn't seem to have any ill intentions towards her, so he urgently retracted his feet.

Suspicious, he crouched down and hid behind the rockery, watching their interaction quietly.

Wei Na had a complicated look on his face when he saw this pretty girl squatting next to the doll, playing with it with a look of fondness.

In his mind, he recalled his sister when he was three years old, but it was a pity that someone killed her through trickery.

The murderer has not been found so far. Thinking of this, he clenched his fists and his head was filled with hatred.

Because that was his happiest childhood, and he was hunted like this.

The moment Qiu Huihui looked over, he lowered his head in panic to hide the true emotions in his heart.

"Little... little brother."

Qiu Huihui suddenly saw a stranger coming. She was frightened and stood up, looking at him at a loss.

She subconsciously looked towards where Zhuang Chen was hiding.

Zhuang Chen was so frightened that he almost suffocated on the spot. He hunched his neck and froze in place with his pupils widened.

However, Qiu Huihui's movements were quickly placed on Wei Na's body and did not attract his attention.

Wei Na walked towards her slowly, bent his knees and squatted down to look at Qiu Huihui's level.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

There was a softness to his words that was harsh, which was very awkward for him.


Qiu Huihui just opened her mouth and wanted to say that Zhuang Chen brought her here, but then she thought about it and couldn't say that they came in secretly.

She took a step back, covering her mouth and nose with her hands, and her eyes moving left and right showed fear.

"You don't have to be afraid."

Wei Na wanted to reach out and rub her head, but his right hand froze in mid-air and he retracted angrily.

"That's how I walked in!"

Qiu Huihui blinked her innocent eyes, tilted her head and pointed at the door with her soft fingers.

Wei Na followed the direction of her finger and looked back at her with a slight frown.

There was no belief in her heart, and the initial friendship was gradually destroyed by her words.

But as soon as he thought of his sister in his mind, he suppressed his urge to kill.

"Da da……"

A group of patrolling guards came over behind Wei Na, and the look on his face suddenly changed.

Suddenly he became fierce, and his hands violently pushed Qiu Huihui's shoulders.


Qiu Huihui was frightened by this unexpected move, and she fell heavily to the ground.

She burst into tears and looked at Wei Na with aggrieved expression.

"How do you guys patrol? Don't you mean that even a fly can't fly in?

How could a child be let in? "

He angrily pointed at the people's noses and cursed.

Zhuang Chen was also attracted by Qiu Huihui's crying voice and saw those tall and powerful guards.

Surrounded by the crying Qiu Huihui, she shrank like a frightened little animal.

He raised his head and looked at them confusedly.

"Why don't you take her to me quickly? Do you want me to invite you?"

Wei Na tightened his fists, his brows knitted together as if he was holding back something?

"I can't let any of my weaknesses be exposed."

He murmured lowly in his mouth and turned his head away from looking at Qiu Huihui, who was crying loudly.

"Brother Zhuang..."

Qiu Huihui's crying voice aroused everyone's vigilance.

They looked around warily.

"It seems she has accomplices around."

"Go and search."


The leading guard gestured to the two guards next to him, telling them to go to both sides.

A group of people were also sent to the exquisite rockery.

Through the gaps in the rockery, Zhuang Chen saw several men wearing Martin boots approaching him step by step.

He lowered his head to see that the amount of water in the container was still a little short, and cold sweat broke out on his anxious forehead.

There was sweat in the palms of my hands.

Just as the group of people surrounded the rockery, a sudden force shocked them away.

Zhuang Chen passed through their bodies and walked straight towards Qiu Huihui.

He grabbed her arms and pushed her into his arms, supporting her with his clothes.

He turned around to leave, but Wei Na blocked his way.

"It's you again."

Wei Na saw the masked man in front of him. There was certainty in his words, not suspicion.

Zhuang Chen didn't expect that he had come here so many times and that he would guess his identity just by showing his eyes.

"Why did you come to my city again this time?

Am I here so that you can come and leave whenever you want? "

Wei Nuo's attack was so fast that it was dizzying.

In order to protect Qiu Huihui, Zhuang Chen could only defend against his attack.

The guards behind him also attacked him whenever they saw a chance, and Zhuang Chen was surrounded by enemies.

Zhuang Chen kept retreating, looking for a chance to survive.

But the guards who came after hearing the noise surrounded him densely.

Zhuang Chen used his powerful mental power to control their bodies and threw them in the air and then fell heavily.

He wanted to open a path for himself.

He soon found that there were zombies among them, and they also started to attack him.

Zhuang Chen's state at this time was to move forward step by step.


He felt something suddenly exploded above his head.

A stream of smoke fell into the crowd, covering everyone with white powder.

Zhuang Chen's nose wrinkled slightly, and he had a bad feeling about the powder.

The smell of the powder was mixed with a faint smell of drugs. When he reacted, it was too late.

His dizzy head made him unstable and swayed in place.

The guards around him didn't seem to be affected by the powder.

Zhuang Chen clearly saw their smug smiles and walked towards him with relaxed vigilance.

He couldn't control the feeling of fainting and knelt on one knee to stabilize his body.

He looked down at Qiu Huihui in his arms, who had already closed her eyes tightly, with white powder hanging on her eyelashes.

The effect of the drug was too strong for him, and he fainted on the ground.

He saw a pair of black leather shoes walking towards him in the crowd.

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