Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 462: Surprise?

The next day.

Although Zhuang Da felt a little tired, the soaking in hot water made him feel like he was starting a new day.

He simply picked up a bath towel to wipe the water droplets on his body, and walked out of the room in his bathrobe.

He sat cross-legged in front of his chair and turned on the computer skillfully.

The squirrel rubbed its head against the pillow, rubbed its eyes in a daze, and then climbed into Zhuang Chen's arms with flexible steps.

He continued to find a comfortable place, curled up his body and watched Zhuang Chen's actions.

"What happened last night? Tell me now!"

When Zhuang Chen looked at the squirrel nestling in his arms, a doting smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He stretched out his fingertips to poke its soft belly and asked in a low voice in its ear.

The squirrel turned over to avoid Zhuang Chen's teasing, raised his head to look at him, and lay on his thighs again.

"Not long after you left, the little girl attracted a large number of monsters to attack the city.

We didn't stay for too long, but took advantage of the chaos to escape from there."

"Does that mean the boy has also escaped?"

"I saw a monster wrestling with him at the time and was injured.

As for whether he is dead or alive, I don't know."

The flower rat recalled last night's awakening and shook his head.

Seeing it tell everything like this, Zhuang Chen focused his attention on the computer.

But his thoughts drifted far away, although such a vicious incident happened yesterday.

It almost made him fall into hell, and he is still scared until now.

The final result was that he asked Tang Xuan to take the city back into his hands.

But the boy did not see any of his figure.

"Aren't we out of the crisis now? Why do we still have to worry about that little devil?"

"If he is still alive in the apocalypse, he will definitely come back in time."

Zhuang Chen's mind flashed with Wei Nuo's cold and ruthless look, and he couldn't help feeling oppressed.

"That has to wait until he can safely spend this winter!"

The squirrel stretched lazily and yawned.

Zhuang Chen just glanced at it lightly and looked at the screen on the computer.

The screen on the computer kept flickering up and down, extremely unstable.

Zhuang Chen moved his mouse up and down to scroll, trying to find useful information.

But the frequency of its flickering was too high, so he couldn't see the content on it clearly.

Seeing only a piece of white, he could only turn off the computer and sighed in annoyance.

"What's the situation today? Even the signal is so intermittent."

Zhuang Chen scratched the back of his head, sat upright on the chair, and looked at the window covered with frost, and couldn't see outside at all.

He walked to his closet, took out the thickest cotton-padded jacket and put it on.

He covered his ears with a hat, and wrapped himself up tightly.

When Zhuang Chen walked to the door and opened it, a piercing coldness hit him.

He shivered subconsciously.

Zhuang Chen tightened his coat, crossed his arms and looked at the situation outside with great emotion.

The farm was full of white snow, and the snow as high as the calf covered the ground.

There was even a thick layer of snow on his roof.

Brother Zhu and the others took shovels in their hands and shoveled the snow to both sides to leave a path.

Their noses were all red, and they squinted their eyes in the cold wind.

They kept breathing and rubbing their stiff hands.

"Zhuang Da..."


Huang Feng and the others greeted Zhuang Chen enthusiastically, and their breath became visible mist.

"Everyone has worked hard."

Zhuang Chen stepped on the snow and made a creaking sound. He walked over and patted their shoulders.

It was a bit difficult to walk in the winter at the end of the world. Zhuang Chen walked into the field.

He raised his head and found that the greenhouse was tilted a little by the thick layer of snow.

Zhuang Chen used his spiritual power to control his body to fly into the air.

He took out a handy shovel from his personal space and floated in the air to clear the snow on the greenhouse.

When he finished cleaning this part, his hands were numb and he had no feeling.

It was noon in the winter that a ray of sunshine came.

But it did not make people feel a little warm, but even colder.

Zhuang Chen's feet landed steadily. He rubbed his stiff hands, which were pale without a trace of blood.

He could not feel the warmth of his breath.

Zhuang Chen put his hands in his arms and walked into his studio with his body bent.

As soon as he walked in, the heating instantly wrapped around his body, driving away the cold.


Zhuang Chen exhaled lightly and looked at the silkworms in the sieve.

Maybe it was because of the winter that they were all a little lazy.

"Because they have been taken care of so well during this period, the number of silkworms has greatly increased."

Zhuang Chen half-squatted and looked at the silkworms that were packed full in the sieve.

In the middle of the journey, he also arranged for people to add more sieves.

But he didn't expect that their reproduction speed would greatly exceed his imagination.

Zhuang Chen took out an empty basin and picked out some plump silkworms.

He picked out a full basin of silkworms, covered it with something and walked to the kitchen.

"Look at your attitude, are you going to eat them for lunch today?"

"Is it not possible?"

"I think they will be scared to death when they see it."

The squirrel poked its head out and watched Zhuang Chen holding the basin of silkworms and walking mysteriously to the kitchen.

It glanced at it and felt the hair on its back stand upside down.

It complained about him in a low voice and shrank back into his hat.

Zhuang Chen was too lazy to pay attention to it and waited for everyone's reaction to slap it in the face.

"Zhuang Da, are you going to cook for lunch today?"

"The braised spareribs that Zhuang Da made last time made everyone miss it for a long time."

"What is Zhuang Da holding in his hand?"


Qiu Yinyin and Qi Yan walked over arm in arm and saw Zhuang Chen took the initiative to come to the kitchen.

There was a little surprise in their eyes.

Ceng Gong came over from behind them, and the doubtful voice caused them both to look at Zhuang Chen's hand at the same time.

The three of them walked to Zhuang Chen's side together, surrounded him, and stared at the basin in his hand.

"Zhuang Da even covered it with something, is he preparing a surprise for us?"

"Is it the chicken in the ranch? Or pork?"


They thought that Zhuang Chen was going to prepare a big meal for them, and they couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

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