Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 468 Experience

Zhuang Chen was so angry that he couldn't hold back his anger, and he stiffened his neck to face his terrifying gaze.

The half-zombie doctor twisted his neck and looked at Zhuang Chen fiercely.



The wrist holding the scalpel moved, and he raised his arm high, and the scalpel penetrated Zhuang Chen's shoulder fiercely.

Zhuang Chen groaned in pain and struggled to sit up, his eyes almost bulging out.

His face was flushed, the veins on his shoulders were pierced, and his arms were completely useless.

His body limply slumped on the bed, and his breathing became rapid and disordered.

Seeing Zhuang Chen's painful expression, the half-zombie doctor's mouth curled up with an evil smile.

He turned around, walked to the wall, and took off the scalpel stuck on it.

"Do you think I can't help you if you use this method?"

The half-zombie doctor played with the scalpel in his hand and approached Zhuang Chen step by step, his words full of disdain for him.

Zhuang Chen breathed heavily and looked at the doctor with weak eyes.

He looked down at the scalpel stuck in his shoulder, the blade touching his nerves.

As a result, he couldn't move his right arm at all, and he looked at the doctor who was putting pressure on his heart.

Zhuang Chen's head was in chaos, in such a cold weather.

His back was soaked with sweat, and his forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat.

"If you dare to touch me, I will definitely pull out your muscles and bones."

Zhuang Chen's pale face was twisted with pain, his silver teeth clenched loudly, and his scarlet eyes stared at his every move.

The sharp blade on his shoulder was stuck in his flesh, causing Zhuang Chen's wound to be unable to heal.

"You think I'm like this because I'm still afraid of your threats."

The half-zombie doctor's mouth curled up, and he slowly leaned over and spoke in Zhuang Chen's ear.

The cold breath rushed towards Zhuang Chen, stinging and making him shiver.


He raised his arm and plunged the scalpel into Zhuang Chen's heart.

The sharp scalpel pierced the crystal in Zhuang Chen's heart, and the power of the crystal followed Zhuang Chen's nerves.

His limbs were swollen and clearly visible veins were bulging.

The bloodshot eyes in Zhuang Chen's pupils were like extending branches, completely covering his pupils.

The half-zombie doctor's right hand moved downwards with responsibility, as if he had encountered a hard object that blocked his movement.

He felt the resistance and gripped the scalpel tightly with both hands.

The veins on Zhuang Chen's neck bulged in pain, and large drops of sweat rolled down his pale face.


A force enveloped his fist, and Zhuang Chen roared like a ferocious beast and struggled on the operating table.

The operating table creaked due to Zhuang Chen, and the half-zombie doctor pressed his left elbow on Zhuang Chen's neck.

He pressed his whole body against Zhuang Chen's chest and controlled the scalpel to take out Zhuang Chen's heart.

"Kacha! Kacha!"

The machine that restrained Zhuang Chen made several loud noises, and Zhuang Chen broke free completely.

He sat up instantly and punched the half-zombie doctor in the corner of the mouth.

Before he could react, Zhuang Chen raised his fist and smashed him in the face.

The face of the half-zombie doctor was deformed by the smash, and several teeth flew out.

His body staggered backwards, stepping on debris under his feet and rolling to the ground.

Zhuang Chen took the opportunity to break free from the restraints of his feet, endured the severe pain in his body, and pulled out the scalpel on his chest.

The blood flowed down his chest and dyed his clothes red, and Zhuang Chen was so angry that he couldn't contain it.

He immediately landed smoothly on his feet and fell down to release his anger.

His attack was so violent that the half-zombie doctor had no defense at all.

The beaten cheek was swollen into a pig's head, and his appearance was completely indistinguishable.

Dizzy, he wanted to wave his hand to attack, but was crushed by Zhuang Chen.

"Don't you like surgery so much? Then let me meet your needs this time."

Zhuang Chen's blood seeped out from between his teeth, and he lowered his head and spoke to him viciously.

He grabbed his collar and dragged him roughly to the operating table.

Zhuang Chen turned around and saw several rubber hoses on the cabinet.

He used his mental power to teleport it into his hand.

Wrap around the half-zombie doctor's wrist and connect it to the operating table.


The half-zombie doctor regained consciousness for a moment and looked at Zhuang Chen with widened pupils in panic.

"I advise you to stop what you are doing."

Zhuang Chen turned a deaf ear to his words and walked to the table next to him.

Use alcohol to roughly disinfect yourself, and use gauze to bandage the wound.

After he arranged his clothes, he picked up the scalpel on the ground and walked to his side.

Without saying a word, she moved her hand and inserted it into his heart quickly and accurately.


The sound of the sharp blade pulling at the skin caused goosebumps to rise on his arms.

There was no wave in Zhuang Chen's deep eyes, and the cold expression on his face was like a ghost in hell without any emotion.

The half-zombie doctor's body was shaking uncontrollably, and the sound of baring his teeth was even more horrifying.

His vigorous and resolute methods made the half-zombie doctor terrified.

In just a moment, the bloody heart was placed on the tray intact.

Zhuang Chen looked at the crystal on it. He took it off in front of him and put it into his personal space.


The roles were reversed, and the half-zombie doctor kept hammering the operating table with his fists.

The low roar seemed to have an attackable sound wave.

With this room as the center, the images are constantly scattered in all directions.

"Since you enjoy performing surgeries on others, I will let you experience it today."

Zhuang Chen took out the organs from his body without any rules and placed them in front of his eyes.

It doesn't take a while.

Zhuang Chen pricked up his ears and heard dense footsteps in the corridor outside.

The next second, the door of the operating room was hammered crazily by zombies outside.

Zhuang Chen looked at the door that was pushed back and forth, his brows twitching subconsciously.

He turned back to look at the half-zombie lying on the operating table, and a strange chuckle appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He looked at Zhuang Chen with calm eyes.

"Why is it that the damn half-zombie is still so full of life even after his heart was removed?"

Zhuang Chen murmured in his heart.

He released his spiritual power and wrapped it around the half-zombie body.

There seemed to be a faint difference between his eyebrows.

He raised his brows lightly and found his fatal point. Zhuang Chen slowly approached him with a scalpel.

The blood on the scalpel blade flowed downwards, falling to the ground in drops.

Zhuang Chen quickly inserted the scalpel between his eyebrows.

The half-zombie's body was twitching, and the expression on his face was still stiff.

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