Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 486: Stinky Beggar

Zhuang Chen picked up many discarded crystal shells on the ground after the ice and snow melted.

They were all placed in front of Zhuang Chen's eyes. Zhuang Chen seemed to have fallen into heaven, and the smile on his face could not be stopped.

His steps were as light as a kitten running through the night, and his deep eyes flashed with cunning light.

Little did he know that a group of people were quietly following him, constantly observing his actions.

"Mr. Gong, do you think this garbage picker in front of you is the one who killed the monster with one blow?"

"Liu Cheng, you are crazy. How can a person who picks up garbage to make a living be such a powerful person?"


The young man walked to the old man with gray beard and whispered his doubts to him.

Unexpectedly, he was splashed with cold water by his companions and rolled his eyes at him.

Liu Cheng turned his head and glanced at him, then turned his head and ignored her words.

"You two should stop targeting each other. You should know that you can't judge a person by his appearance, and you can't measure the depth of the sea."

Old Gong waved his hand to stop the two people's dispute, and the others were also bystanders.

But the followers behind the woman who spoke, Gao Jia, rolled their eyes.

They cursed Liu Cheng in a low voice, but since Old Gong came out to talk, they naturally didn't jump out.

But they still followed Zhuang Chen relentlessly, trying to find a clue from his actions.

Zhuang Chen moved his ears slightly, and had already heard what they had just said.

The corners of his mouth raised a mocking degree, and he kept whispering in his mouth:

"Garbage collector?"

His words were full of doubts, and he looked down at the clothes on his body.

In the dark, it looked like an ordinary coat, nothing special.

No wonder this group of people guessed that he was a garbage collector, and the sack in his hand was so consistent with his identity.

Zhuang Chen pretended to walk clumsily, jogging through the city to get rid of the group of people.

"Why did Mr. Gong follow a homeless man?"

Gao Jia didn't understand this at all, and grumbled with some complaints.

She crossed her arms, pouted her mouth, stomped her feet, and stopped on the ground.

The people around her watched her lose her temper, and they didn't say much, but looked at Mr. Gong with some heartache.

The group of people behind Gao Jia also stood up for her, and their words were full of questioning and disrespect.

Old Gong sighed silently at her, adjusted his mood, and then turned his head to look at her and whispered comfortingly:

"The homeless man looks ordinary, but he is deliberately avoiding us.

Although his steps seem clumsy, there is a way."

"Is it just a normal person's escape? What is the difference? Are you making a fuss?"

Hearing what Miss Gao said, Old Gong staggered and covered his chest.

Feeling his chest surging, a fishy sweetness surged into his throat, but fortunately he quickly suppressed this strange feeling.

Liu Cheng walked forward worriedly and quickly supported Old Gong's body.

"This is what laymen look at the surface, while experts look at the door. You don't understand it yourself, but you have to meddle here."

Liu Cheng angrily rebuked her, clearly not with Miss Gao.

But she insisted on following behind her, and after coming, she took out her delicate lady's temper.

A lot of troubles were added along the way, making them miserable.

Gao Jia heard what he said, and angrily held her neck and insulted him with wide pupils:

"What's the trick? It's just something that can be seen with the eyes, how can we do it?

Since you guys like to do these mysterious things, then I will verify it for you."

She usually can't stand these people, who are pretending to be mysterious, and can't wait to slap them in the face.

Gao Jia turned away indignantly, and there were those followers behind her.

"It's really rude for you to go and test it rashly like this."

Old Gong took a step in fear and stretched out his hand to stop her.

There was a hint of anger in his words.

"Let him go. She won't learn to behave without suffering a little."

"But her status is here. If something happens, we can't get away from it."

"We can't stop her from doing this."


Liu Cheng stepped forward and grabbed Gong Lao's arm, stretched out his right hand and smoothed it across his chest.

Others saw this posture, stepped forward and expressed their concerns, and were echoed by others.

Everyone had an uneasy look on their faces.

Liu Cheng raised an arc almost inaudibly, turned around and patted their shoulders to calm their emotions.

Gao Jia walked in front of Zhuang Chen with an imposing look.

Without giving him any reaction, he condensed several balls of water full of sharp breath and attacked Zhuang Chen's face directly.

Zhuang Chen felt a black shadow covering his body. After he picked up the crystals in the corner into his sack.

Just when he looked up, he saw several fist-sized balls of water attacking him without any warning.

He saw the woman's face clearly and knew that she was the unruly and willful young lady.

He pretended to twist his foot and fell to the ground, successfully dodging her attack.

Gao Jia watched him avoid her injury, and stomped her feet on the ground in anger.

She clenched her fists unwillingly.

"A stinky beggar can actually avoid my attack. This is clearly a naked insult to me."

"Miss Gao, he is just a blind cat that meets a dead mouse. Don't bother with him."

"It may be that this stinky beggar accidentally stepped on dog shit and got shit luck."

"Who do you think is the dead mouse and who is shit luck?"

Gao Jia was even more furious when she heard their words of comfort.

She put her hands on her waist and stretched out her trembling right hand, pointing at their noses and cursing.

"Miss Gao, we are stupid, don't bother with us."

"We didn't mean that at all."

"We just want to express that this stinky beggar doesn't know what's good for him."


These people completely ignored Zhuang Chen's existence and covered their mouths and noses in fear.

He bent his knees slightly, half-crouched, and crossed his hands as if bowing to apologize to Gao Jia repeatedly.

He wanted to reverse all the words he had just said.

Gao Jia turned his head away angrily, not wanting to say anything more to them, but instead focused his eyes on Zhuang Chen.

When Zhuang Chen fell, he threw the full sack he had picked up into his personal space and replaced it with an empty one.

He got up from the ground calmly and patted the dust on his body.

He lowered his head and pulled the scarf on his face, revealing a trace of mockery in his eyes.

When he raised his head again, he had already returned to his original state.

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