Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 490: The Furnace

Zhuang Chen saw that it was getting late, and he jumped through the ruins.

He returned to the farm and tidied up a little.

Then he fell asleep.

The next day.


Zhuang Chen was awakened by the sound of rain in his sleep. The raindrops outside were scary.

They hit his glass window, making a noisy sound that made him unable to sleep.

Zhuang Chen sat up from the bed irritably and rubbed his messy hair.

He swayed from side to side in a daze, came to the bathroom, and washed up simply.

He picked up the clothes on the hanger and went out.

As soon as he opened the door, the sound of rain outside became louder, and the heavy rain smashed small pits on the ground.

The sky was covered with dark clouds.

The cold wind that came with it made him shiver with his arms folded.

"What kind of weather is this? The recent weather changes are really too big."

Zhuang Chen shook his head helplessly and sighed in a low voice.

In such rainy weather, he raised his nose and sniffed lightly.

He could smell the smell of soil, accompanied by the smell of grass in his farm.

Zhuang Chen stood at the door for a while, then returned to his room.

He took out the sack that contained crystals yesterday from his personal space.

The sack was full of crystals, which made him happy.

Zhuang Chen squatted down, and his hands grabbed the two corners of the sack.

He stood up with force and poured all the crystals on the ground.

The jingling sound of crystals colliding was like the sound of wind chimes colliding.

Looking at the colorful crystals on the ground, they became flickering under the light source.

He sat cross-legged on the ground and separated the discarded crystal shells from the intact crystals.

"If you want to make this crystal in front of you into a large furnace, the amount here is far from enough, and it is not enough."

Zhuang Chen scratched his head and sighed in a low voice.

Suddenly, a picture flashed in his mind, and he stood up and took out a safe.

"Although this kid is young, his collection is so precious. It seems that he has good taste."

Zhuang Chen's mouth curled up a smile, and he opened the safe, which was full of fine crystals.

He snatched them from Wei Nuo.

After Zhuang Chen slowly sorted them out.

He made a model of a furnace from the CNC workshop and connected the crystals together according to its shape.

Zhuang Chen spent the whole morning assembling this furnace.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Looking at the successfully assembled crystals in front of him, Zhuang Chen couldn't help but be amazed, and felt his intelligence.

The crystal furnace in front of him was about 1.8 meters wide and 2 meters high. Because it was transparent, the state inside could be seen completely.

This provided Zhuang Chen with great convenience, allowing him to observe the degree of melting of steel at any time.

Looking at the remaining crystals next to him, models were made one by one.

Zhuang Chen stood up and twisted his sore neck, moving his limbs left and right.

He looked up through the window at the flowing water droplets above, and knew that it was raining heavily outside.

It had stopped at this time.

Zhuang Chen easily moved the huge furnace into the warehouse.

He rolled up his sleeves, picked up the cutting machine and cut the steel next to it into small pieces.

The noisy sound almost broke his eardrums, and Zhuang Chen quickly solved the problem here.

He threw all the small pieces of steel into the huge furnace.

Using his spiritual power, he slowly floated it in the air.

At the same time, a flame burst out from his body, burning the bottom of the furnace.

After a while, the huge steel melted in the furnace at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The fiery red magma flowed slowly in the furnace.

Zhuang Chen's cheeks were burned hot, and there was a slight fluctuation in his deep eyes.

In order to refine this steel, he stayed in the warehouse for three whole days.

After completing all the molds, he embedded them outside his farm alone to increase defense.

Three days later.


Zhuang Chen looked at his masterpiece and smiled with satisfaction.

He exhaled lightly and stretched out his right hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"What level has the farm upgraded to now?"

[System defense has reached level 12. ]

Hearing the cold words of the system, Zhuang Chen felt a little dissatisfied.

"Later, I still have to increase my efforts as soon as possible to upgrade the defense."

Zhuang Chen knew that he had tricked that group of people before winter.

With the arrival of spring, they will definitely attack him.

If he doesn't stabilize these, it will be difficult for him to stand firm.

Zhuang Chen walked in the farm with his hands in his pockets. He suddenly touched something hard in his pocket.

Zhuang Chen took it out and found that it was a bullet as long as his index finger.

"It seems that this should really be aimed at me, so it was out of my control at that time."

Zhuang Chen recalled the confrontation with the bullet that day.

He came to his studio and took out professional things to study it.

It was found that this bullet contained a mysterious anti-gravity.

It means that he will not be controlled by his spiritual power at all.

"I wonder how a straw bag who only stays among women can have such a change?

It seems that he has a lot of good things in his hands."

Zhuang Chen remembered that when he first met this man, he used piglet-inducing drugs to tease him.

It was just a winter day.

In the blink of an eye, it was like this.

While thinking about things in his head, something suddenly climbed on his feet.

He looked down and found that it was the flexible body of the flower rat jumping on his shoulder.

"Why haven't I seen you for a long time, little guy? Where have you been recently?"

The flower rat squinted his eyes comfortably and stretched like a human.

"With the arrival of spring, hibernation will naturally disappear."

The flower rat's limbs were carefree, lying on Zhuang Chen's broad shoulders.

It said lazily while shaking its tail.

After listening to what it said, Zhuang Chen also felt a little pressure in his heart.

Animals are sensitive to the change of seasons.

Zhuang Chen turned his head to look at the seedlings in the farm, all of which were trying hard to open their stamens.

"Zhuang Da, Zhuang Da..."

Ceng Gong ran towards Zhuang Chen with a panicked face, panting heavily.

Half-bent over with his hands on his knees, he couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

Zhuang Chen looked at him in confusion, patted his shoulder and asked him to speak slowly.

Ceng Gong stroked his chest and said:

"There is a group of refugees outside who don't know where they came from, competing for resources in the end times.

They even launched an attack on the city in our hands."

Zhuang Chen had doubts in his head, but he immediately stepped forward.

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