Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 5 The First Mutated Human

In the dim room.

A giant bull suddenly smashed the wall on the side.

What caught its eyes were four robots flashing scarlet light!

I saw a burst of machine roaring.

The next moment, all four robots started!

The bursting steam even raised the temperature of the whole room by several degrees.


The sound of the rolling saw sounded.

Suddenly, the mad bull also felt the threat from the life level and became much more cautious.

And Zhuang Chen did not give the other party a chance to react.

I saw him directly give the AI ​​robot a battle order!

The next moment, the three robots surrounded the giant bull in front of them in a triangle.


Suddenly, the giant bull snorted.

Lifting his hooves directly, he stomped on the giant bull in front of him!


The hooves slammed hard on the shoulders of a beast-shaped robot.

The robot was immediately crushed down!

However, it was precisely because of the action of the giant bull that the other two robots were given an opportunity!

I saw that one of the beast robots opened its mouth without saying a word.


It directly bit the giant bull's hind hoof!

The other humanoid robot rushed forward and directly fixed the crazy giant bull.

I saw that his claws suddenly became sharp and embedded into the body of the giant bull fiercely!


I heard the giant bull let out a wail, and the next moment, he twisted his body wildly, trying to get rid of the robot.

But the weight of the robot was at least five tons, and with the beast-shaped robot on the side staring at him, how could he get rid of it?

It happened in a flash.

I saw that Zhuang Chen on the side saw that the two robots had fixed the giant bull.

Without saying a word, he directly ejected the chainsaw weapon on the robot he was operating.

"Woo woo——"

I heard the chainsaw roar.

The next moment, Zhuang Chen suddenly bounced up from the ground!

Without saying a word, he chopped at the head of the giant bull in front of him!


The sound of bones splitting that made people's teeth ache sounded.

In the sky, a huge bull head soared into the sky!

Blood directly splashed all over the four machines around.

The next moment, Zhuang Chen walked out of the robot and looked at the chaotic scene helplessly.

Especially the beast-shaped robot that had just been trapped by the giant bull.

The shoulder part had been completely crushed, and Zhuang Chen was distressed.

The energy of the robot he was driving was also consumed by 20%. If it was used again four times, it would completely become a decoration if it could not find new energy.

At present, it was urgent for Zhuang Chen to build new energy.

At the same time, the manor was not peaceful.

He had to deal with the bodies of some dead animals to prevent plague and secondary mutations caused by surrounding animals coming to steal the bodies.

He ordered two beast-shaped robots to patrol the interior of the manor. At the same time, Zhuang Chen ordered the AI-controlled robot to dig the ground.

Soon, all the animal bodies were buried.

This time.

Except for Zhuang Chen and his six dogs, he was completely alone in the whole manor!

Fortunately, food was not a problem for the time being, enough for him and his dogs to eat.

After Zhuang Chen finished everything, he returned home with a tired face.

He made the meal again and handed it to Da Huang and others beside him.

And he quietly held a bowl of rice and watched TV with the dishes.

At this time, the news on TV seemed to have made new progress.

This time, all the mainstream media focused on one person!

The man's name is Hang Dali.

He is an ordinary migrant worker.

Just yesterday, his family of five all died of food poisoning.

The reason was that Hang Dali's father, an old farmer, did not want to see the food he had worked so hard to grow, so wasted.

The thrifty gene engraved in his bones made the old father choose to take the risk of eating the food he grew.

As a result...

Six people instantly became one person.

Hang Dali's parents, daughter-in-law, and two children were all spared.

And Hang Dali was sent to the hospital by the villagers for emergency treatment.

During the rescue process, Hang Dali suddenly woke up.

His body muscles were expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye!

His originally thin body turned into a body like a muscular golden wheel!

Because of carelessness, he even crushed the window of the hospital!

According to tests, his strength can now easily burst out beyond the limit of human beings.

An ordinary punch can even cause 2,000 pounds of damage!

You know, Tyson's peak punch is only more than 600 and less than 700 pounds.

If Hang Dali goes to the whole court, no boxer will be his opponent!

He can withstand many punches from others, but as long as the opponent is slightly touched by him, he will be immediately shattered!

Facing such a "superhuman", the people above immediately felt a strong interest.

For a while, some people even thought of eating mutant food and gaining the power of genetic evolution.

Food poisoning incidents occurred frequently across the country.

As a result, the reporter had to repeatedly emphasize it in the channel.

There is currently no known serum or antidote to counter the toxicity of this food.

Even if you eat poisonous food in the hospital under the supervision of all doctors and nurses, you cannot be saved.

This reduces the speed at which people eat poisonous food.

But even so, there are still many crazy humans who want to try to gain power in this way.

In this regard, Zhuang Chen just shook his head gently.

What is the probability of success? It will definitely not exceed 1%!

And he is different from others. He has the power of the system and can save money to buy various genetic drugs to enhance.

Risks are just a little bit painful, and he is not panicked at all.

However, the appearance of Han Dali also brought a sense of crisis to Zhuang Chen.

It seems that he is not the only one who has obtained the opportunity.

If he does not work hard, he will definitely lose at the starting line in the future.

For this reason, he must seize the early advantages and become stronger quickly.

Maybe soon, the entire Blue Star will usher in its new changes!

At this time, Zhuang Chen suddenly remembered that he seemed to have a new gift package that he had not opened.

There is a random technology that he has not received yet.

Open the system and click to receive his random technology.

The next moment, a roulette wheel appeared in front of Zhuang Chen.

"Weather technology, biotechnology, biochemical technology, medical technology, hot weapon technology, cold weapon technology, AI technology... and so on."

The various technologies dazzled Zhuang Chen.

Without thinking too much, Zhuang Chen directly clicked the start button of the roulette wheel.

The next moment, the virtual roulette wheel in front of him began to spin rapidly and then slowly stopped.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the first-level biochemical technology! ]

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