Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 528 Questions

Zhuang Chen and Bai Tuantuan squatted excitedly in front of the firecrackers.

A cluster of small sparks appeared on Zhuang Chen's fingers, swaying with the cold wind.

The small firelight illuminated the excited faces of the two people, and they rubbed their hands together to urge Zhuang Chen.

Zhuang Chen carefully protected the fire and lit the firecrackers, and then moved out instantly.

The firecrackers were lit and banged.

The forces surrounding there had not yet reacted.

They were splashed by firecrackers, and their figures were enveloped in firelight and gunpowder smoke.

All the people were immediately blown out of the sky. They stood up in a panic and backed away to avoid the firecracker attacks.

Zhuang Chen and Bai Tuantuan covered their mouths and noses and snickered when they saw them in embarrassment.

They quietly turned around and returned to the farm.

"This group of people is so stupid, it's just hilarious."

Bai Tuantuan returned to the farm and laughed unabashedly. She patted her chest and smiled with her mouth wide open and her head raised.

Zhuang Chen looked at Bai Tuan Tuan's expressionless smile and couldn't help but remind him in a low voice:

"You are a girl after all, can't you pay attention to your image?"

"Why do you have to live so tiredly in this world? Laugh when you are happy, and cry when you are unhappy!"

When Bai Tuantuan heard Zhuang Chen's words, she turned her head and rolled her eyes at him, then skipped towards her room.

After what she said, Zhuang Chen froze on the ground, thinking about her words in his head.

"What she said is not unreasonable."

Zhuang Chen smacked his lips and left here.

Zhuang Chen sat cross-legged in the room and piled all the things he got on the bed.

He looked at the anti-gravity bullet and fell into deep thought.

It seemed that the other party had developed special bullets to deal with him, and An Jian's face appeared in his head.

Zhuang Chen picked up the bullet and looked at its shape carefully under the light.

Its shape is very different from ordinary bullets.

Its tip is in an oval shape instead of the regular sharp point.

But the more special thing is that there is a sharp inverted triangle inside the oval.

Its power is not much less than the conventional one.

"It took a lot of effort on your part to deal with me."

Zhuang Chen's lips curled into a hint of sarcasm, and he was thinking about how to counterattack this bullet.

He put the bullet aside, and then took out his own ecstasy bug.

Seeing that it was still flashing red light, Zhuang Chen took out the chip from its body and walked to the seat.

Insert the chip into his computer and watch the screen appear.

The picture flickered a few times at the beginning and then returned to normal. He looked at the recorded picture in the archives room of the industrial area.

Because he has been busy investigating incidents within the industrial zone.

So there was no time to sort out the surveillance picture, and Uncle Zhou appeared in the picture.

Uncle Zhou skillfully picked up the record book and wrote the names of several new arrivals with his own hands.

Then he was seen mysteriously walking to the corner and opening a secret compartment on the right side of the wall.


Seeing this, Zhuang Chen stood up directly, half-bent and leaned close to his head.

He had a hunch that this thing would definitely not be simple.

I saw Uncle Zhou with his back turned to the monitor. After flipping his hand a few times, he took a pen and wrote something on it.

After a while, I saw him gently putting it into the secret compartment again.

Zhuang Chen felt that this thing seemed unusual, and it definitely contained the answer he wanted.

He kept watching the contents of the monitor until the day the explosion occurred.

Only then did the ecstasy fly out of the corner and into his hands.

Zhuang Chen stood up with his hands folded across his chest, his head lowered, and he paced back and forth in the room uneasily.

"There must be something secret in this."

Zhuang Chen murmured lowly in his mouth. After walking back and forth, he made a decision in his heart.

But when he looked up, he found that it was getting darker and darker outside.

At this time, he yawned again and again.

He could only simply clean up and go to sleep.

The next day.

Because Zhuang Chen had too many things in his head, he woke up from his sleep early.

"I have a long trip today. I wonder what will happen?"

Zhuang Chen half-bent over the sink, constantly pouring hot water on his face.

Thinking that the location of the industrial area was far away, he could only sigh softly.

Zhuang Chen opened the door and walked out to see that there were only a few of his little yellow dogs running back and forth happily in the farm.

Cen Gong was already walking diligently towards the fields with his hoe.

I looked back at the clock on the wall and found that it was only after six o'clock.

The others should still be sleeping.

"Zhuangda, did you get up so early today?"

"There are still some things that need to be taken care of, so I'll leave first."

Zhuang Chen gave him a simple greeting, patted his shoulder and left as he passed him.

He came to his underground garage, stretched out his fingertips across the car body, and was thinking about which car to drive out.

After all, the industrial area is still a long way from here.

Thinking of the thrill last time, he also lost his motorcycle.

Zhuang Chen felt a little pain in his heart and turned around to choose his pickup truck.

He took the key and opened the door, then turned the steering wheel skillfully and drove out of the farm.

The truck was driving on the road of the end of the world, and zombies and monsters from a distance noticed his presence.

He moved slowly and followed the truck.

The forces squatting in the dark did not see the driver's face clearly.

He just felt that it was impossible for a super farm owner like him to drive such a shabby car out.

He only let a small number of people follow him, and the others stayed in place and waited quietly.

Zhuang Chen saw the zombies and monsters scrambling to climb on his car through the rearview mirror.

The forces in the dark followed closely behind.

"You want to catch up with me at this speed? Are you underestimating my ability?"

Zhuang Chen did not show any panic on his face when faced with so many forces following him.

Instead, he opened the cover behind the handbrake and threw the bloody chicken from the portable space.

The chicken followed the roller to the launcher at the rear of his car, and Zhuang Chen slapped the button.

Then he saw the bloody muscle flying out and hitting the force following behind him.

The man in black was still caught off guard and was shocked. He thought he was dead.

When he lowered his head and looked at his body, it was just stained with a trace of blood.

The chicken lay safely on the ground, and a big question flashed through his mind.

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