Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 533 Are you happy?

"Stop trying to make connections here, and bring the things you just got here.

Sister Dong didn't have the patience to play along with him, since he was the one who killed Uncle Zhou.

He showed up at this time, so he must know something.

Based on the fact that they had just searched the industrial zone and didn't find the mysterious manual.

He was highly suspected.

"I don't know what you are talking about, what do you want me to hand over to you?"

Zhuang Chen denied their claims, scratched the back of his head in a puzzled manner, with an innocent expression on his face.

"Stop pretending to be stupid here."

"I have eaten more salt than you have eaten rice, don't think about playing tricks in front of me."


The two of them took a step forward at the same time, questioning Zhuang Chen with their pupils wide open.

Zhuang Chen's expression froze in place, and he laughed with a half-smile:

"Why don't you tell me what you want me to hand over?"

"What you got is what we want. ”

Sister Dong has been in the underworld for many years, how could she not know that Zhuang Chen wanted to trick them.

"Why don't you tell me what this thing is for? What is it for? Then how do I know what you want?"

"Hand over Uncle Zhou's account book."

Hearing Jiang Hong's words, Zhuang Chen suddenly realized.

It should be the lithium battery record he traded with the other party.

"Don't you have a brain, you little bitch? Don't you know she is deliberately tricking us?"

Sister Dong wanted to stop Jiang Hong from speaking, but she didn't expect her mouth to be faster than her brain.

She was so angry that she wanted to tear Jiang Hong's mouth off.

Jiang Hong covered her mouth after realizing it, and looked at Zhuang Chen's treacherous expression with her pupils shrunk.

"Even if you know what is recorded in it? So what?

If you don't hand it over to me today, don't even think about going anywhere? "

Jiang Hong directly ordered the people behind her to arrest Zhuang Chen.

Sister Dong also gave orders, unwilling to be left behind.

The two of them were on edge, watching their every move of fighting back and forth.

They were afraid that Zhuang Chen would escape under their noses.

Zhuang Chen simply stopped pretending with them, and condensed two fierce fire blades with his hands and waved them in the crowd.

What he didn't expect was that Sister Dong and Jiang Hong's people were all very capable.

He burst out with strength.

Zhuang Chen put away the two fire blades, and his whole body was enveloped in the fire.

The agile men in black fought together, and anyone who was close to his fire.

The face was burned hot by the fire on his body. , all of them felt like they were being burned.

Facing their attacks, Zhuang Chen moved around them with ease.

He waved his fist and was about to hit the black-clad man in front of him on the cheek.

Unexpectedly, Sister Dong appeared directly behind the black-clad man, grabbed his neck, and threw the black-clad man aside.

He fought fiercely head-on with Zhuang Chen.

Jiang Hong stepped on her high heels and came to Zhuang Chen's side. Her nail-painted palms turned into claws, trying to grab his neck.

Zhuang Chen felt a cold breath coming from his back, and he subconsciously squatted down to avoid it.

He leaned back slightly and realized that Jiang Hong wanted to sneak attack him.

"To be honest, I hate it most when someone sneaks up on me from behind. "

Zhuang Chen's eyes swept coldly, frightening Jiang Hong so much that she froze.

Then she suppressed her discomfort and raised her right foot to kick Zhuang Chen's lower abdomen.

Zhuang Chen grabbed Jiang Hong's right foot while dodging Sister Dong's attack.

He narrowed his eyes and flashed a wicked smile, and kicked her directly in the lower abdomen.

Jiang Hong groaned in pain while holding her stomach.

Zhuang Chen grabbed her right foot and threw her out with force.

Jiang Hong's body fell heavily to the ground like a kite with a broken string.

Sister Dong jumped on the spot, trying to suppress Zhuang Chen's actions with the advantage of her size.

Zhuang Chen was shocked by her tonnage She was dismayed and quickly stepped back to avoid it.


Sister Dong's body fell to the ground, and the ground was shaking slightly.

Zhuang Chen didn't want to tangle with them anymore, so he burst out with all his strength to shock the people around him.

While they were still in a daze and didn't react, Zhuang Chen snatched their SUV.

Zhuang Chen put down the handbrake and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and drove past with the steering wheel.

Sister Dong and Jiang Hong got up from the ground in a rage, jumping and pointing at Zhuang Chen and cursing.

"It's all because of you, a little bitch, who wanted to run out to make trouble. Now no one has got it. Are you happy?"

"Why don't you say that you don't have the ability? Instead, you use me as a punching bag, right?

Do you think I'm easy to mess with? "

Sister Dong and Jiang Hong both thought that the other party had disrupted the plan, and their anger was rising.

The two of them wrestled with each other, pulling each other's hair.

From time to time, women's screams were heard in this place, mixed with rude and obscene words.

Zhuang Chen drove the modified off-road vehicle, feeling the spring breeze blowing on his face, squinting his eyes comfortably.

"I don't know who improved the car, the speed, model and touch of the off-road vehicle are all the ultimate experience. "

Zhuang Chen rubbed the steering wheel obsessively, and wanted to meet the person who improved the off-road vehicle.

He drove the off-road vehicle recklessly on the street.

The speed was so fast that the zombies could not catch his figure. The roar of the off-road vehicle attracted the attention of the young man in the dark.

He ran to the window excitedly, tiptoed and watched Zhuang Chen's back as he went away.

He turned his head and looked at the small room of less than 20 square meters, which was only filled with endless darkness and loneliness.

He leaned against the wall with a lost back and slowly slid down to sit on the ground.

Zhuang Chen was like a gust of wind blowing by, and the forces squatting at the door had not yet reacted.

He saw him arrive at the door of the farm, and the big iron door opened automatically.

He rushed in quickly.

The man in black wanted to rush in before the big iron door was completely closed.

But he was thrown out mercilessly by the machine at the door.

They fled from the door of the farm in disgrace.

Zhuang Chen's off-road vehicle stopped in the underground garage, and he took out the key and jumped straight out.

Zhuang Chen couldn't wait to know what was recorded in the manual, so he locked himself in the room.

He sat cross-legged on the bed, took out a palm-sized manual from his personal space, and opened the first page to read carefully.

The first page introduced the uses of lithium batteries and the cooperative companies.

This modified lithium battery can be used as a mechanical energy source.

It is worth noting that the note below this line of big words says that it can be used for any mechanical items.

Any machine that uses lithium batteries will add a layer of attack on its basis.

Zhuang Chen continued to flip through the contents behind.

The dense handwriting on it was all his record of lithium battery sales.

When he saw what he wrote down behind.

Zhuang Chen widened his eyes in disbelief, and the whole person was in shock.

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