Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 7 Is this all you can do?

Zhuang Chen was a little worried, frowning and lying on the ground, observing their whole state.

The six little yellow dogs were slightly tense, and a trace of pain appeared on their faces.

After a while, they curled up into a ball, and from low whimpering, they turned into howling, with tears in their eyes.

They fell on the floor, and the six little yellow dogs were like this.

"You must persevere, as long as we cross this hurdle, we will win."

Zhuang Chen felt a little distressed, hugged Da Huang's head directly, and rubbed the heads of the other five puppies one after another to comfort them.

He kept speaking and encouraging them.

These six little yellow dogs, as if they could understand what Zhuang Chen said, raised their heads and howled in response to him.

In fact, Zhuang Chen was also a little uneasy in his heart. He didn't know the changes caused by these drugs.

Actually injected into their bodies, but from the research process just now, it can be seen that this research should be successful.

So he wanted to give himself some time, and kept praying in his heart, hoping that they could overcome this difficulty.

Half an hour later.

Some of the puppies that were dying at first suddenly became lively and jumping.

They jumped lightly and lay on Zhuang Chen's back, sticking out their tongues and licking his face excitedly.

Da Huang went from being slow and sparse in the beginning to being as strong as other puppies now.

Even the hair has a tendency to regenerate.

"It's really great, you are all the best."

Zhuang Chen hugged his little guys with excitement.

They jumped with each other.

When he left the studio, it was already evening.

The night enveloped his entire farm, and it was dark all around, only his farm was still shining with a glimmer of light.

The two human guards and animal guards had already returned to their positions.

Zhuang Chen brought a few little yellow dogs back to the room, curled up on the sofa, and watched the report about today.

Several little yellow dogs were more lively than usual, as if they had endless energy.

They jumped around in the room, even chasing their tails in circles, having a lot of fun.

Zhuang Chen felt very happy when he saw them like this.

Finally, he would not be the only lonely old man left.

The TV reported that the thing they feared most was coming.

"A tragedy occurred in a community in Jizhou City, where pets bit all the owners to death. We have rushed to the scene of the crime as soon as possible.

I warn everyone again, don't keep all the pets now, send them to the nearest shelter."

Seeing this news reported on TV, Zhuang Chen sighed lightly, fortunately his six little yellow dogs were safe.

The female reporter led everyone into the crime scene, although the environment inside was mosaiced.

But you can still vaguely see the mess of the house and the scattered limbs, and the blood soaked the whole room.

The relevant staff took weapons and went to deal with the pet in front of them fully armed.

The pet in front of him was a teddy bear that was more than two meters wide. Its sharp teeth were still covered with blood and flesh, and its eyes were scarlet.

Oh my god, Zhuang Chen had never seen such a big teddy bear in the real world.

His eyes were full of disbelief.

In the real-time report, the teddy bear was roaring with dripping mouth, looking unkindly at the group of people dealing with him.

It rushed directly to one of the staff members while everyone was not paying attention, and scared everyone present to exclaim.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

Zhuang Chen was curled up in the sofa, smacking his lips and hugging the pillow, watching this scene.

It was really in the end of the world, and everything that happened was rushing his vision all the time.

"Um... woof woof..."

Just when Zhuang Chen was watching the most enthusiastically, the six puppies around him suddenly became agitated.

At the same time, the report in the TV also directly switched to an urgent news.

"According to the farmer's response, the wild animals around seem to have genetic mutations and are actively attacking people.

Here I warn everyone not to go out at night, especially the farmers in the suburbs, and they must protect their own safety."

When Zhuang Chen heard this report, he knew what happened. He stood up and cursed in a low voice, and went in to get his weapon.

The six puppies beside him were also beside him, shouting outside.

Zhuang Chen also found that his human guards and beast guards automatically turned on the AI ​​mode and slowly walked towards the border of the farm.

He also took out the crossbow he invented, which not only had long-range attacks, but also had strong explosive power.

When he walked out with his weapons, he found that several of his guards had already fought with the wild animals outside.

The guards, who were more than three meters tall, were as tall as those wild animals with genetic mutations.

The eyes of the beasts flashed green light in the dark, which looked more or less creepy.

Zhuang Chen wore the infrared glasses he invented. Fortunately, they functioned as a telescope, allowing him to see the night as if it were day.

He sat at the highest point of the farm and saw the scene below.

The mutated wolf was a vicious wolf, showing its unruly wildness. In the dark night, it had some disdain for its guards.

It seemed that his eyes could also see things in the dark night.

When it met Zhuang Chen's eyes, it actually became more greedy for him, as if looking at a dish.

"If you want to eat me, then it depends on whether you have the ability. Come on, my boys, give him a taste of color."

The vicious wolf is a social animal, and several of my guards were dragged down by them.

Seeing the so-called mutual cooperation between them, Zhuang Chen couldn't help but sneer.

"With this little ability, you still want to eat me."

The humanoid guard raised the sawtooth in his hand and pounced on the hungry wolf.

Although he dodged for a while, he couldn't avoid his second move and was ruthlessly removed by the humanoid guard.

The beast-shaped guard and the evil wolf are both animals on all fours.

But the beast-shaped guard has a crushing advantage over him.

Zhuang Chen raised the crossbow he invented and looked around sharply.

Looking at the green light, he closed his left eye and glanced at the two fist-sized green light sources with his right eye.


The arrow of the crossbow cut through the void and penetrated the large green light at a lightning speed.


A scream broke through the sky.

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