Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 95: A Small Calculation

Based on his memory before the end of the world, Zhuang Chen walked towards the airport.

But he found that at the intersection near the airport, there were several people with machine guns on their backs, patrolling back and forth.

Zhuang Chen felt a little strange. He had not received any news that someone had established a safe zone here!

He had a few big doubts in his heart. While thinking about it, he also stepped over.

"Who are you? Why are you here? Get out of here."

Unexpectedly, before he got close to there, someone pointed a gun at Zhuang Chen fiercely.

The words were full of badness, and he kept urging Zhuang Chen to leave this place.

"This is our territory, don't get close, otherwise I will shoot you."

The other few people were also attracted by the movement here, and stepped over.

"Who are you? Why haven't I heard that there is a safe zone here?"

"Does our overlord have to report to you people when he does things?"

When Zhuang Chen heard this name, his eyes darkened a little.

It turned out that these were the people who had been burning, killing, looting, and rampant in the city some time ago.

Zhuang Chen knew that this might be their base camp, and they were numerous and powerful.

He could not deal with them alone, so he could only retreat and think of a solution.

Looking at the iron wall built around them, Zhuang Chen's eyes were full of covetousness, and he was making his own calculations.

"What happened?"

"We are close to an unknown person here."

"But we have driven it away."


When Li Si heard this, he looked up at Zhuang Chen's back as he left, and suddenly felt that he was a little familiar.

He looked a little panicked, and ran over with his own small steps, looking at his face from an angle.

When he saw his face clearly, anger surged in his heart.

At this time, Zhuang Chen happened to meet his eyes, and a burst of invisible sparks flashed.

Zhuang Chen felt that the man seemed to have recognized that he was the one who robbed the python crystal from them.

Sure enough.

"Catch him quickly, he is the one who killed many of our brothers last time and robbed the python crystal."

He couldn't suppress his anger in his words.

When those people heard his words, they took out their weapons and ran towards Zhuang Chen.

There was a sound of gunfire in his ears, and Zhuang Chen quickly dodged.

"Oh my god, I really didn't check the almanac before going out."

A large group of people followed him in an instant, and there were furious curses in their mouths.

Zhuang Chen's speed was so fast that only a shadow was left, but those speed-type people behind him were still like dog-skin plasters that couldn't be shaken off.

They carried out a series of chases in this city.

Zhuang Chen looked behind him and knew that it was not a solution to keep running like this.

He saw the monsters in the distance, running at a speed faster than lightning.

They ran directly into the pile of mutant ants. Seeing this, those people braked urgently.

When Zhuang Chen entered this, he caused a sensation.

The ants in front of him were more than one meter tall and about two meters long.

In front of his eyes, there were densely packed black legs.

And the antennae on their heads that were shaking their heads were slightly touching the ground.

When Zhuang Chen broke into their pile directly, the ants suddenly became a little restless.

Its legs were shaking in front of his eyes, and the dust on the ground was flying.

Covering his figure.

Zhuang Chen covered his mouth and nose, and shuttled through it with his speed.

"Is this guy crazy? He actually ran directly into this ant group."

"Even if he was not caught by us, he would be eaten by these ants."

"Don't take it lightly, this person is not as simple as he looks on the surface."


Hearing the teammates around him talking, Li Si poked his head inside.

His eyes sank slightly, and he didn't believe that Zhuang Chen would be solved so easily.

Li Si was more careful and told them not to alarm these ants.

Instead, he patrolled around them and must kill Zhuang Chen.

Seeing his persistence, the teammates shook their heads and picked up the machine guns in their hands.

Looking for Zhuang Chen's figure around.

Zhuang Chen crouched and shuttled between the thin legs of the ants.

He found that the buildings in front of him were like foam.

They were chewed up by the ants according to their own habits, and then solidified with their saliva.

Prepare to build an ant nest.

This is a big project.

The reproductive capacity of ants is very strong, and this place is basically occupied by them.

Zhuang Chen wanted to leave this place immediately, but the group of people outside insisted on staying here.

He had no way to escape, and he had no choice but to quietly enter the ant nest.

In order not to be attacked by these ants, Zhuang Chen had to take out his guard robot and enter the cabin.

Those ants who didn't know what was going on saw the robot and touched it with their tentacles.

They found that it was useless and did not hurt them, so they ignored him directly.

Zhuang Chen stood there, motionlessly watching them gnaw at the walls.

He secreted some saliva in his mouth and solidified the fine wall powder.

Zhuang Chen used the small eyeballs on his guard robot.

He flew out alone to see the situation outside. He looked at the monitor in front of him.

The group of people outside were still waiting there.

"Since you want to wait for me, how bored you are? Then I'll find something for you to do."

Zhuang Chen's mouth curled up a dark smile, and a little calculation flashed in his eyes.

He used his flying surveillance ball to attack the ants.

He kept hitting them on the head and quickly left.

There was a little restlessness in their ant pile.

"What's wrong with these mutant ants? Why are they suddenly restless?"

Seeing this state, they were all scared and retreated.

Zhuang Chen used this flying surveillance ball to continuously attack the ants and lead them to these people.

"No, he is not dead at all. This is his evil plan."

Li Si outside noticed something was wrong.

He yelled at his team members and asked them to evacuate quickly.

At the same time, he also saw that the surveillance ball flying in the air turned around and stared at him fiercely.

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