Doomsday I Have a Super Survival System

Chapter 158: It's time to have a headache again

The equipment is currently not available, and relocation is also impossible. The distance is several kilometers, just kidding.

An Kai just finished all the buildings and took the elevator out, but he also built extra stairs so that he could move around when there was no electricity.

The huge metal door at the top has not been made. On the one hand, there is no material. On the other hand, camouflage is needed on the top of the door, and the power system is temporarily unavailable. It is best to wait until the subway officially starts operating.

Back in the tunnel, An Kai checked the time. It was eight o'clock in the evening, and he was very hungry. An Kai directly got on the motorcycle and drove in the direction of the shelter.

Among other things, the electric lights in the tunnel have been laid out all the way, otherwise these few kilometers of dark tunnels would be too dangerous.

An Kai still had food on his body, but he didn't eat it. Obviously there was a serious dinner in the Shelter of Minghui. The food on his body was just emergency food in times of crisis. It is not too late to eat.

Back to the shelter, today's dinner is rice and stew.

It's a pity that the countries currently known in the world are all western-style, and the style of eating is also western-style. The only difference is that they also eat rice, but they are not good at cooking.

Of course not at all, but the cooking is not very delicious. When people in this world eat rice, they prefer to eat it with grilled meat and stew. Various bibimbap sauces are also added, which tastes good.

But how to put it... One or two meals are not a problem, eating too much, anyway, is a torture for An Kai, an oriental tongue.

So he has passed on the cooking method a long time ago, including the oriental stew method, which is slightly different from the western stew.

In fact, what An Kai taught can not be said to be an authentic oriental stew. One place has one custom. Although the cooking methods are similar, there are also various differences. An Kai likes to eat that kind of stew in a hot pot.

Heat the oil first, then add the scallion, ginger, garlic and pepper powder to explode the aroma, and then add vinegar or soy sauce to achieve the purpose of the pot. If you want to put other potatoes, you can put the potatoes before the onion, **** and garlic, and fry them until they become golden brown and crispy. Simmered a little bit.

He likes both methods.

The former potatoes are soft and rotten but will not break, but can maintain their shape and taste soft and squishy.

For the latter, as long as the quality of the potatoes themselves is not bad, the potatoes will become extremely soft after being stewed until they are overripe. They are not only soft, but also rusty, and taste very good.

Other ingredients are basically cabbage, tofu, vermicelli, and meatballs. Of course, you can also add other things, such as roasted meat, shrimp, ribs, etc.

In fact, this method of stewing is known as stew in Ankai's hometown, and it is one of his favorite dishes.

Western stew is different.

Anyway, as far as people in this world are concerned, they make stew, which is really stewed.

For example, the one that Emma makes most often, Ankai is not used to it.

The specific process is like this.

First set the pot to light, wait for the pot to heat up a little, then pour the broth, salt, soy sauce and cooking wine, stir well and bring to a boil.

Then add cauliflower, broccoli and other more resistant vegetables, and cook for about 2-3 minutes. Slide the shrimps into the pot, boil the pot, add water starch to thicken, transfer the pot to a plate, and drizzle a little **** juice according to the taste.

How do you say the taste... Well, it's quite bland, but it's tasteless.

Before crossing, Ankai had seen the comparison of Chinese and Western dishes on the Internet, and the netizens stood side by side and confronted each other.

Some people like the rich taste of Chinese food, while others say that Chinese dishes are unhealthy. Some people appreciate the light taste of Western food, but others find it too bland and boring.

An Kai can't control others, anyway, he doesn't like the so-called Western-style stew.

The steak is actually pretty good, and the foie gras is also very delicious. There are many western dishes that he likes very much, but Emma's stew is definitely not included.

The first few meals were acceptable, but the more I ate, the more I could not accept it.

He also knows that Emma is not a professional chef, and that she cooks all home-cooked meals. There is no shortage of food in the shelter, but the types of ingredients are in short supply. Many common ingredients are now rare. Emma is also a clever woman who cannot cook without rice. So she can't do the things that she is really good at. And with the existing ingredients, if you insist on making good food, you probably won't be able to eat it.

After all, no one can eat mashed potatoes all at once.

So An Kai taught her some Chinese stew skills.

Whether others like him or not doesn't care, the key is that he cares very much.

In this regard, he feels he has the qualifications to be willful.

However, Emma still has a lot of way to go for Chinese stew. For example, the amount of oil and the temperature of the oil are not well controlled, and there are some differences in the stewing time for different ingredients, although the cooked food can be eaten. , But it's not delicious yet. But for Ankai, this kind of stew, as long as it's not made into swill pig food, is better than the tasteless Western-style stew.

"This is just a family statement!"

An Kai has expressed this attitude to other people in the shelter more than once.

Just taking into account the eating habits of more people, Chinese stews are not often made. Emma still makes more Western stews, or makes some homemade dishes.

Anyway, I'll just eat it, and I can still vomit.

And people are hungry and hungry, it really smells good to eat, except of course it smells.

So every day before going to work, An Kai will ask Emma what kind of dishes he will prepare today.

Whether it’s stew or stir-fry, it doesn’t matter if you make a vegetable Anyway, he needs to know the menu in advance.

If there are dishes that he likes to eat or are more acceptable, he will come back at the meal and eat with everyone. On the contrary, if it is a dish that he doesn't like, he will deliberately come back later, hungry a little bit, so that he can accept the food that he doesn't like much.


Why don’t you give Ankai a small stove?

Ha ha--

Does Emma have that level?

An Kai can come back to cook by himself.

But the problem is that after working all day, he is also an individual, not a man of iron, and he still has enough energy to cook.

And it is not only a physical problem, but also a mental problem.

When he was mentally fatigued, he was even more lazy to cook, so he could only do what he had to eat. Try not to be picky eaters. If he couldn't hold it anymore, he would use his own methods to deal with it.

Picky eaters are not advisable.

Although he can eat enough food now, An Kai is not willing to make himself too special at any point where he can choose and choose. Perhaps this has something to do with him not seeing himself as a superior person.

Although he is currently the head of the sanctuary, he never regards himself as an emperor or anything else. He is just the leader here and can have some privileges, but he should also be able to mingle with other people. To call it lonely and widowed, that true heart is not something ordinary people can do. Although only picky eaters are not enough to go online, don't any changes start from a very small point?

An Kai doesn't know what he will become in the future. At least for now, he is more willing to become friends with other people, become comrades-in-arms, and become a whole, rather than being special.

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