Doomsday I Have a Super Survival System

Chapter 188: Beans and legumes are officially added to the recipe

Let An Kai say, what is the greatest invention in the field of food and beverages made by the ancestors of the ancient flower growers?

There is no doubt that he can say tofu.

Of course, this is his family's words. For others, other things are the greatest inventions in Chinese cuisine.

However, tofu is definitely one of Ankai’s favorite dishes, including but not limited to dried tofu, tofu skin, tofu nao and all kinds of soy products.

They not only inherited the many advantages of beans.

The most basic high-protein, rich in lecithin and cellulose, and is conducive to weight loss, etc. At the same time, different beans themselves have different effects.

For example, it can reduce fat content, increase immunity, and reduce the chance of illness.

If subdivided, red beans can nourish the heart, diuresis, relieve alcohol, detoxify, and have certain effects on heart disease, kidney disease, and edema. Red beans also have more dietary fiber, which has good effects of moistening the intestines, lowering blood pressure, lowering blood fat, regulating blood sugar, anti-cancer, and losing weight.

Mung beans are sweet and cool in taste, have heat-clearing and detoxifying effects, can help the human body to excrete toxins, can lower cholesterol, protect the liver, and resist allergies.

Soybeans can replenish the spleen, promote metabolism, and have an auxiliary dietary therapy effect on diarrhea, abdominal distension and other diseases. It is an ideal food for patients with hypertension, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, obesity, diabetes, etc., and also helps delay aging.

White kidney bean contains saponins and a variety of globulins, etc., which can improve human immunity and prevent respiratory diseases. Black beans can promote the excretion of toxins from the kidneys, and have a strong effect of nourishing the kidneys, promoting blood circulation and moisturizing the skin.

Of course, everything has a degree. Beans contain a lot of phytic acid, which will affect the absorption of trace elements such as iron and zinc. However, as long as the beans are made into bean sprouts, not only the phytic acid content will be greatly reduced, but also the utilization rate of iron, zinc, and calcium can be greatly improved, so that the five internal organs can get better nourishment.

In addition, it is rumored that eating a lot of legumes will stimulate the secretion of estrogen...Although I don’t know where it came from, An Kai is a little unbelievable, but he has never specifically searched for relevant information on the Internet. , So whether it is true or not, he doesn't have a complete understanding of it.

In short, there are many benefits of eating beans, so where are the benefits of tofu?

Tofu is a food for replenishing heat and clearing away heat. Regular consumption can nourish the middle and nourish qi, clear away heat and moisturize dryness, promote body fluids and quench thirst, and cleanse the intestines and stomach. It is more suitable for people who have heat constitution, bad breath, thirst, unclear stomach, and those who are nursing after fever. Modern medicine has confirmed that tofu has the functions of increasing nutrition, helping digestion, and increasing appetite. It is also beneficial to the growth and development of teeth and bones. Tofu has a sweet and cool taste, and has beneficial effects on qi, and promotes body fluids, moisturizes dryness, clears heat and detoxifies.

In short, as long as the food intake is controlled within an appropriate range, the benefits of soy products will definitely benefit people.

And more importantly, the taste of tofu is very smooth, which is different from the rough taste of beans. No matter how soft the soaked and finely ground, as long as the beans are eaten directly, it will inevitably have a rough taste. But as long as it is made into tofu, the taste will immediately become very smooth, which of course is mainly due to filtration. But isn't this the good thing about tofu? After the beans are crushed, the coarse and astringent particles are filtered out, and only a handful of thin soup is left with little water, but in the end it has to be made into tofu with a smooth and chewy texture. This is a miraculous method of turning decay. It is the most wonderful place.

The best raw material for making tofu is of course soybeans, but in fact, as long as beans are basically used to make tofu, it is nothing more than the difference in taste and texture.

As for nutrition...Well, to be honest, as long as you don’t eat tofu all in one meal and eat tofu as a meal, it’s a bit of an exaggeration to say that there are nourishing effects.

As a professional chef, Ankai automatically masters the skills of making tofu. The most important thing is that the system actually provides a complete set of professional tools for making tofu. Is this great?

When the beans that were first approved to make food were harvested-that is today, Ankai was finally ready to make tofu by himself.

He had prepared the tools and materials needed one step in advance.

Soybeans and soybeans are planted in the shelter, which are suitable for tofu, but Ankai prefers soybeans.

When choosing high-quality soybeans, you don't really need to choose them, because the soybeans grown by the system are all fine products.

Wash it first, then soak it.

The main purpose of this step is to make the soybeans absorb water and expand, which is conducive to extracting the protein from it after crushing.

After soaking, the soybean surface is smooth, without wrinkle skin, and the skin does not fall off easily, and the hand feels strong. At this time, the protein body membrane of the soybean becomes fragile, but in order to dissolve the protein, it must be mechanically broken. From the perspective of protein dissolution, the more thoroughly the broken, the easier the protein is to dissolve. However, if the grinding is too fine, the cellulose will enter the soy milk along with the protein, making the product rough and dark in color, and it is also not conducive to the separation of pulp and residue.

This step requires manual operation by Ankai, and the tool is a small stone grinder, which is directly pushed by hand.

Next is boiling milk, which is the process of heat denaturing the protein in soy milk by heating. On the one hand, it creates the necessary conditions for the subsequent point milk, on the other hand, it eliminates the anti-nutritional components in the soy milk, sterilizes, reduces the odor, improves the nutritional value, and prolongs the freshness of the product.

This process is the simplest. It only needs to cook for 100 degrees, and then continue to cook for five minutes.

The next step is the last and most important step-solidification.

It is the process in which soybean protein changes from a sol state to a gel state under the action of a coagulant on the basis of heat denaturation.

This step is commonly known as bittern, which requires bittern or gypsum. The bittern mainly contains magnesium chloride. Gypsum is calcium sulfate. They can make the dispersed protein aggregates quickly gather together, that is, colloidal aggregation and become white flowers. Tofu brain.

Ankai has two kinds of materials, but he still likes to eat bittern tofu. This kind of tofu has a better taste and firmness. It is a method often used in the elderly.

After a little bit of stew, the soy milk becomes a pile of tofu brains.

The former can be sweetened or drunk directly. Both methods taste good.

The latter had multiple flavours before crossing. An Kai is a very pure salty party, and occasionally he can appear in a hot party. He is totally unacceptable to a sweet party.

After tofu brain, it is tofu.

Pour the tofu nao into a special container, cover it with gauze, squeeze the top plate with almost no gap with the top of the container, and squeeze the excess water out to form tofu.

But this is not the end. If you go further, squeeze out more water and dry it, it will be tough dried tofu, which is also one of Ankai’s favorite soy products.

And if you change the method, layer by layer with gauze, you can finally form tofu skin, which is also called a thousand sheets in some places. In addition, there is another way to make tofu skins by letting the boiled soy milk cool slightly, and then gently picking up a layer of cooling and solidifying film on the surface of the soy milk with bamboo skewers. However, this product is used in Ankai's hometown. It is called tofu skin or oil skin. Although it is only one word different from tofu skin, the difference is quite obvious.

So far, the most basic soy products have been made.

In order to satisfy his desire to speak, An Kai made a part of each one, and he wanted to enjoy the addiction fiercely.

As for further soy products such as yuba, veggie chicken, veggie ham, and protein meat, to be honest, he can also make it, and it is not too troublesome, but after thinking about it, he is not so troublesome and wants to make it. If he does, he still has a chance in the future. Now he can't wait to eat all kinds of soy products he made by himself. He can't wait.

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