Doomsday: I Have Cf Mall

Chapter 56: Start To Act! Crazy Baby In A Red Nurse Uniform (510, Please Order First)

As the sun set in the west, as night gradually enveloped Donghai City, the zombies in the whole city gradually began to be restless.

It's 7:30 in the evening, Qin Chu reached out and pressed the stop button of the treadmill, took out a towel and wiped the sweat on his forehead, twisted the mineral water on the side, looked up and drank slowly

With his current physique, it is difficult for these ordinary fitness equipment to achieve the training effect. Even if the speed of the treadmill is adjusted to the fastest, Qin Chu has only just warmed up after running for two full hours. .

"It seems that we need to find a way to get some more intense training equipment."

Even though he is an evolutionary and has no worries about food and clothing for the time being, Qin Chu knows that if he wants to gain a firm foothold in the last days, he must have strong strength!

And if you want to have enough strength, you must pay more sweat than others!

Putting all hope on the system is obviously something a fool would do. After all, no one would dislike their own strength!

Qin Chu moved his cervical spine left and right, picked up the walkie-talkie from the table next to him, looked up at the wall clock on the wall, and pressed the talk button.

"Night Rose, start moving!"

After confirming the location of the giant zombie, Qin Chu and Lan returned to the Nanshan base first. As for the task of luring the giant zombie to the Wanglong base, Ye Meigui could complete it alone.

And now, it's time!

After a while, Wild Rose's confirmation came back from the walkie-talkie.

"Got it, boss!"

And Lan, who was already fully armed and on standby at any time, immediately stood up when she saw Qin Chu walk out of the gym, and looked at Qin Chu.

"Let's go, it's time for us to go." Qin Chu reached out to take off the coat hanging on the hanger, and Chao Lan smiled slightly, "We are indispensable for the good show at the Wanglong base tonight!"

"Yes, boss!"

As the two walked out of the villa and stepped into the night, in Donghai City, a storm that could sweep all survivors was brewing.

At the same time, in front of the Southwest Bridge, Ye Meigui squatted, holding the AWM that had already been set up on the roof. The center of the crosshairs was exactly between the eyebrows of the giant zombie.

After receiving Qin Chu's order, Ye Meigui pulled the trigger without even thinking about it!


The sound of ear-exploding guns resounded in the sky!

The Magnum bullets used by AWM were even as long as Ye Rose's fingers. Under the impact of a huge amount of gunpowder, the 300 Magnum bullets roared out of the gun chamber and directly hit the giant zombie's forehead.

This giant zombie was blown away by the terrifying kinetic energy of the Magnum bullet, and a blood hole the size of a human head burst out of his head!

Minced meat flew across, pus and blood splashed everywhere, revealing the white bones underneath.

The artifact fire Qilin can barely break the defense of its skull, even the power of AWM can't cause fatal damage to this giant zombie!

Instead, the ear-exploding gunshot made it immediately aware of the direction of the bullet.

Ye Meigui hit one shot, and without any reluctance to fight, he fixed the rope tied around his waist to the water pipe on the roof, and then took the AWM down from the roof of a high-rise building, and landed firmly on the floor of a small residential building next to him. roof.


The appearance of Ye Rose made this giant zombie instantly furious. It roared to the sky, and the roar was so loud that it could almost deafen people's ears. Even the windows of all the nearby buildings were rattled!

But Ye Meigui's expression remained unchanged. After untying the rope, she quickly shuttled between the floors like a whirlwind, and besides the giant zombie, the other three ordinary first-order zombies wandering around were also closely chasing after her. Behind Ye Rose.

To them, Ye Meigui's figure that makes all men salivate is just a meat dinner!

At the same time, Wanglong Base!

Following Lan's broadcast, it spread throughout Donghai City. At the Wanglong Base, which was already heavily guarded, there were twice as many guards than usual!

And in these three days, there were really a small group of survivors who came to the gate and wanted to enter the base, but without exception, they were beaten to pieces by the heavy machine guns in front of Wang Long's base.

Wang Long's eyes were bloodshot, standing on the watchtower at the top of the bureau, staring intently at the situation below.

For the past three days, he has been standing here observing without even closing his eyes.

You know, this base is his painstaking effort!

If the base is destroyed, even if he can escape here, he can only start from scratch, recruit his subordinates again, and obtain resources...

Just thinking about these, Wang Lung was furious!

Who the hell is plotting against him so much!!

It's not that he hasn't doubted Ye Xianyun, but judging from Ye Xianyun's performance these past few days, it's obvious that the other party is also extremely anxious. Both of them are grasshoppers tied to the same rope.

What Wang Long didn't know was that Ye Xianyun's only worry was how to open the main gate of the base under such dense patrols!

In addition, Wang Long also noticed that there have been a lot more zombies wandering around the base recently, and most of them are powerful zombies that are about to evolve into the first level.

But Wang Long didn't think much about it. After all, the base had been shooting continuously for the past three days, and it was normal to attract some zombies. In addition, the zombies in the city continued to evolve, so he didn't take it seriously.

Although Wang Long knew that this was a conspiracy against him, he did not expect how huge this conspiracy would be.

"..."Wang Dongqiang!"

Wang Long put down the binoculars, turned his head and said, "It's almost eight o'clock, go and find me the second master!"

"Then let the word out in the base, and if the situation changes later, whoever takes a step back will be shot!"


Wang Dongqiang yawned all the time, but he didn't dare to neglect in front of the enemy, so he trotted all the way down the stairs.


Just when Wang Dongqiang ran down the corner of the stairs, there was a sudden sound of high-heeled shoes coming from the shadow of the corner of the stairs.

"Who Spear?"

Wang Dongqiang frowned, and stretched out his hand to undo the holster on his waist. The top floor of this situation (good Zhao) is the restricted area of ​​the base. Except for the first and second masters, even he cannot enter without permission.

Not to mention that Ye Xianyun is staring at the defense line outside now, since the first time Wang Dongqiang saw the other party, she has never seen her wearing high heels, such things that are not conducive to action!

Wang Dongqiang acted timidly and cowardly in front of Wang Long, but in this world, how many fuel-efficient lamps can survive till now?

"You, you are..."


But when Wang Dongqiang saw the person coming, his eyes straightened instantly.

In front of him was a scum who was wearing a red nurse uniform, no matter his appearance or figure, he could be called a perfect waste!

Although her pupils are bright red, as if wearing colored contact lenses, this undoubtedly adds a bit of charm.

What's more attractive is her innocent and ignorant demeanor, as if the person in front of her is a little girl who hasn't experienced anything at all. .

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