Doomsday: I have one more keyword than others

Chapter 373 The wind blew the straw hat and buckled the quail

The Imperial Master, Dou Xiu and Shi Ji all came out of the darkness.

Wu Chang and others also crossed the moat and came to them with doubts on their faces.

Duge did not move. He was still observing the battlefield, trying to find any clues, but he could see nothing. Except for Xiang Li and others who fell from the tower, there was no sign of fighting at the scene.

Xiang Li asked: "Lao Gao, what happened? Why did we appear under the city? Wei Jiuchou and others have been here? Where is Du Ge?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"The opponent's skills must erase memories." Gao Ming frowned, and he clicked on his personal panel. "The ranking of the top ten has not changed. Brother Du should go after the enemy."

"What about us?" Ge Zong asked.

"Catch up and have a look!" Gao Ming jumped up and wanted to investigate the situation.

But as soon as he flew up, he fell straight from the sky, and his eyes were closed tightly, as if he was asleep, but his body was still running forward with long strides.

"What happened?" The Imperial Master and others suddenly turned around and looked to the opposite side.

Wei Jiuchou and his group of seven people rushed towards them.

The Imperial Master and others were preparing to fight when they lost control of their bodies, synchronized Wei Jiuchou's movements, and involuntarily rushed towards them face to face.

The six people behind Wei Jiuchou had already drawn their weapons and were just waiting for the handover between the two sides to start harvesting.

"What the hell is this skill?" Ge Zong exclaimed.

"Think of a way quickly." Wu Chang said.

"Where's Brother Du?" Xiang Li shouted in panic.


The enchanting woman said: "Brother Wei, Leng Shi didn't come out."

"Lao Lu, go and lure him out, Xiaofeng. Is Leng Shi still where he was just now?" Wei Jiuchou looked at where Duge was hiding and gave instructions quickly.


The boy of thirteen or fourteen said.

The old man in his seventies who had never spoken to him suddenly turned around and rushed towards Duge's position resolutely.

What the hell?

He was discovered?

Du Ge was shocked. Why was the other party so familiar with their arrangement?

What happened just now?

How does Wei Jiuchou control everyone?

But at this time, the two groups of people had collided with each other, and he could no longer think so much.

You want to lead me out, but I won’t!

Duge ignored the old man who rushed over, and directly affected Wei Jiuchou with a seven-hole touch.

The unprepared Wei Jiuchou was hit on the spot and jumped up with a roar. Gao Ming and others on the opposite side followed suit...

At this time.

The old man named Lao Lu had already rushed in front of Doug. Instead of attacking Doug, he swung his knife towards a row of thick bushes in Doug's hiding place, but how could his speed compare to Doug's.

The moment he swung the knife, Doug's second seven-hole touch had already been sent to his body.


Lao Lu's lower body and head were blown to pieces at the time, and he couldn't even withstand one of Doug's moves, let alone draw Doug out.

When he first killed the old woman with the key to beauty, Duge could easily blow her head off. Now his mental power and attributes have at least doubled. It can be said that he can defeat these novices with no rankings at once.

"old road!"

Wei Jiuchou saw the old man being exploded out of the corner of his eye. His heart was shocked and he immediately sped up, "Feng Chi, kill Yunyao quickly."

When several other people saw Laolu being bombed, their hearts were agitated. They suddenly realized the horror of being the best in the world.

Leng Shi's combat effectiveness is probably as good as Yun Yao's.

The key word of Lao Lu is solidity, acting as a human shield in the team. As a result, Leng Shi was exploded without even showing his face, and he couldn't even sustain a single move.

These people who have never experienced the Seven-hole Touch will never imagine that Doug's Seven-hole Touch works from the inside. No matter how tough a man looks, his valley is still soft...

It can be said.

It was a complete coincidence that Lao Lu was killed in one hit.

"Look up to them."

The death of Lao Lu shocked Doug.

His eyes immediately locked on the few people behind Wei Jiuchou. If he can't touch Wei Jiuchou, how can he not touch you?

In just over two months, how high can your attributes be?

Relying purely on skills without physical support is useless!

Duge had been observing the situation on the field. Wei Jiuchou specifically named Gao Ming, proving that he was afraid of Gao Ming.

Gao Ming never opened his eyes from beginning to end, obviously being controlled by the opponent's skills.

Hit the person controlling Gao Ming first!

Du Ge glanced over, quickly locked on the sleepy guy behind Wei Jiuchou, and sent him out with a seven-hole touch.


There was a muffled sound.

The skinny young man snorted miserably, unable to react at all, and exploded instantly, following in the same footsteps.

Once he dies.

Gao Ming immediately opened his eyes.

"Do it!" Wei Jiuchou's pupils suddenly shrank, he suddenly stretched out his hands and gritted his teeth, "Burn you to death."

Two flames spurted out from his palm, like two fire dragons, swallowing Gao Ming.

"Fire magic?"

Seeing the fire dragon that Wei Jiuchou suddenly sprayed out, Duge's heart skipped a beat.

To be honest, this was the first time he saw another warlock.

But the distant water could not quench the near thirst. Even if he could mobilize the water in the moat, it would be too late to intercept the fire dragon. He could only watch the fire dragon swallow Gao Ming.

Luo Shuang subconsciously covered her eyes.

"Fuck!" Gao Ming was burned and couldn't help but cursed and roared, "Eighteen Swords!"

In an instant.

The sword energy is everywhere.

Once again, it penetrated Wei Jiuchou and others.




Including Wei Jiuchou and others, everyone was pierced by ten thousand swords and died, and they died without closing their eyes. Looking at Gao Ming and others who were close at hand, the expressions of these people were full of unwillingness, and they were only a few steps away.

People who have been hit by Sword Eighteen once will definitely not be able to escape the second time, because the image of Sword Eighteen has been deeply reflected in their minds, and they will think of the power of Sword Eighteen as a conditioned reflex, even if they don't die.


As Dongling closed, Pei Maer swallowed, "Are you crazy? Is this Jian Shiba?"

"Brother Pei, withdraw!" The young man with the broken leg licked his lips, "Wei Jiuchou has lost all seven of us, and there are only two of us..."

"The more powerful Jian Shiba is, the faster they will die." Pei Ma'er was indifferent. He looked at Yun Yao, who was naked and all his clothes were burned off. "This is our chance. I just want to let him die." They kill each other..."

Looking at the people in the city, Pei Maer instantly activated his skills.

Everyone who had just breathed a sigh of relief suddenly turned red.

"Wei Jiuchou, accept your fate, sword eighteen." Gao Ming looked at Xiang Li in front of him, pointed his hand, and shouted loudly.

"Are you afraid of you? Come on!" Xiang Li didn't know what she saw. With red eyes, she opened her clothes at Gao Ming and activated her skills, but even though they shouted fiercely, nothing happened.

In such a chaotic situation, without even being conscious, how could it be possible to trigger the power of the Eighteen Swordsmen?

Wu Chang rushed towards Ge Zong, and Ge Zong did a handstand on the spot. Wu Chang was affected by the skill and immediately somersaulted in front of Ge Zong...

Cao Lin slashed at the Imperial Preceptor with his backhand. Not to be outdone, the Imperial Preceptor drew his sword and fought with Cao Lin. However, as soon as their swords came into contact, they were affected by Ge Zong's skills. The other one bends down to bite his own Kunkun...

Only Dou Xiu and Shi Ji, who were far away, were not affected for the time being. They fought together, using real swords and spears...

"What's going on?" Pei Ma'er was confused, "Where's Jian Shiba?"

"Brother Pei, they didn't hit the skill at all and are they playing tricks on you?" the lame young man asked, "otherwise, with one move of Sword Eighteen, everyone present will be killed in seconds. If Leng Shi dares to lure you out, there will be consequences." Hands..."

"There's something wrong with Jian Shiba." Pei Ma'er looked serious and made a decisive decision, "Let's go."

"Can't leave." With a loud shout, Du Ge was already shot with electricity, and the vine wheel of admonishment rounded and smashed towards Pei Ma'er.

Pei Maer was shocked and blurted out: "How come you weren't controlled?"

But then, he saw Doug with red eyes.

This is a clear sign of being controlled.

Pei Maer was stunned for a moment. Before he could understand what happened, the cane had already hit the arm that was raised to block.


Broken arm!

But Pei Maer couldn't feel the pain. He only felt a heat on his body, the world was spinning, and everyone around him seemed to have disappeared.

There was only Duge left in his eyes, and the person in front of him seemed worthy of all his enthusiasm. Pei Maer couldn't help but stretched out his arms and hugged Duge, but what greeted him was a sharp blow. .

The vine of admonishment hit his temple with fierce wind, and with the huge force, half of his head was swept away...

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