Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 14 I'm not here to escape

At this moment, the system's prompt sounded in his mind.

[Remaining time: 9 hours and 59 minutes]

"Less than ten hours left."

It took two hours to get here underground, tsk.

Qin Feng asked the system in his mind: "System, can I come to this city again after I go back?"

This place is about a thousand kilometers away from his cemetery. When he returns and comes here again, he will probably be exhausted.

[After returning, this place will be marked as having been here by the system, and the probability of being teleported here again is 0.007%]

"Fuck, 0.007%," Qin Feng said in surprise, "That means it is almost impossible for me to come here again after I go back, right?"

[Yes, the host can also come here by human means of transportation. But the host is reminded that if he has that time, he might as well teleport to other places to harvest zombies. In this era, there is no means of transportation that can be used for such long distances. 】

"Then." Qin Feng looked at Chen Qiaoying in front of him, his eyes unconsciously strained, "Can I take people back through the portal?"

[No, only the host, zombie corpses and non-living objects can pass through the portal]

Qin Feng:.

Qin Feng in front of him didn't speak for a long time, but his eyes became sharper and sharper.

Chen Qiaoying looked at him, a little scared by being stared at, and asked: "What's wrong with you? Why don't you speak?"

Qin Feng came back to his senses, looked up at Chen Qiaoying in front of him, and said after a while: "Nothing."

Uh ​​uh uh, ho ho ho.

At this time, more zombies roared outside the door. There was a piece of transparent glass at the door, and you can see outside directly.

Qin Feng pulled Chen Qiaoying to hide aside, and looked out through the glass. Sure enough, at least ten zombies came!

These people are like dog skin ointment, you can't get rid of them, and in order to kill them, they really leave no room.

Looking at the zombies moving slowly outside, with bloody mouths and gray-white eyes

Chen Qiaoying was a little nervous and asked, "What should we do now? This is probably the only exit to the upper level. Can we find another pipe to go up?"

"Is there a pipe here for us to get out?" Qin Feng asked.

At most, there is a vent above, but the vent here is difficult to climb, and no one knows where it leads to.

Even if Chen Qiaoying is familiar with the terrain here, she can't know the arrangement of the internal system here.

"Then, how can we escape?" Chen Qiaoying couldn't help shaking her head and said, "There are so many zombies on this floor. Their group must have opened all the doors. There are hundreds of zombies outside!"

Thinking of those zombies, Chen Qiaoying couldn't help trembling and fear.

"Escape?" Qin Feng chuckled and looked at the zombies outside. A fiery light appeared in his eyes. "Why should we escape? There are so many zombies here. If we run away, we will die after walking a few steps."

"Then, let's hide here. There is no food or water."

"Of course not," Qin Feng laughed, "Let's kill our way out."

"Kill?" Chen Qiaoying was a little surprised. There were more than a dozen zombies here. They only had the small pistol in her hand that was soaked with water.

"Of course I will kill," Qin Feng said as he looked at the zombies outside who had already walked past. "I didn't come to this city to escape."

This passage is constantly flooded with new zombies.

Prison, superstructure, a huge projection room.

In peacetime, this place is a movie projection room for prisoners to relax.

Now it is full of people, all of whom are prisoners imprisoned here, and some survivors who passed by the prison.

In the end of the world, people live here.

And the leader is the fat prisoner boss.

A frivolous, sloppy man walked onto the stage and turned on the projection light.

With a snap, the blue projection light shone onto the screen.

After a while, several small video frames taken by surveillance cameras appeared, which were being broadcast live.

"Friends of Wengcheng Prison!" said the man on the stage, "The happy and joyful zombie gnawing show is about to begin, and this time, fortunately, no one will be thrown out. It's two people who broke into the prison without knowing their own limitations!"

"Now, they are on the negative first floor, and we have put a lot of zombies in!"

"They will be bitten to pieces soon!"

"Are you excited? Are you happy? I know everyone is excited, and everyone must want to see the scene of those two bastards being bitten to pieces!"

"Applause, we will focus on the live broadcast!!"

It seems to be heating up the atmosphere.

Except for a few fanatics who showed excitement on their faces, in fact, the skinny people in the back rows just showed awkward fake smiles and clapped their hands.

They have watched the live broadcast of zombies biting people too many times.

But every time, it was creepy.

The live cameras were all over the prison, and any place could be used as a live broadcast site, as a place for them to watch zombies kill people.

The bloody scene, the chewing sound that could not be shaken off even if they were sleeping late at night.

In this doomsday, really, people's hearts are more terrifying than zombies.

The boss took the lead in clapping, and no one dared not to follow, for fear that they would be the next person to be thrown into the pile of zombies.

The person on the stage said: "Let's not talk too much, let's start the exciting live broadcast!"

Here, Qin Feng saw that it was almost done, and there were about twenty zombies passing by them.

There will probably be a lot of zombies in other places.

"Chen Qiaoying, stay here first," Qin Feng said, "Don't move around by yourself, and don't stick your head out when you hear any sound."

"Where are you going?" Chen Qiaoying quickly grabbed Qin Feng and said, "I want to go with you!"

Qin Feng was a little helpless, turned around and touched Chen Qiaoying's head, and said, "I'm going to do some business, you stay here."

"Then you," Chen Qiaoying looked at Qin Feng, "you will come back, right?"

"You can't leave me so much?" Qin Feng lowered his head and asked.

Chen Qiaoying blushed and said, "No, no."

"You just wait for me here," Qin Feng said, "Don't stick your head out, it will be terrible if the zombies find you here."


"I'm leaving."


Qin Feng turned around: "What's wrong?"

"You must be safe and don't be bitten by zombies." Chen Qiaoying said sincerely.

"Okay, I promise you." Qin Feng said, turned around, and opened the door while the zombies walked by.

The door slammed shut, and the figure disappeared on the small glass window at the door.

Chen Qiaoying sat down slowly and huddled herself in the corner.

She couldn't help but mutter to herself.

"Qin Feng, you must come back. I, I'll wait for you here."

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