Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 22 I Want That Gun

[Ding, the Corpse Hunter Pistol is on cooldown, the time is four and a half minutes]

Qin Feng blinked, and the cooling time was reduced again. It seemed that the longer it was used, the less time it would take.

Withdrawing his pistol, Qin Feng once again wielded his two knives and slashed at the zombies.

Cut, cut, cut, bang, bang, bang.

The sounds of flesh being cut and zombie corpses crashing to the ground echoed one after another.

Qin Feng's eyes were red with fear inside.

At this moment, several people were looking at this side of the stands on the second floor, and the leader was thoughtful.

"Is this the person who killed the swordsman?" Shen Qian touched his chin and asked, "The swordsman has two brushes, but it should be an equipment problem."

The person behind him said: "Brother Sharpshooter, that man's gun is very weird."

The sharpshooter sneered and said, "Sooner or later it will be my equipment."

The people behind him knew the arrogance of the sharpshooter. Ever since the prison organization was established, the sharpshooter had hit all the invincibles.

Even the domineering and powerful swordsman has to give way to the sharp gun.

His marksmanship is extremely accurate, and he knows how to use the terrain and shooting angle to accurately hit enemies far away.

Before, he and the swordsman teamed up to suppress the prison, and no one dared to disobey.

On the surface, everyone calls the prison boss Boss, but in fact, what they are really afraid of is the swordsman and the sharpshooter.

So, several people behind him heard this and complimented him.

"Yeah, that guy is just one person, how could he possibly defeat so many zombies!"

"You little ant is overestimating your capabilities!"

"It just so happens that I didn't see many zombies biting people up there today. Let's take a good look now!"

"Wait until the zombie bites him, then we'll go and shoot his head off with one shot."

The person behind him was talking loudly, and the sharp gun was very useful to such words.

He somewhat understood what the swordsman said before about being interested in knives, and now he was also very interested in the two guns.

When he fired, green flames shot out, like a long dragon. The flames spread out, hitting almost seven or eight zombies, and nearly ten zombies fell directly to the ground.

The scene was chaotic, but the man's figure was flowing smoothly and was not affected by the zombies rushing towards him.

Gunslinger was extremely interested in that gun.

If he had that gun, he could get out of this prison. He was tired of playing the game of being the king in prison. He wanted to go out and see this zombie world.

So he took the rifle, put it on his hand, and said: "Now I give you a task. Kill that person without leaving any room."

"But Brother Sharpshooter, if we kill him now, what will happen to those zombies?"

"Why don't we wait until he is almost killed."

"If the zombies rush up, the consequences will be disastrous."

The sharpshooter turned around and said, "I'm afraid, the hundreds of people imprisoned up there are just decorations. Can't we just throw a few outside and lock them up?"

A few people nodded, indeed.

So, several people spread out, found angles on the second floor that could shoot Qin Feng downstairs, and set up their guns.

Downstairs, Qin Feng shuttled among rounds of zombies. After all, the strength potion could only restore 80% to 90% of the power.

Qin Feng used skill and strategy to harvest the zombies round after round and put them into his pocket.

However, wave after wave, Qin Feng's physical strength is still being consumed.

And just when he was thinking of a solution, the sound of shooting appeared among the roars of the zombies.

The bullets were rushing toward him at extremely high speeds.

Qin Feng had just chopped down a zombie, and black blood spattered out. He turned around to get out of the way, and raised his hand to place the black and gold swords on his right temple.

"Ding!" There was a crisp sound of metal colliding, and the force of the bullet hitting the black gold sword was huge. Qin Feng clenched it hard and just barely managed.

After taking a few steps back, the zombies over there rushed over again. Qin Feng quickly raised his knife to deal with it.

Second floor.

"Didn't you hit it?"

"Fart, I got hit."

"Then why is he not dead? Didn't you forget to hit him on the head?"

"I hit him, and I aimed it at his head!"

The two gunmen kept arguing, while the sharpshooter was thoughtful.

The shot just now was indeed a hit.

However, the man below immediately raised the long knife in his hand, and the shot hit the knife.

Is this person's reaction speed so fast? Or is it an accident?

The sharpshooter doesn't believe in evil. Although the shooting skills of the gunmen who fired are not as good as him, they are not very bad either.

It's impossible to miss such a chaotic scene down there.

So, the sharpshooter personally raised his gun and fired a shot at Qin Feng below.

With a bang, the bullet came out of the barrel, and sparks instantly bloomed at the muzzle.

This angle, this shooting point, was just enough to hit Qin Feng.

Below, Qin Feng, who was wielding a long knife to harvest zombies, heard a gunshot again, and this time, the gunshot came from an extremely tricky direction.

Going forward, there were zombies rushing towards him on the left and right, and he had to hold a knife to fight against them.

There is an open space behind, but there is no cover.

Should I hide forward or backward? left side, right side?

And do you use the knife to kill zombies, or use the knife to block bullets?

This man was sure that no matter what he did, he couldn't dodge bullets very well. In one shot, he could tell the difference between his superiority and inferiority.

The person who fired this shot was actually a clever gun master.

The bullets came so fast that Qin Feng had no time to think. Qin Feng chose to retreat, and with a bang, a zombie that rushed towards his original position was punched through the brain, its brains burst, and it fell in front of him.

And just as he retreated, the sound of the second bullet came, like a quick whistle, about to penetrate his ears.

Qin Feng twisted his body to the limit, twisted his waist and turned over, the bullet passed by his chest, and slid out a dazzling spark on the protective suit.

"Fuck," Qin Feng said, "It hurts so much."

It seems that this is not a solution. He is working hard to kill zombies below, and I don't know which masters or rookies are shooting vigorously above.

Since he wants to participate in the battle so much, what's the point of hiding above.

Why not go up and pull them down and play together.

Qin Feng's face showed a trace of fury, turned around, and formed a 180-degree angle with his waist with two swords. He rushed towards the pile of zombies in a fast rotation.

Passing by a group, all the zombies were cut in half and died, black blood splashed everywhere, Qin Feng moved too fast, and the people above couldn't find the position.

"What is he trying to do?"

"I guess he is speeding up to prevent us from aiming at him?"

"He is at the end of his strength. No matter what, he is still being aimed at by us?"

After a while, Qin Feng disappeared downstairs. Only by relying on the direction of the zombies' roars could they roughly determine where Qin Feng was and what he was doing.

However, the people above gradually discovered that the direction the zombies were looking was upwards, and they were getting closer and closer to them.

That person was approaching them!

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