Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 33 No Living Person Allowed (1)

What they found were the materials Qin Feng had buried.

Several large boxes of fruit, several boxes of fresh ingredients, and mineral water.

Since the zombie virus broke out, these people are trapped in the company and living off the cargo containers in the company.

For two months, the taste of snacks in my mouth has long since faded away.

When I escaped, I was prepared for the dangers of life and death, and I was mentally prepared for the first meal and the next meal.

Now when I see fresh fruit ingredients, even uncooked garlic and green onions are stuffed directly into my mouth.

The three grown men ate around the supplies for a long time, and did not stop until their bellies were round.

As the saying goes, being full and warm makes you think about something, after solving the problem of having enough food.

The middle-aged man's eyes glanced at the unconscious woman named Xiaotong who was leaning against the trunk of the tree over there.

Xiaotong lost too much blood and is not awake yet.

Even a suit skirt couldn't cover her curvy figure, not to mention her slender legs wrapped in black stockings, which were hanging out like this, with the skirt retreating to her thighs.

"Hey," the middle-aged man said, "It's the end of the world anyway, and there's no one else around. We are three men and one woman, so why don't we take Xiaotong?"

They are both men, and the other two understand the middle-aged man's words instantly.

The young man looked embarrassed and said, "Isn't this good? Xiaotong will curse when she wakes up."

Little Glasses pushed up his eyes and said, "I, I don't dare."

The middle-aged man snorted and said with a majestic look: "What are you afraid of? Don't tell me that you usually don't think much of Xiaotong! You usually don't dare to let it go, but now it's the end of the world, and she's unconscious and not romantic. Are you men now?"

The young man and the small glasses looked at each other, it was true.

Xiaotong is recognized as a beauty in the company, and they have some thoughts about her.

The middle-aged man is even worse. He is Xiaotong's boss and has been thinking about it for a long time. Now.

The middle-aged man made the first move, and the other two didn't stop either.

It's the end of the world, isn't it? What's wrong with pampering yourself?

Now, there is neither legal nor moral restraint. Several people have respected Xiaotong enough when they were in the company. Is it wrong for them to ask for some interest back?

Your life is at risk. If you don't indulge once, you won't know when you will die. It will be too late to regret.

This sound is even more pronounced in the silence of the cemetery.

Under such extreme excitement, the originally horrific losses seemed like nothing more than an ordinary backdrop, making people indifferent.

But how can one woman be enough for three people? Little Glasses was the weakest, and he soon discovered that it was not his turn at all.

So I lost interest and lifted my pants and moved them aside.

I was bored, so I walked around the zombie mountain to see if there were any supplies left by others.

However, after he walked around the zombie mountain, he saw something and couldn't help but exclaimed.


The exclamation of the little glasses came from behind the pile of lost things. The middle-aged man stopped for a moment, looked over with squinted eyes and said, "Go over and take a look."

The young man was still waiting, but when the middle-aged man said something, he was a little dazed: "Huh?"

"Go over and see if he's dead." The middle-aged man turned around and continued, "Don't turn into a zombie. If he turns into a zombie, kill him."

The young man had no choice but to lift his pants and pass.

After walking around the zombie hill, I saw Little Glasses slumped on the ground, his eyes trembling as he looked ahead.

"What are you looking at?" the young man said, "Damn, you were so scared that you wet your pants? What the hell."

What appeared in front of everyone were two huge coffins, one solid mahogany coffin with a huge cross on top, and the other coffin was completely transparent and seemed to have a woman lying inside.

"It's just a coffin, why are you so scared?" The young man was furious. He came over holding up his pants and showed him this?

The middle-aged man didn’t know how many times he had come here. These little glasses are so troublesome!

It's such a shame for a man to be so cowardly.

The little glasses stood up tremblingly and said: "No, no, I was just scared all of a sudden. This is a cemetery, this is a pile of zombies, and two coffins suddenly appeared, and I was scared."

The young man sneered disdainfully and looked over. It seemed that there was a woman lying in the crystal coffin.

Across a small mountain of zombies, the voice from the other end could still be heard, irritating the young man.

He subconsciously walked towards the crystal coffin, and Little Glasses slowly got up and followed him.

As soon as the two people approached, they couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

"This woman is so beautiful." Xiao Yan couldn't help but swallowed.

The young man also swallowed, his Adam's apple rolled, and said: "Indeed, so beautiful. It's just a dead person, but it's so beautiful."

"It's such a pity that she is so beautiful to death?"

"Oh, you have a good figure too."

"It seems to be a public official, wearing a uniform, tsk tsk tsk."

"Was it dug out of a tomb?"

At this moment, the middle-aged man over there seemed to have reached the peak of his life, and he kept roaring and moving even louder.

After hearing this, the two of them blushed.

"It looks like she hasn't been dead for long," the young man said, his mouth a little dry. "The elasticity of her skin should be okay."

The little glasses man looked at the young man in surprise and asked: "You, what do you want to do?"

"Give me a hand," said the young man, "and push this coffin away."

"You are crazy, this is a dead person." Little Glasses said.

However, the sound from the middle-aged man was incessant, and the two could not ignore it at all.

"Hurry up!" The young man said with bloodshot eyes, "It's the end of the world, no matter if she is dead or alive, as long as she is not rotten, just go."

Little Glasses still didn't dare to move. He was already very scared to move Xiaotong. He has been a timid man since he was a child.

Now the young man said he wanted to move this, he couldn't accept it, so he shrank there and didn't dare to move at all.

The young man couldn't help it and wanted to push open the lid of the crystal coffin.

However, just as he touched the crystal coffin, a very cold and icy breath emanated from the crystal coffin, quickly and fiercely, and quickly wrapped around the young man's hand.

A strong stinging pain drilled into the palm of the young man.

"Ah!" The young man was bounced away by the stinging cold air and looked at the crystal coffin in horror.

What's going on?

"Ah!" At this time, the little glasses behind him screamed again.

The young man turned around impatiently and yelled: "Wcnm, can you stop being so startled? It's so annoying!"

The man with glasses pointed to the cross coffin a few steps away from the crystal coffin with a trembling hand and said: "No, no, look over there. Just now, the coffin with the cross on it was closed, right?"

The young man looked over and found that the cross coffin next to it had been opened at some point.

And there was nothing inside.

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