Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 74 This Strange Cemetery

Outside the cemetery, the sea of ​​flowers is in full bloom, and the enchanting red color looks like floating blood against the huge black willow trees.

There seems to be a bloody smell.

Behind the sea of ​​flowers is the endless green fog wall. It is called fog, but it looks like fire.

It makes people wonder whether a soul-catching rope will be extended from the green fog wall in the next second to hook the lives of all the living people.

The green fog surrounds a circle and gathers around a door surrounded by prosperous and ancient patterns. The door closes quietly without any sound.

When Professor Wei and the suit man and his group just went up to the cemetery, they were shocked by this enchanting scene.

The suit man was amazed: "This, this looks like hell."

Professor Wei pushed his yellowed glasses and said: "This place is really special."

These things look a bit unnatural, and that door, can't it be the door to hell?

"You go in and take a look," Professor Wei said, "I think there must be something powerful behind this."

The suit man was also curious, and he ordered two soldiers to go and check.

Two soldiers walked along a path in the sea of ​​flowers. The flowers around them swayed gently with the wind, and the branches of the black willow trees also swayed gently.

They walked very fast at first, but gradually walked very slowly.

Because every step they took, they could smell a strong smell of blood and rot. The black willow branches swaying in the wind were like a woman's hair, and there seemed to be a pair of eyes staring at them from behind.

They were staring at them with horror.

Finally, they came to the door. The door was too big, and it seemed that a layer of blood plasma was condensed on the door.

And the gap in the door was not empty, and blue flames flowed slowly and quietly.

"What the hell is this door?" Soldier A couldn't help swallowing his saliva. Looking at this door, he began to feel numb on his back.

Soldier B also took a small step back unconsciously and said, "I don't know, I, I feel that this door is not simple."

"How about we push it open and try?" Soldier A said, "You support me from the side to prevent any monsters from rushing out from inside."

The two of them were already used to the scene of several zombies rushing out when the door was opened in the end times.

Soldier B nodded and stood aside with a gun.

Soldier A swallowed his saliva, raised his hand and slowly touched the door, his fingertips trembling slightly.

It seemed that there was a surging flame inside, but the closer to the door, the colder it was, as if there was an extremely cold place behind.

Professor Wei watched the actions of the two soldiers across the sea of ​​flowers, with his hands behind his back, and his slightly yellowed glasses collapsed a little bit.

However, just as Soldier A expected, he pushed the door open and quickly retreated, fired quickly, and so on.

At the moment when his fingers touched the door, the blue flames actually rushed up his hand like an awakened elf.

"Ugh, ah! Ah!!" Soldier A immediately screamed and tried to put out the flames.

However, before he could take the next step, these blue flames quickly spread all over his body like wildfire.

It engulfed his arms, his body, and finally rose to his entire head.


"Ah ah ah!!"

Soldier A kept screaming, and his whole body turned into a blue fire man, screaming wildly and rushing towards Soldier B.

Soldier B was stunned and subconsciously raised his gun to shoot him!

When the bullet touched Soldier A, in an instant, Soldier A's voice disappeared, and his whole body exploded in an instant like a burning flint bag.

The bullet penetrated and hit the space behind directly, and disappeared.

At the moment of the explosion, small blue flame particles flew all over and even flew onto Soldier B.

Soldier B didn't have time to react, and the blue flame continued to burn from the place where the small particles were on fire.

In just three seconds, he was also engulfed in a sea of ​​fire.

Across the sea of ​​flowers, everyone was stunned. They had never seen such a scene before!

"Save me! Ah!!!"


The burning soldier B trembled and walked towards the crowd, but unfortunately he didn't take a few steps before he exploded.

The particles burning with blue flames were flying everywhere.

Although they were far away, everyone still took a step back unconsciously, watching the blue flames gradually extinguished in the sea of ​​flowers, and they were shocked.

"What is going on here?" The man in the suit was so scared that his mouth was dry. "Is this hell?"

The tail tone was trembling. This is the end of the world. What kind of horrible scene have they not seen.

Even if their relatives kneeled on the ground and ate another relative, they had seen it before.

But the scene that just happened in front of them stunned them all.

"Professor Wei, Professor Wei!" The man in the suit hurried over and pulled Professor Wei over, saying, "Let's leave here quickly. It looks too dangerous here. We don't know what's inside!"

The circle of flowers and the willow tree outside are already very strange. This door is also very scary. I'm afraid there is something more terrifying than zombies inside!

"Why are you leaving!" Professor Wei did not show any fear, but instead showed a hint of excitement from the bottom of his eyes, "This is simply a Feng Shui treasure land!!"

"Feng, Feng Shui treasure land?" The man in the suit widened his eyes. What is this old man talking about!

He pointed here and said: "Professor Wei, it's not that I'm disrespectful to you. It's so weird here. Look at this door, it changes like this when you touch it! These flowers and that tree all look weird. It’s like seeing my coffin board!”

"Let's go quickly!"

"We can't stay here, Professor Wei!!!"

Professor Wei slapped the man in suit's hand away and said: "Hey, young man, what do you know! Why is this not a Feng Shui treasure land? This door is so weird. Will it explode like this when zombies or something else touch it? Then one of them will be burned to death. One, they soon self-destructed?"

The man in the suit was stunned and said no more.

Professor Wei continued: "We still don't know what is behind here, but with this kind of facility here, it is a natural defense treasure! If, I say if, we can live in it and study things about life and survival in it Go down, do you think zombies can disturb us?"

The man in the suit's eyes gradually darkened, Professor Wei was right.

Isn't the most important thing in this doomsday a place to stay? I don’t know what kind of device this is. It looks so powerful. If it can be used to stop zombies.

Then, they will have no worries in this life.

"You are right," the man in the suit said quickly, "but how do we get in? We can't even get close now."

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