Da Zhuang's face was bloody, and he laughed contemptuously.

He thought: "Psycho, blocking the gun with your hand? I'll beat you to pieces!"

However, when he pulled the trigger, the bullet could not be fired, and it exploded directly!

With a muffled bang, the gun exploded, and Da Zhuang's hand holding the trigger was directly blown to pieces.


"Ah!!!" Da Zhuang cried out in pain and dropped the gun.

Qin Feng stepped forward to help him with the other hand.

Da Zhuang screamed like a pig being slaughtered again, and Qin Feng kicked his collar and jumped onto the tree.

"You, what do you want to do?" Da Zhuang's hands were bloody.

Several zombies that arrived fluttered under the tree, constantly roaring, trying to jump up and bite people.

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Take out your organs one by one. In your desperate eyes, crush them one by one."

Da Zhuang broke out in a cold sweat: "You, when did you hear it?"

This man had just appeared, and he was not next to them just now.

"Obviously you, obviously you were not next to us." Da Zhuang trembled. This man led him with one hand and jumped onto the tree. It was too scary. "Are you a human or a ghost? Did you release the zombies!?"

"I have always been by your side." Qin Feng said.

His eyes became sharp. He held Da Zhuang in one hand and raised the black and gold long knife. He did not kill Da Zhuang directly.

But he stabbed him in the abdomen.

The tree threw organs one after another, and blood flowed down the trunk. The zombies below became more crazy.

Qin Feng threw the half-dead Da Zhuang down and calmly watched him being besieged and bitten by zombies. He was so weak that he couldn't even scream.

Squinting his eyes and looking around, these zombies couldn't run away.

However, there is still one person missing here.

Qin Feng stared at the bottom of the mountain, jumped off the tree, and ran down the mountain before the zombies could react.

The man in the suit ran down the mountain. There were still a few soldiers watching the armored vehicle below. Seeing him coming down, they were still panicking.

He hurriedly went up to ask what happened.

The man in the suit hurriedly said: "Don't worry about it, leave now. There is something wrong up there."

Several people showed a look of fear on their faces. After all, it is the end of the world now. If something goes wrong, it means that the zombies are attacking.

They didn't have time to ask anything. The plan was to define the mutant zombies as soon as possible.

Then hurry up and leave!

Those mutant zombies are not something that people can resist!

He hurriedly got on the armored vehicle, and didn't care about the remaining few. He drove away directly.

A rumbling sound sounded, and the armored vehicle was already on the road.

The man in the suit sat in the back seat, and there was a transparent glass window behind him to see outside.

As soon as he turned around, he saw Qin Feng, who had just come down the mountain, holding two knives, with blood dripping from the tips of the knives.

He stood there and watched them gradually go away.

He was out of breath and laughed like he was dying: "Damn, luckily I run fast."

The man in the suit swallowed his saliva, turned his head and said: "Drive quickly and leave here."


This man is quite strong. He was able to rush out and chase him with so many people attacking him.

But it's a pity that he has already got on the car.

No matter how fast this man is, he can't be as fast as the car. He can't catch up with the car.

Fortunately, he was smart and blocked it with those garbage.

However, just a few seconds after the man in the suit was proud, a loud noise suddenly sounded on the armored vehicle.

With a bang, a dent was smashed on the entire armored vehicle.

Then, before everyone could react, a long knife broke through directly from the top.

This kind of car is not used for combat, but it is stronger than ordinary off-road vehicles.

But can the roof be broken in like this?

"Ah!" The man in the suit was shocked.

This, this is the man's knife.

Impossible, the armored vehicle has already started to move, although the mountain road can't be very fast.

But it's impossible for that man to catch up with the armored vehicle directly, and jump directly on the armored vehicle.

This is impossible!

But in front of him, the long knife that slowly cuts the roof of the car has already explained everything.

The man in the suit shouted hurriedly: "Shoot, shoot him! No matter what it is, shoot!"

The soldiers who were shocked by the scene in front of them quickly fired, and bullets came out of the barrel, sweeping the roof of the car.

The long knife was pulled out instantly, and the vibration on the roof of the car was transferred from the middle part to the side of the car, and then disappeared.

The roof of the car was instantly turned into a hornet's nest.

"Hit, hit?" A soldier asked in a daze, he hadn't reacted yet.

The man in the suit looked at the scene in front of him and breathed a sigh of relief. He was probably hit and then fell off.

"Hahaha, fight with me!" The man in the suit actually had a strong urge to urinate. If Qin Feng attacked, he might have urinated.

"You really think you're great with two knives."

"You can't be killed by falling."

However, in the next second, a knife went through the glass window behind the man in the suit, pierced through the back of his head, and pierced his eyeball.

Several soldiers screamed, and drew their long knives. The man in the suit fell down instantly, dead.

"Drive, drive!"

"Get rid of him!"

"He's a murderous devil!"


There was a lot of shouting in the car, and the driver continued to drive. Now he couldn't tell which way he came from.

He drove directly to wherever there was a road, regardless of the road conditions ahead.

The next second, their tires seemed to hit something, and with a bang, they were cut and leaked.

The entire high-speed armored vehicle lost its balance, and suddenly swung to the side of the road and hit the rocks beside it.

The huge impact broke the fuel tank, and sparks flew.


The armored vehicle exploded, and the flames shot up into the sky.

In the night, it was like a firework that exploded, very beautiful.

In the distance, Qin Feng put away his pistol with a cold look in his eyes.

Turning back to the cemetery, there were still zombies biting and harvesting.

There was a huhuhuhu sound above his head, and Qin Feng looked up and saw a black dot passing by in the distance.

It was a helicopter.

In the night sky, a red dot flashed and passed by quickly.

Qin Feng squinted and watched the helicopter go away.

At the high-level meeting of Ark Spiral Company, more than a dozen people with virtual projections gathered together to watch the live broadcast on TV.

The exploded armored vehicle and the unharmed man in black.

This is a virtual conference room, and the people inside are all regional leaders of the Ark Spiral Company.

There are only three real people on the scene.

From Qin Feng killing people, to cutting the zombie cage to release the zombies, and finally the operation of the armored vehicle, all were broadcast live through the helicopter that was originally sent to deliver supplies.

Looking at the screen, everyone fell into deep thought.

At this time, one of the real people said: "I wonder if you are interested in this cemetery and this person who should be the gravekeeper after seeing these things?"

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